68 research outputs found

    Cooperative coevolution of control for a real multirobot system

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    The potential of cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) as a tool for evolving control for heterogeneous multirobot teams has been shown in several previous works. The vast majority of these works have, however, been confined to simulation-based experiments. In this paper, we present one of the first demonstrations of a real multirobot system, operating outside laboratory conditions, with controllers synthesised by CCEAs. We evolve control for an aquatic multirobot system that has to perform a cooperative predator-prey pursuit task. The evolved controllers are transferred to real hardware, and their performance is assessed in a non-controlled outdoor environment. Two approaches are used to evolve control: a standard fitness-driven CCEA, and novelty-driven coevolution. We find that both approaches are able to evolve teams that transfer successfully to the real robots. Novelty-driven coevolution is able to evolve a broad range of successful team behaviours, which we test on the real multirobot system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Cooperative coevolution of morphologically heterogeneous robots

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    Morphologically heterogeneous multirobot teams have shown significant potential in many applications. While cooperative coevolutionary algorithms can be used for synthesising controllers for heterogeneous multirobot systems, they have been almost exclusively applied to morphologically homogeneous systems. In this paper, we investigate if and how cooperative coevolutionary algorithms can be used to evolve behavioural control for a morphologically heterogeneous multirobot system. Our experiments rely on a simulated task, where a ground robot with a simple sensor-actuator configuration must cooperate tightly with a more complex aerial robot to find and collect items in the environment. We first show how differences in the number and complexity of skills each robot has to learn can impair the effectiveness of cooperative coevolution. We then show how coevolution’s effectiveness can be improved using incremental evolution or novelty-driven coevolution. Despite its limitations, we show that coevolution is a viable approach for synthesising control for morphologically heterogeneous systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novelty-driven cooperative coevolution

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    Cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) rely on multiple coevolving populations for the evolution of solutions composed of coadapted components. CCEAs enable, for instance, the evolution of cooperative multiagent systems composed of heterogeneous agents, where each agent is modelled as a component of the solution. Previous works have, however, shown that CCEAs are biased toward stability: the evolutionary process tends to converge prematurely to stable states instead of (near-)optimal solutions. In this study, we show how novelty search can be used to avoid the counterproductive attraction to stable states in coevolution. Novelty search is an evolutionary technique that drives evolution toward behavioural novelty and diversity rather than exclusively pursuing a static objective. We evaluate three novelty-based approaches that rely on, respectively (1) the novelty of the team as a whole, (2) the novelty of the agents’ individual behaviour, and (3) the combination of the two. We compare the proposed approaches with traditional fitness-driven cooperative coevolution in three simulated multirobot tasks. Our results show that team-level novelty scoring is the most effective approach, significantly outperforming fitness-driven coevolution at multiple levels. Novelty-driven cooperative coevolution can substantially increase the potential of CCEAs while maintaining a computational complexity that scales well with the number of populations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novel approaches to cooperative coevolution of heterogeneous multiagent systems

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2017Heterogeneous multirobot systems are characterised by the morphological and/or behavioural heterogeneity of their constituent robots. These systems have a number of advantages over the more common homogeneous multirobot systems: they can leverage specialisation for increased efficiency, and they can solve tasks that are beyond the reach of any single type of robot, by combining the capabilities of different robots. Manually designing control for heterogeneous systems is a challenging endeavour, since the desired system behaviour has to be decomposed into behavioural rules for the individual robots, in such a way that the team as a whole cooperates and takes advantage of specialisation. Evolutionary robotics is a promising alternative that can be used to automate the synthesis of controllers for multirobot systems, but so far, research in the field has been mostly focused on homogeneous systems, such as swarm robotics systems. Cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) are a type of evolutionary algorithm that facilitate the evolution of control for heterogeneous systems, by working over a decomposition of the problem. In a typical CCEA application, each agent evolves in a separate population, with the evaluation of each agent depending on the cooperation with agents from the other coevolving populations. A CCEA is thus capable of projecting the large search space into multiple smaller, and more manageable, search spaces. Unfortunately, the use of cooperative coevolutionary algorithms is associated with a number of challenges. Previous works have shown that CCEAs are not necessarily attracted to the global optimum, but often converge to mediocre stable states; they can be inefficient when applied to large teams; and they have not yet been demonstrated in real robotic systems, nor in morphologically heterogeneous multirobot systems. In this thesis, we propose novel methods for overcoming the fundamental challenges in cooperative coevolutionary algorithms mentioned above, and study them in multirobot domains: we propose novelty-driven cooperative coevolution, in which premature convergence is avoided by encouraging behavioural novelty; and we propose Hyb-CCEA, an extension of CCEAs that places the team heterogeneity under evolutionary control, significantly improving its scalability with respect to the team size. These two approaches have in common that they take into account the exploration of the behaviour space by the evolutionary process. Besides relying on the fitness function for the evaluation of the candidate solutions, the evolutionary process analyses the behaviour of the evolving agents to improve the effectiveness of the evolutionary search. The ultimate goal of our research is to achieve general methods that can effectively synthesise controllers for heterogeneous multirobot systems, and therefore help to realise the full potential of this type of systems. To this end, we demonstrate the proposed approaches in a variety of multirobot domains used in previous works, and we study the application of CCEAs to new robotics domains, including a morphological heterogeneous system and a real robotic system.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011

    Evolutionary Robotics

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    Evolution of Swarm Robotics Systems with Novelty Search

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    Novelty search is a recent artificial evolution technique that challenges traditional evolutionary approaches. In novelty search, solutions are rewarded based on their novelty, rather than their quality with respect to a predefined objective. The lack of a predefined objective precludes premature convergence caused by a deceptive fitness function. In this paper, we apply novelty search combined with NEAT to the evolution of neural controllers for homogeneous swarms of robots. Our empirical study is conducted in simulation, and we use a common swarm robotics task - aggregation, and a more challenging task - sharing of an energy recharging station. Our results show that novelty search is unaffected by deception, is notably effective in bootstrapping the evolution, can find solutions with lower complexity than fitness-based evolution, and can find a broad diversity of solutions for the same task. Even in non-deceptive setups, novelty search achieves solution qualities similar to those obtained in traditional fitness-based evolution. Our study also encompasses variants of novelty search that work in concert with fitness-based evolution to combine the exploratory character of novelty search with the exploitatory character of objective-based evolution. We show that these variants can further improve the performance of novelty search. Overall, our study shows that novelty search is a promising alternative for the evolution of controllers for robotic swarms.Comment: To appear in Swarm Intelligence (2013), ANTS Special Issue. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    A Comparative Evaluation of Methods for Evolving a Cooperative Team

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