5 research outputs found

    Some ICT Systems for Increasing Occupational Safety with a Reference to the Seaport Environment

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    The paper presents some commercial ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions for increasing workers’ safety in invasive environments (e.g., steel industry, mining, construction, oil and gas rigs, seaports, etc.). It has been pointed to the need to increase safety measures, primarily because of the necessity to protect human lives and health, as well as to increase productivity and reduce the costs, which companies and insurance agencies have to cover in the case of accidents. The article also briefly describes some alternative solutions that have been examined at the level of simulations, in accordance to the actual needs and available resources at the Port of Bar (South Adriatic Sea). This seaport has been operating during the decades in the transitional conditions and it has been permanently faced with the impediments in providing sophisticated and expensive ICT solutions for occupational safety purposes

    Smart ports: towards a high performance, increased productivity, and a better environment

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    Ports are currently competing fiercely for capital and global investments in order to improve revenues, mostly by improving performance and lowering labor costs. Smart ports are a fantastic approach to realize these elements since they integrate information and communication technologies within smart applications, ultimately contributing to port management improvement. This leads to greater performance and lower operational expenses. As a result, several ports in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America have gone smart. However, there are a lot of critical factors to consider when automating port operations, such as greenhouse gas emissions, which have reached alarming proportions. The purpose of this study is to define the most essential tasks conducted by smart ports, such as the smart ship industry, smart gantry and quayside container cranes, transport automation, smart containers, and energy efficiency. Furthermore, it gives a model of the smart port concept and highlights the critical current technologies on which the ports are based. Each technology’s most significant contributions to its development are noted. This technology is compared to more traditional technologies. It is hoped that this effort would pique the curiosity of fresh researchers in this sector

    A study of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Dublin Port in conjunction with the Intelligent Transport for Dynamic Environment (InTraDE) Project

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    In the last four decades the container as an essential part of a unit load-concept has achieved authentic importance in international sea freight transportation. With ever increasing containerization the number of port container terminals and competition among them has become quite remarkable. Port container operations are nowadays unthinkable without effective and efficient use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) (Steenken & Stahlbock, 2004). The main problem in handling increasing levels of cargo is managing the internal traffic and optimizing space inside smaller and medium sized ports. A gap exists between automated cargo handling equipment that is suitable for use in the larger container terminals such as Rotterdam and its suitability in smaller terminals such as Dublin. A new generation of cargo handling technology has been designed in the form of an Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle (IAV). The IAV is a clean, safe, intelligent vehicle which will contribute to improving the traffic management and space optimization inside confined space by developing a clean, safe and intelligent transport system. This technology has been designed and developed as part of the ‘InTraDE’ (Intelligent Transport for Dynamic Environment) project to which the research has contributed. By using ITSs, logistics operations could be improved by enhancing the exchange of information and real-time status updates regarding different business operations in different modes of transportation (Schumacher et al., 2011). Maritime transport has recently gained increased attention, especially in connection to the building and further development of ITS (Pietrzykowski, 2010). This research looks at the main logistic processes and operations in port container terminals. It discusses the extent to which the terminal shipping operators in Dublin Port currently meet the demands of their customers and whether the introduction of ITS could enhance the efficiency and productivity of such services

    Estudio sobre el avance del conocimiento en la automatización de las terminales portuarias de contenedores

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    [ES] Dada la alta competitividad del sector portuario, asi como la alta especializacion de los traficos, se intenta dar un valor an~adido a los clientes, y en especial a las navieras, que buscan tiempos de estancia bajos para poder maximizar la rentabilidad del buque. Por otro lado, y centrandose en el trafico de contenedores maritimos, los operadores de las terminales buscan una eficiencia en las operaciones, y en algunos casos, ademas, un aumento de la capacidad. Actualmente existe una tendencia de llevar a cabo la consecucion de los objetivos anteriores a partir de la automatizacion de la terminal. Esta tendencia de automatizacion ha crecido muy rapidamente desde la apertura en 1993 de la primera terminal de este tipo. Es por ello, que, este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la evolucion de estas, enfocandose en los avances mas recientes, teniendo varias perspectivas. En primer lugar, se examina el avance en los distintos elementos que componen la terminal de contenedores automatizada, para posteriormente ver que problemas se han resuelto en el ambito academico. Finalmente se realizara un analisis de las terminales automatizadas y semiautomatizadas existentes.[CA] Donada l'alta competitivitat del sector portuari, aixi com l'alta especialitzacio dels tra`nsits, s'intenta donar un valor afegit als clients, i especialment a les navilieres, que busquen temps d'estada baixos per a poder maximitzar la rendibilitat del vaixell. D'altra banda, i centrant-se en el tra`nsit de contenidors maritims, els operadors de les terminals busquen una eficie`ncia en les operacions, i en alguns casos, a mes, un augment de la capacitat. Actualment existeix una tende`ncia de dur a terme la consecucio dels objectius anteriors a partir de l'automatitzacio de la terminal. Aquesta tende`ncia d'automatitzacio ha crescut molt ra`pidament des de l'obertura en 1993 de la primera terminal d'aquest tipus. Es per aixo`, que, aquest treball te com a objectiu estudiar l'evolucio d'aquestes, enfocant-se en els avancos mes recents, tenint diverses perspectives. En primer lloc, s'examina l'avanc en els diferents elements que componen la terminal de contenidors automatitzada, per a posteriorment veure quins problemes s'han resolt en l'a`mbit acade`mic. Finalment es realitzara` una ana`lisi de les terminals automatitzades i semiautomatitzades existents.[EN] The high competitiveness of port industry coupled with the specialization of maritime have resulted in rising the added value they place toward customers. The ones most affected are usually the shipping companies which seek short turnarounds to maximize the ship's cost-efficiency. Furthermore, -and focusing in the traffic of containers- terminal operator's aim is to ensure operations are efficient, and in some cases, to increase capacity. Current trends try to accomplish both goals with the automation of port container terminals. That trend of automation has rapidly expanded since its inception in 1993. This project will therefore study the evolution of said innovations, centring itself in the progress achieved recently. Firstly, this paper will discuss the evolution of the various elements that compose an automated terminal. Secondly, all problems present within said elements and already solved by the academia will be examined. Finally, an analysis of all existing automated and semi-automates terminals will be done.Baviera García, M. (2019). Estudio sobre el avance del conocimiento en la automatización de las terminales portuarias de contenedores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/131784Archivo delegad

    Modelling the structure of intermodal transport terminals

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    Ekonomski razvoj, globalizacija, demografske promene, tehnološki razvoj, klimatske promene itd. generišu sve kompleksnije zahteve u oblastima logistike i transporta, kao jednog od podsistema logistike, i dovode do veoma raznovrsnih zahteva za transportom robe uz zadovoljenje visokih očekivanja svih učesnika, primenu savremenih tehnoloških rešenja i poštovanje načela održivog razvoja. Jedan od preduslova za zadovoljenje ovih zahteva jeste intenzivni razvoj i primena intermodalnog transporta, pri čemu je adekvatno planiranje i razvoj intermodalnih terminala, kao jednog od ključnih podsistema intermodalnog transporta, od presudnog značaja. Ovo je bio glavni motiv za izbor teme ove disertacije koja se bavi modeliranjem terminala intermodalnog transporta, procenom njihove efikasnosti i izborom efikasnih tipičnih struktura terminala u zavisnosti od širokog skupa zahteva, ciljeva i faktora. Cilj disertacije je bio dokazati da: efikasnost terminala intermodalnog transporta zavisi od različitih elemenata za definisanje strukture; adekvatno strukturiranje terminala zahteva analizu uticaja velikog broja različitih faktora koji opisuju društveno-privredno okruženje, zahteve logističkih tokova i razvojne karakteristike sistema;. efikasnost terminala zavisi od faktora koji utiču na njihovo strukturiranje i koji su prisutni u različitim kombinacijama i sa različitim intenzitetom i obimom; postojeći modeli i metode za planiranje terminala intermodalnog transporta u obzir uzimaju samo pojedine aspekte strukturiranja i ne sagledavaju problem na sveobuhvatan način koji u obzir uzima različite uticaje i faktore; kombinovanjem elemenata za definisanje strukture terminala mogu se dobiti potencijalne strukture terminala, čija se efikasnost može odrediti na osnovu karakteristika veza koje postoje između elemenata strukture i identifikovanih tipičnih struktura. U disertaciji su definisani i opisani sistem intermodalnog transporta i svi njegovi podsistemi, elementi za definisanje strukture terminala intermodalnog transporta, faktori koji utiču na elemente za definisanje strukture, kao i zahtevi i ciljevi interesnih grupa koje učestvuju u intermodalnom transportu. Izvršeno je vrednovanje i rangiranje elemenata strukture i izbor ključnih elemenata na osnovu kojih su definisane tipične strukture terminala i izvršeno njihovo grupisanje. Na osnovu opsežnog istraživanja i prikupljenih podataka o 180 intermodalnih terminala u Evropi izvršen je izbor efikasnih tipičnih struktura. Na osnovu identifikovanih veza između elemenata strukture terminala i njihovih efikasnosti izvršeno je modeliranje potencijalnih struktura terminala i procena njihovih efikasnosti. Takođe je izvršena analiza lokacije intermodalnih terminala i izbor tehnologije podsistema, kao elemenata strukture terminala koji nisu izabrani kao ključni, ali imaju značajan uticaj na strukture intermodalnih terminala...Economic development, globalization, demographic change, technological development, climate change, etc. generate increasingly complex requirements in the fields of logistics and transport, as one of the subsystems of logistics, and lead to very diverse requirements for the transport of goods while satisfying the high expectations of all participants, applying modern technological solutions and respecting the principles of the sustainable development. One of the preconditions for satisfying these requirements is the intensive development and application of the intermodal transport, whereby the planning and development of intermodal terminals, as one of the key intermodal transport subsystems, is crucial. This was the main motive for the choice of the topic of this dissertation dealing with the modeling of the intermodal transport terminals, the assessment of their efficiency and the selection of efficient typical terminal structures, depending on a wide set of requirements, goals and factors. The aim of the dissertation was to prove that: the efficiency of the intermodal transport terminal depends on different elements for defining the structure; adequate terminal structuring requires an analysis of the impact of a large number of different factors describing the socio-economic environment, the requirements of logistics flows and the developmental characteristics of the system; the efficiency of the terminal depends on the factors that influence their structuring, which are present in different combinations and with different intensities and volumes; existing models and methods for planning intermodal transport terminals take into account only certain aspects of structuring and do not perceive the problem in a comprehensive way that takes into account different influences and factors; by combining the elements for defining the structure of the terminal, potential terminal structures can be obtained, the efficiency of which can be determined based on the characteristics of the relationships that exist between the elements of the structure and the identified typical structures. The dissertation defines and describes the system of intermodal transport and all its subsystems, elements for defining the structure of the intermodal transport terminal, the factors that influence the elements for defining the structure, as well as the requirements and objectives of the stakeholders participating in intermodal transport. The evaluation and ranking of the elements of the structure is performed, as well as the selection of the key elements on the basis of which the typical structures of the terminal were defined and their grouping was performed. Based on the extensive research and data collected on over 180 intermodal terminals in Europe, a selection of efficient typical structures was carried out. On the basis of identified connections between the elements of the terminal structure and their efficiency, modeling of potential terminal structures and estimation of their efficiency was performed. An analysis of the intermodal terminal location and the selection of the subsystem technology, as the elements of the terminal structure which were not selected as the key ones, but have a significant impact on the intermodal terminal structures, is also made..