455 research outputs found

    Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentation: Connections with Chan-Vese and Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Models

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    Segmentation is a fundamental task for extracting semantically meaningful regions from an image. The goal of segmentation algorithms is to accurately assign object labels to each image location. However, image-noise, shortcomings of algorithms, and image ambiguities cause uncertainty in label assignment. Estimating the uncertainty in label assignment is important in multiple application domains, such as segmenting tumors from medical images for radiation treatment planning. One way to estimate these uncertainties is through the computation of posteriors of Bayesian models, which is computationally prohibitive for many practical applications. On the other hand, most computationally efficient methods fail to estimate label uncertainty. We therefore propose in this paper the Active Mean Fields (AMF) approach, a technique based on Bayesian modeling that uses a mean-field approximation to efficiently compute a segmentation and its corresponding uncertainty. Based on a variational formulation, the resulting convex model combines any label-likelihood measure with a prior on the length of the segmentation boundary. A specific implementation of that model is the Chan-Vese segmentation model (CV), in which the binary segmentation task is defined by a Gaussian likelihood and a prior regularizing the length of the segmentation boundary. Furthermore, the Euler-Lagrange equations derived from the AMF model are equivalent to those of the popular Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF) model for image denoising. Solutions to the AMF model can thus be implemented by directly utilizing highly-efficient ROF solvers on log-likelihood ratio fields. We qualitatively assess the approach on synthetic data as well as on real natural and medical images. For a quantitative evaluation, we apply our approach to the icgbench dataset

    Discriminative Parameter Estimation for Random Walks Segmentation: Technical Report

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    The Random Walks (RW) algorithm is one of the most e - cient and easy-to-use probabilistic segmentation methods. By combining contrast terms with prior terms, it provides accurate segmentations of medical images in a fully automated manner. However, one of the main drawbacks of using the RW algorithm is that its parameters have to be hand-tuned. we propose a novel discriminative learning framework that estimates the parameters using a training dataset. The main challenge we face is that the training samples are not fully supervised. Speci cally, they provide a hard segmentation of the images, instead of a proba-bilistic segmentation. We overcome this challenge by treating the optimal probabilistic segmentation that is compatible with the given hard segmentation as a latent variable. This allows us to employ the latent support vector machine formulation for parameter estimation. We show that our approach signi cantly outperforms the baseline methods on a challenging dataset consisting of real clinical 3D MRI volumes of skeletal muscles

    Optimization for Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation, i.e., assigning each pixel a discrete label, is an essential task in computer vision with lots of applications. Major techniques for segmentation include for example Markov Random Field (MRF), Kernel Clustering (KC), and nowadays popular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). In this work, we focus on optimization for image segmentation. Techniques like MRF, KC, and CNN optimize MRF energies, KC criteria, or CNN losses respectively, and their corresponding optimization is very different. We are interested in the synergy and the complementary benefits of MRF, KC, and CNN for interactive segmentation and semantic segmentation. Our first contribution is pseudo-bound optimization for binary MRF energies that are high-order or non-submodular. Secondly, we propose Kernel Cut, a novel formulation for segmentation, which combines MRF regularization with Kernel Clustering. We show why to combine KC with MRF and how to optimize the joint objective. In the third part, we discuss how deep CNN segmentation can benefit from non-deep (i.e., shallow) methods like MRF and KC. In particular, we propose regularized losses for weakly-supervised CNN segmentation, in which we can integrate MRF energy or KC criteria as part of the losses. Minimization of regularized losses is a principled approach to semi-supervised learning, in general. Our regularized loss method is very simple and allows different kinds of regularization losses for CNN segmentation. We also study the optimization of regularized losses beyond gradient descent. Our regularized losses approach achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in semantic segmentation with near full supervision quality

    Registration of 3D Point Clouds and Meshes: A Survey From Rigid to Non-Rigid

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    Three-dimensional surface registration transforms multiple three-dimensional data sets into the same coordinate system so as to align overlapping components of these sets. Recent surveys have covered different aspects of either rigid or nonrigid registration, but seldom discuss them as a whole. Our study serves two purposes: 1) To give a comprehensive survey of both types of registration, focusing on three-dimensional point clouds and meshes and 2) to provide a better understanding of registration from the perspective of data fitting. Registration is closely related to data fitting in which it comprises three core interwoven components: model selection, correspondences and constraints, and optimization. Study of these components 1) provides a basis for comparison of the novelties of different techniques, 2) reveals the similarity of rigid and nonrigid registration in terms of problem representations, and 3) shows how overfitting arises in nonrigid registration and the reasons for increasing interest in intrinsic techniques. We further summarize some practical issues of registration which include initializations and evaluations, and discuss some of our own observations, insights and foreseeable research trends
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