723 research outputs found

    Cooperative intersection control based on virtual platooning

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    This paper proposes a cooperative intersection control strategy, which aims to decrease the number of accidents and to increase the traffic flow at intersections. Existing high-level automation methodologies mainly focus on the determination of a safe crossing sequence of the involved vehicles, typically ignoring realistic vehicle dynamics aspects. The solution proposed in this paper, referred to as cooperative intersection control (CIC), takes into account the dynamics of the vehicles and is based on the novel concept of virtual platooning. Virtual platooning allows to form platoons of vehicles that are in different lanes of the intersection and have different directional intentions. Herewith, both safe passage of the vehicles through the intersection and a high intersection throughput (due to close "virtual" vehicle following) can be achieved. The performance of the proposed strategy is assessed, and a comparison between the CIC and an intersection controlled with traffic lights is presented.</p

    Cooperative Intersection Control Based on Virtual Platooning

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    Cooperative intersection control for autonomous vehicles

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    Self-driving cars crossing road intersection

    Energy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck Platooning

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    This open access book presents research and evaluation results of the Austrian flagship project “Connecting Austria,” illustrating the wide range of research needs and questions that arise when semi-automated truck platooning is deployed in Austria. The work presented is introduced in the context of work in similar research areas around the world. This interdisciplinary research effort considers aspects of engineering, road-vehicle and infrastructure technologies, traffic management and optimization, traffic safety, and psychology, as well as potential economic effects. The book’s broad perspective means that readers interested in current and state-of-the-art methods and techniques for the realization of semi-automated driving and with either an engineering background or with a less technical background gain a comprehensive picture of this important subject. The contributors address many questions such as: Which maneuvers does a platoon typically have to carry out, and how? How can platoons be integrated seamlessly in the traffic flow without becoming an obstacle to individual road users? What trade-offs between system information (sensors, communication effort, etc.) and efficiency are realistic? How can intersections be passed by a platoon in an intelligent fashion? Consideration of diverse disciplines and highlighting their meaning for semi-automated truck platooning, together with the highlighting of necessary research and evaluation patterns to address such a broad task scientifically, makes Energy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck Platooning a unique contribution with methods that can be extended and adapted beyond the geographical area of the research reported

    Adapting the Virtual Platooning Concept to Roundabout Crossing

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    International audienc

    MAVEN Deliverable 6.4: Integration Final Report

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    This document presents the work that has been performed in WP6 after D6.3, and therefore focussing on the integration sprints 3-6. It describes which parts of the system are implemented and how they are put together. To do so, it builds upon the deliverables created so far, esp. D6.3 and all other deliverables of the underlying work packages 3, 4 and 5. Another important aspect for understanding the content of this deliverable is D2.1 [4] for the scenario definition of the whole MAVEN project, and the deliverables D6.1 [5] and D6.2 [6], which give an overview on the existing infrastructure and vehicles used in MAVEN

    Cooperative control of autonomous connected vehicles from a Networked Control perspective: Theory and experimental validation

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    Formation control of autonomous connected vehicles is one of the typical problems addressed in the general context of networked control systems. By leveraging this paradigm, a platoon composed by multiple connected and automated vehicles is represented as one-dimensional network of dynamical agents, in which each agent only uses its neighboring information to locally control its motion, while it aims to achieve certain global coordination with all other agents. Within this theoretical framework, control algorithms are traditionally designed based on an implicit assumption of unlimited bandwidth and perfect communication environments. However, in practice, wireless communication networks, enabling the cooperative driving applications, introduce unavoidable communication impairments such as transmission delay and packet losses that strongly affect the performances of cooperative driving. Moreover, in addition to this problem, wireless communication networks can suffer different security threats. The challenge in the control field is hence to design cooperative control algorithms that are robust to communication impairments and resilient to cyber attacks. The work aim is to tackle and solve these challenges by proposing different properly designed control strategies. They are validated both in analytical, numerical and experimental ways. Obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the strategies in coping with communication impairments and security vulnerabilities