12 research outputs found

    Towards Parallel Czech-Russian Dependency Treebank

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    Proceedings of the Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora AEPC 2010. Editors: Lars Ahrenberg, Jörg Tiedemann and Martin Volk. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 10 (2010), 44-52. © 2010 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15893


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    Proceedings of the Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora AEPC 2010. Editors: Lars Ahrenberg, Jörg Tiedemann and Martin Volk. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 10 (2010), 98 pages. © 2010 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15893


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    Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Editors: Markus Dickinson, Kaili Müürisep and Marco Passarotti. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 9 (2010), 268 pages. © 2010 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15891

    HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized

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    We present HamleDT 2.0 (HArmonized Multi-LanguagE Dependency Treebank). HamleDT 2.0 is a collection of 30 existing treebanks harmonized into a common annotation style, the Prague Dependencies, and further transformed into Stanford Dependencies, a treebank annotation style that became popular recently. We use the newest basic Universal Stanford Dependencies, without added language-specific subtypes. We describe both of the annotation styles, including adjustments that were necessary to make, and provide details about the conversion process. We also discuss the differences between the two styles, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages, and note the effects of the differences on the conversion. We regard the stanfordization as generally successful, although we admit several shortcomings, especially in the distinction between direct and indirect objects, that have to be addressed in future. We release part of HamleDT 2.0 freely; we are not allowed to redistribute the whole dataset, but we do provide the conversion pipeline

    Promocijas darbs

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs veltīts hibrīda latviešu valodas gramatikas modeļa izstrādei un transformēšanai uz Universālo atkarību (Universal Dependencies, UD) modeli. Promocijas darbā ir aizsākts jauns latviešu valodas izpētes virziens – sintaktiski marķētos tekstos balstīti pētījumi. Darba rezultātā ir izstrādāts un aprobēts fundamentāls, latviešu valodai iepriekš nebijis valodas resurss – mašīnlasāms sintaktiski marķēts korpuss 17 tūkstošu teikumu apmērā. Teikumi ir marķēti atbilstoši diviem dažādiem sintaktiskās marķēšanas modeļiem – darbā radītajam frāžu struktūru un atkarību gramatikas hibrīdam un starptautiski aprobētajam UD modelim. Izveidotais valodas resurss publiski pieejams gan lejuplādei, gan tiešsaistes meklēšanai abos iepriekš minētajos marķējuma veidos. Pētījuma laikā radīta rīku kopa un latviešu valodas sintaktiski marķētā korpusa veidošanai vajadzīgā infrastruktūra. Tajā skaitā tika definēti plašam valodas pārklājumam nepieciešamie LU MII eksperimentālā hibrīdā gramatikas modeļa paplašinājumi. Tāpat tika analizētas iespējas atbilstoši hibrīdmodelim marķētus datus pārveidot uz atkarību modeli, un tika radīts atvasināts UD korpuss. Izveidotais sintaktiski marķētais korpuss ir kalpojis par pamatu, lai varētu radīt augstas precizitātes (91%) parsētājus latviešu valodai. Savukārt dalība UD iniciatīvā ir veicinājusi latviešu valodas un arī citu fleksīvu valodu resursu starptautisko atpazīstamību un fleksīvām valodām piemērotāku rīku izveidi datorlingvistikā – pētniecības jomā, kuras vēsturiskā izcelsme pamatā meklējama darbā ar analītiskajām valodām. Atslēgvārdi: sintakses korpuss, Universal Dependencies, valodu tehnoloģijasThe given doctoral thesis describes the creation of a hybrid grammar model for the Latvian language, as well as its subsequent conversion to a Universal Dependencies (UD) grammar model. The thesis also lays the groundwork for Latvian language research through syntactically annotated texts. In this work, a fundamental Latvian language resource was developed and evaluated for the first time – a machine-readable treebank of 17 thousand syntactically annotated sentences. The sentences are annotated according to two syntactic annotation models: the hybrid grammar model developed in the thesis, and the internationally recognised UD model. Both annotated versions of the treebank are publicly available for downloading or querying online. Over the course of the study, a set of tools and infrastructure necessary for treebank creation and maintenance were developed. The language coverage of the IMCS UL experimental hybrid model was extended, and the possibilities were defined for converting data annotated according to the hybrid grammar model to the dependency grammar model. Based on this work, a derived UD treebank was created. The resulting treebank has served as a basis for the development of high accuracy (91%) Latvian language parsers. Furthermore, the participation in the UD initiative has promoted the international recognition of Latvian and other inflective languages and the development of better-fitted tools for inflective language processing in computational linguistics, which historically has been more oriented towards analytic languages. Keywords: treebank, Universal Dependencies, language technologie

    Treebanking user-generated content: a UD based overview of guidelines, corpora and unified recommendations

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    This article presents a discussion on the main linguistic phenomena which cause difficulties in the analysis of user-generated texts found on the web and in social media, and proposes a set of annotation guidelines for their treatment within the Universal Dependencies (UD) framework of syntactic analysis. Given on the one hand the increasing number of treebanks featuring user-generated content, and its somewhat inconsistent treatment in these resources on the other, the aim of this article is twofold: (1) to provide a condensed, though comprehensive, overview of such treebanks—based on available literature—along with their main features and a comparative analysis of their annotation criteria, and (2) to propose a set of tentative UD-based annotation guidelines, to promote consistent treatment of the particular phenomena found in these types of texts. The overarching goal of this article is to provide a common framework for researchers interested in developing similar resources in UD, thus promoting cross-linguistic consistency, which is a principle that has always been central to the spirit of UD

    Natural Language Processing Resources for Finnish. Corpus Development in the General and Clinical Domains

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Adjectivization in Russian: Analyzing participles by means of lexical frequency and constraint grammar

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    This dissertation explores the factors that restrict and facilitate adjectivization in Russian, an affixless part-of-speech change leading to ambiguity between participles and adjectives. I develop a theoretical framework based on major approaches to adjectivization, and assess the effect of the factors on ambiguity in the empirical data. I build a linguistic model using the Constraint Grammar formalism. The model utilizes the factors of adjectivization and corpus frequencies as formal constraints for differentiating between participles and adjectives in a disambiguation task. The main question that is explored in this dissertation is which linguistic factors allow for the differentiation between adjectivized and unambiguous participles. Another question concerns which factors, syntactic or morphological, predict ambiguity in the corpus data and resolve it in the disambiguation model. In the theoretical framework, the syntactic context signals whether a participle is adjectivized, whereas internal morphosemantic properties (that is, tense, voice, and lexical meaning) cause or prevent adjectivization. The exploratory analysis of these factors in the corpus data reveals diverse results. The syntactic factor, the adverb of measure and degree očenʹ ‘very’, which is normally used with adjectives, also combines with participles, and is strongly associated with semantic classes of their base verbs. Nonetheless, the use of očenʹ with a participle only indicates ambiguity when other syntactic factors of adjectivization are in place. The lexical frequency (including the ranks of base verbs and the ratios of participles to other verbal forms) and several morphological types of participles strongly predict ambiguity. Furthermore, past passive and transitive perfective participles not only have the highest mean ratios among the other morphological types of participles, but are also strong predictors of ambiguity. The linguistic model using weighted syntactic rules shows the highest accuracy in disambiguation compared to the models with weighted morphological rules or the rule based on weights only. All of the syntactic, morphological, and weighted rules combined show the best performance results. Weights are the most effective for removing residual ambiguity (similar to the statistical baseline model), but are outperformed by the models that use factors of adjectivization as constraints