8 research outputs found

    Solution Sets for Inverse Non-Cooperative Linear-Quadratic Differential Games

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    This letter addresses the inverse problem of differential games, where the aim is to compute cost functions which lead to observed Nash equilibrium trajectories. The solution of this problem allows the generation of a model for inferring the intent of several agents interacting with each other. We present a method to find all cost functions which lead to the same Nash equilibrium in an infinite-horizon LQ differential game. The approach relies on a reformulation of the coupled matrix Riccati equations which arise out of necessary and sufficient conditions for Nash equilibria. Furthermore, based on our findings, we present an approach to compute a solution given a set of observed state and control trajectories. Our results highlight properties of feedback Nash equilibria in LQ differential games and provide an efficient approach for the estimation of cost function matrices in such a scenario

    Inverse Open-Loop Noncooperative Differential Games and Inverse Optimal Control

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    We consider the problem of computing parameters of player cost functionals such that given state and control trajectories constitute an open-loop Nash equilibrium for a noncooperative differential game. We propose two methods for solving this inverse differential game problem and novel conditions under which our methods compute unique cost-functional parameters. Our conditions are analogous to persistence of excitation conditions in adaptive control and parameter estimation. The efficacy of our methods is illustrated in simulations

    Cooperative Shared Control Driver Assistance Systems Based on Motion Primitives and Differential Games

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    Kooperative Regelungskonzepte auf Basis der Spieltheorie und deren Anwendung auf Fahrerassistenzsysteme

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    Cooperative control loops in which human and a technical automation system perform a control task in close cooperation are investigated. A control framework is proposed which is based on a formal description of the cooperative control problem. The main idea of the control algorithm is to solve a differential game on a sliding horizon. The concept has been applied to design two cooperative advanced driver-assistance systems. One for the longitudinal driving task, one for the lateral driving task

    Kooperative Regelungskonzepte auf Basis der Spieltheorie und deren Anwendung auf Fahrerassistenzsysteme

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    Diese Arbeit betrachtet Regelkreise, in denen die Regelaufgabe von Menschen und maschinellen Reglern gemeinsam ausgefĂĽhrt wird. FĂĽr diese maschinellen Regler wird systematisch ein formalisiertes Regelkonzept abgeleitet. Ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit besteht in der Entwicklung von Algorithmen fĂĽr die Implementierung. Als Anwendungsbeispiel werden zwei kooperative Fahrerassistenzsysteme vorgestellt. Am Fahrsimulator durchgefĂĽhrte Studien zeigen eine deutliche Verbesserung des Fahrverhaltens aber auch des Kraftstoffverbrauchs