987 research outputs found

    A convex OPF approximation for selecting the best candidate nodes for optimal location of power sources on DC resistive networks

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    This paper proposes a convex approximation approach for solving the optimal power flow (OPF) problem in direct current (DC) networks with constant power loads by using a sequential quadratic programming approach. A linearization method based on the Taylor series is used for the convexification of the power balance equations. For selecting the best candidate nodes for optimal location of distributed generators (DGs) on a DC network, a relaxation of the binary variables that represent the DGs location is proposed. This relaxation allows identifying the most important nodes for reducing power losses as well as the unimportant nodes. The optimal solution obtained by the proposed convex model is the best possible solution and serves for adjusting combinatorial optimization techniques for recovering the binary characteristics of the decision variables. The solution of the non-convex OPF model is achieved via GAMS software in conjunction with the CONOPT solver; in addition the sequential quadratic programming model is solved via quadprog from MATLAB for reducing the estimation errors in terms of calculation of the power losses. To compare the results of the proposed convex model, three metaheuristic approaches were employed using genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, continuous genetic algorithms, and black hole optimizers. © 2019 Karabuk UniversityUniversidad Tecnológica de Pereira, UTP: C2018P020, Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COLCIENCIAS, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government, DSIT

    An Optimal and Distributed Method for Voltage Regulation in Power Distribution Systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of voltage regulation in power distribution networks with deep-penetration of distributed energy resources, e.g., renewable-based generation, and storage-capable loads such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. We cast the problem as an optimization program, where the objective is to minimize the losses in the network subject to constraints on bus voltage magnitudes, limits on active and reactive power injections, transmission line thermal limits and losses. We provide sufficient conditions under which the optimization problem can be solved via its convex relaxation. Using data from existing networks, we show that these sufficient conditions are expected to be satisfied by most networks. We also provide an efficient distributed algorithm to solve the problem. The algorithm adheres to a communication topology described by a graph that is the same as the graph that describes the electrical network topology. We illustrate the operation of the algorithm, including its robustness against communication link failures, through several case studies involving 5-, 34-, and 123-bus power distribution systems.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Transaction on Power System

    AC OPF in Radial Distribution Networks - Parts I,II

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    The optimal power-flow problem (OPF) has played a key role in the planning and operation of power systems. Due to the non-linear nature of the AC power-flow equations, the OPF problem is known to be non-convex, therefore hard to solve. Most proposed methods for solving the OPF rely on approximations that render the problem convex, but that may yield inexact solutions. Recently, Farivar and Low proposed a method that is claimed to be exact for radial distribution systems, despite no apparent approximations. In our work, we show that it is, in fact, not exact. On one hand, there is a misinterpretation of the physical network model related to the ampacity constraint of the lines' current flows. On the other hand, the proof of the exactness of the proposed relaxation requires unrealistic assumptions related to the unboundedness of specific control variables. We also show that the extension of this approach to account for exact line models might provide physically infeasible solutions. Recently, several contributions have proposed OPF algorithms that rely on the use of the alternating-direction method of multipliers (ADMM). However, as we show in this work, there are cases for which the ADMM-based solution of the non-relaxed OPF problem fails to converge. To overcome the aforementioned limitations, we propose an algorithm for the solution of a non-approximated, non-convex OPF problem in radial distribution systems that is based on the method of multipliers, and on a primal decomposition of the OPF. This work is divided in two parts. In Part I, we specifically discuss the limitations of BFM and ADMM to solve the OPF problem. In Part II, we provide a centralized version and a distributed asynchronous version of the proposed OPF algorithm and we evaluate its performances using both small-scale electrical networks, as well as a modified IEEE 13-node test feeder

    Exact Convex Modeling of the Optimal Power Flow for the Operation and Planning of Active Distribution Networks with Energy Storage Systems

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    The distribution networks are experiencing important changes driven by the massive integration of renewable energy conversion systems. However, the lack of direct controllability of the Distributed Generations (DGs) supplying Active Distribution Networks (ADNs) represents a major obstacle to the increase of the penetration of renewable energy resources characterized by a non-negligible volatility. The successful development of ADNs depends on the combination of i) specific control tools and ii) availability of new technologies and controllable resources. Within this context, this thesis focuses on developing practical and scalable methodologies for the ADN planning and operation with particular reference to the integration of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) owned, and directly controlled, by the Distribution Network Operators (DNOs). In this respect, an exact convex formulation of Optimal Power Flow (OPF), called AR-OPF, is first proposed for the case of radial power networks. The proposed formulation takes into account the correct model of the lines and the security constraints related to the nodal voltage magnitudes, as well as, the lines ampacity limits. Sufficient conditions are provided to guarantee that the solution of the AR-OPF is feasible and optimal (i.e., the relaxation used is exact). Moreover, by analyzing the exactness conditions, it is revealed that they are mild and hold for real distribution networks. The AR-OPF is further augmented by suitably incorporating radiality constraints in order to develop an optimization model for optimal reconfiguration of ADNs. Then, a two-stage optimization problem for day-ahead resource scheduling in ADNs, accounting for the uncertainties of nodal injections, is proposed. The Adaptive Robust Optimization (ARO) and stochastic optimization techniques are successfully adapted to solve this optimization problem. The solutions of ARO and stochastic optimization reveal that the ARO provides a feasible solution for any realization of the uncertain parameters even if its solution is optimal only for the worst case realization. On the other hand, the stochastic optimization provides a solution taking into account the probability of the considered scenarios. Finally, the problem of optimal resource planning in ADNs is investigated with particular reference to the ESSs. In this respect, the AR-OPF and the proposed ADN reconfiguration model, are employed to develop optimization models for the optimal siting and sizing of ESSs in ADNs. The objective function aims at finding the optimal trade-off between technical and economical goals. In particular, the proposed procedures accounts for (i) network voltage deviations, (ii) feeders/lines congestions, (iii) network losses, (iv) cost of supplying loads (from external grid or local producers) together with the cost of ESS investment/maintenance, (v) load curtailment and (vi) stochasticity of loads and renewables production. The use of decomposition methods for solving the targeted optimization problems with discrete variables and probable large size is investigated. More specifically, Benders decomposition and Alternative Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) techniques are successfully applied to the targeted problems. Using real and standard networks, it is shown that the ESSs could possibly prevent load and generation curtailment, reduce the voltage deviations and lines congestions, and do the peak shaving

    Stabilization of MT-HVDC grids via passivity-based control and convex optimization

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    This paper presents a model for stabilizing multi-terminal high voltage direct-current (MT-HVDC) networks with constant power terminals (CPTs) interfaced with power electronic converters. A hierarchical structure of hierarchical control is developed, which guarantees a stable operation under load variations. This structure includes a port-Hamiltonian formulation representing the network dynamics and a passivity-based control (PBC) for the primary control. This control guarantees stability according to Lyapunov’s theory. Next, a convex optimal power flow formulation based on semidefinite programming (SDP) defines the control’s set point in the secondary/ tertiary control. The proposed stabilization scheme is general for both point-to-point HVDC systems and MTHVDC grids. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink demonstrate the stability of the primary control and the optimal performance of the secondary/tertiary control, considering three simulation scenarios on a reduced version of the CIGRE MT-HVDC test system: (i) variation of generation and load, (ii) short-circuit events with different fault resistances and (iii) grid topology variation. These simulations prove the applicability and efficiency of the proposed approach

    Multi-objective optimal dispatch of distributed energy resources

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    This thesis is composed of two papers which investigate the optimal dispatch for distributed energy resources. In the first paper, an economic dispatch problem for a community microgrid is studied. In this microgrid, each agent pursues an economic dispatch for its personal resources. In addition, each agent is capable of trading electricity with other agents through a local energy market. In this paper, a simple market structure is introduced as a framework for energy trades in a small community microgrid such as the Solar Village. It was found that both sellers and buyers benefited by participating in this market. In the second paper, Semidefinite Programming (SDP) for convex relaxation of power flow equations is used for optimal active and reactive dispatch for Distributed Energy Resources (DER). Various objective functions including voltage regulation, reduced transmission line power losses, and minimized reactive power charges for a microgrid are introduced. Combinations of these goals are attained by solving a multiobjective optimization for the proposed ORPD problem. Also, both centralized and distributed versions of this optimal dispatch are investigated. It was found that SDP made the optimal dispatch faster and distributed solution allowed for scalability --Abstract, page iv

    Multi-objective optimal battery placement in distribution networks

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    Due to high penetration of renewable energy resources in today\u27s electricity generation, considerable voltage fluctuations are witnessed in power systems. As an attempt to solve this issue, in this study, multi-objective optimal placement and sizing of distribution-level battery storage system is performed using semidefinite programing. Placement of one or multiple battery system is studied under various objectives including the cost, voltage regulation, reactive power dispatch, renewable resource curtailment, and minimum network power losses. Power flow equations are solved in the form of semidefinite constraints and the rank constraint is ignored. Additionally, combination of these objectives to form a multi-objective problem and regularization of the number of battery sites are studied. Finally, simulation results are provided to analyze the proposed formulation --Abstract, page iii
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