23,056 research outputs found

    Monotone and Boolean Convolutions for Non-compactly Supported Probability Measures

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    The equivalence of the characteristic function approach and the probabilistic approach to monotone and boolean convolutions is proven for non-compactly supported probability measures. A probabilistically motivated definition of the multiplicative boolean convolution of probability measures on the positive half-line is proposed. Unlike Bercovici's multiplicative boolean convolution it is always defined, but it turns out to be neither commutative nor associative. Finally some relations between free, monotone, and boolean convolutions are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, new Lemma 2.

    Analytic continuations of Fourier and Stieltjes transforms and generalized moments of probability measures

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    We consider analytic continuations of Fourier transforms and Stieltjes transforms. This enables us to define what we call complex moments for some class of probability measures which do not have moments in the usual sense. There are two ways to generalize moments accordingly to Fourier and Stieltjes transforms; however these two turn out to coincide. As applications, we give short proofs of the convergence of probability measures to Cauchy distributions with respect to tensor, free, Boolean and monotone convolutions.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Rates of convergence of nonextensive statistical distributions to Levy distributions in full and half spaces

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    The Levy-type distributions are derived using the principle of maximum Tsallis nonextensive entropy both in the full and half spaces. The rates of convergence to the exact Levy stable distributions are determined by taking the N-fold convolutions of these distributions. The marked difference between the problems in the full and half spaces is elucidated analytically. It is found that the rates of convergence depend on the ranges of the Levy indices. An important result emerging from the present analysis is deduced if interpreted in terms of random walks, implying the dependence of the asymptotic long-time behaviors of the walks on the ranges of the Levy indices if N is identified with the total time of the walks.Comment: 20 page

    The Arithmetic of Distributions in Free Probability Theory

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    We give an analytical approach to the definition of additive and multiplicative free convolutions which is based on the theory of Nevanlinna and of Schur functions. We consider the set of probability distributions as a semigroup M\bold M equipped with the operation of free convolution and prove a Khintchine type theorem for the factorization of elements of this semigroup. An element of M\bold M contains either indecomposable ("prime") factors or it belongs to a class, say I0I_0, of distributions without indecomposable factors. In contrast to the classical convolution semigroup in the free additive and multiplicative convolution semigroups the class I0I_0 consists of units (i.e. Dirac measures) only. Furthermore we show that the set of indecomposable elements is dense in M\bold M.Comment: 66 pages; latex; 5 figures; corrected version of proofs of Khintchine type theorems. For details see end of introductio

    Sieving random iterative function systems

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    It is known that backward iterations of independent copies of a contractive random Lipschitz function converge almost surely under mild assumptions. By a sieving (or thinning) procedure based on adding to the functions time and space components, it is possible to construct a scale invariant stochastic process. We study its distribution and paths properties. In particular, we show that it is c\`adl\`ag and has finite total variation. We also provide examples and analyse various properties of particular sieved iterative function systems including perpetuities and infinite Bernoulli convolutions, iterations of maximum, and random continued fractions.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in Bernoull
