1,237 research outputs found

    Use of concept map correction, conversation, and summarization to improve the comprehension of seventh grade ELLs using their social studies text

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    The purpose of this research study is to assess the effectiveness of concept-map correction, summarization, and conversation on the comprehension of English language learners (ELLs) of social studies texts. The students selected for this five-week study are four seventh-grade students from a suburban school district in the Midwest. The study began with a pre-test. After the pre-test, the students read a different passage from their social studies book each week. Every week each students individually corrected a concept map, wrote a summary, and had a conversation about the content they had studied. At the end of five weeks, a post-test was given. The results of the study concluded that students improved or maintained in their comprehension of the social studies content they were expected to know

    Challenges and opportunities of context-aware information access

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    Ubiquitous computing environments embedding a wide range of pervasive computing technologies provide a challenging and exciting new domain for information access. Individuals working in these environments are increasingly permanently connected to rich information resources. An appealing opportunity of these environments is the potential to deliver useful information to individuals either from their previous information experiences or external sources. This information should enrich their life experiences or make them more effective in their endeavours. Information access in ubiquitous computing environments can be made "context-aware" by exploiting the wide range context data available describing the environment, the searcher and the information itself. Realizing such a vision of reliable, timely and appropriate identification and delivery of information in this way poses numerous challenges. A central theme in achieving context-aware information access is the combination of information retrieval with multiple dimensions of available context data. Potential context data sources, include the user's current task, inputs from environmental and biometric sensors, associated with the user's current context, previous contexts, and document context, which can be exploited using a variety of technologies to create new and exciting possibilities for information access

    The Usage of Personal Data as Content in Integrated Marketing Communications

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    Personal user data has proven extremely valuable for firms in the digital age. The wealth of data available to firms has provided unprecedented access into the world of the consumer. Companies hoping to capitalize on their user's data have turned to several interesting outlets. This research addresses the repurposing of user data as content in marketing. By analyzing four cases of data presented as marketing communications across two companies, this research provides new insights into the public release of private user data for marketing purposes. Four cases of personal data used in marketing communications were chosen specifically for their time proximity, characteristics of the sending firms, and their disparate outcomes. These instances of marketing communications, two by Spotify and two by Netflix, were released during November and December of 2017 and each resulted in a diverse range of public opinion. An analysis of these cases was conducted using the comprehensive framework of integrated marketing communications (Tafesse & Kitchen, 2017). There is a significant difference in the perceptual outcomes of integrated marketing communication campaigns which display user data as content. This analysis provides insights into the characteristics of marketing communications and how their outcomes fit into broader marketing strategies. These case studies provide opportunities for marketers to improve their campaigns in line with their desired audience outcome. Patterns of scope, strategy, mode, and outcome do not suggest success or failure in the context of marketing communications, but rather a set of insights marketers should keep in mind when pursuing communication strategies which harness personal user data.No embargoAcademic Major: Marketin

    Supporting Members of Online Communities Through the Use of Visualisations

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    Growing numbers of people around the world are using online communities to stay in touch with each other. Online communities are now widespread, enabling meaningful communication, around various domains of interest, between users who are separated by time and distance. Despite the increasing numbers of people using online communities, there are many examples of communities which suffer from problems of falling levels of contributions from members. This thesis investigates the main principles involved in creating successful online communities. It develops a taxonomy of community interactions that provides a framework for investigating techniques that have the potential to encourage member participation. Within standard text-based online communities, problems of information overload can be prevalent, with extensive user participation often required in order to get an overview of the interaction environment and context. This thesis proposes the use of facilitation techniques, in the form of visualisations, as a means of helping users get a better understanding of the interaction context, reducing the amount of time spent by users in the information-discovery phase. A range of new, complementary visualisations are developed and tested in order to assess their efficacy in helping users to complete tasks that they would be likely to undertake during their information-discovery phase. The results of the experiments show that not only do visualisations help users achieve more accurate results in conducting simple information-discovery tasks, but they also help in completing such tasks in a more efficient manner, shrinking the amount of time spent in the information-discovery phase. Different visualisations are also shown to be more useful in different circumstances, pointing to the fact that the needs and requirements of users, and the tasks they undertake, should be considered when designing the exact nature of any potential visualisation intended to support users of online communities

    Back to the drawing board? : exploring process drawing and pathways to drawing participation in higher education for graphic design students

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    “I can’t draw”. “Idon’tdraw.” While facilitating my first brainstorming session with undergraduate Visual Communication, Designstudents at Western Sydney University (WSU), I was struck by the absence of any drawing activity in the classroom. Technological innovations have significantly reduced the role of drawing in the design process since the mid-eighties; however, research confirms sketching, or indeed any form of hand-eye coordination provides valuable cognitive and communication functions in the creative process. The ambiguous nature of a freehand sketch allows for creative interpretation, encourages ‘fluency’ and iteration, and provides a ‘thinking trail’ for evaluation. The physical act of drawing can also aid concentration and memory. Many professional designers recognise process drawing as a vital ingredient in their creative thinking processes and those of new graduates. Through a literature review and reflection on my creative practices, this thesis identifies the benefits of process drawing to think, create, communicate and collaboratein the design process. So, if drawing is so useful, why don’t design students use rough sketches and thumbnails in the classroom?Through a practice-led enquiry, I reflect on observations made as both “insider” and “outsider” within my communities of practice. As a professional design practitioner, visual artist, teacher and researcher, I investigate the role and value of process drawing in the twenty-first-century classroom.The attitudes, behaviours and ‘designerly’practices of WSU design students are explored through a multiple-choiceWhy draw?questionnaireconducted over six years.The interviews and group discussions with final-year, high achievingWSU designstudents help clarify the creative thinking practicesof these participants and identify possible barriers to wider drawing participation. The observations,interpretation of theliterature and questionnaire and interview findings underpin the studio exploration into possible pathways to foster drawing participationin the classroom. ASpeed Squigglingactivity was designed to demonstrate the value of drawing and to encouragedivergent thinking, iteration, creative flow, and design thinking skills. APre-and Post-Why draw?questionnaire was collected from second-year WSU Design students before and after theSpeed Squigglingtrial. An analysis of students’ written and visual responses explores the effectiveness of this kind of drawing activity to encourage and foster drawing participation.Back to the drawing board?adds to the critical discourse in drawing research and design education that argues process drawing has an important role to play in the twenty-first century classroom and should continue to be clarified, demonstrated and encouraged in design education

    A scenic design process for The Chemistry of Change: a production thesis in theatre design and technology

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    The scenic design for the Louisiana State University Theatre production of Marlane Meyer’s The Chemistry of Change was selected and approved as my thesis project in the spring of 2001. This document represents a written account of the scenic design as it was conceived, developed, and executed. Records include research, a description of the design process, photographic evidence, and a final evaluation of the result

    Copyright and Machine Learning: from human-created input to computer-generated output

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    This thesis examines the legality of unauthorized reproduction of in-copyright works for the purpose of being used in Machine Learning processes. It focuses primarily on US and EU copyright systems as environments for Artificial Intelligence technological developments. Machine Learning uses of creative works differ from traditional ones: they do not involve human readers, they do not display protected expression to the public and they analyse works to extract information not protected by copyright. Hence they raise a question of whether they actually should fall within a reach of exclusive rights of copyright holders. In respect of the US copyright system, this study addresses the fair use doctrine that under certain conditions allows unauthorized reproduction of works. The research makes an attempt to apply the doctrine to Machine Learning uses by drawing parallels with recent case law on other technological uses of copyrighted works. As regards the EU copyright realities, this research discusses Machine Learning uses within the scope of newly proposed copyright exception for Text and Data Mining. It firstly analyses whether exempting these uses from a copyright reach would meet the three-step test requirements. After that, it critically assesses the scopes of the exception proposed and negotiated on the EU policymaking level. Additionally, this study discusses relations between AI-generated works and original human-created works used during the training process. It touches upon a question of possible reproduction of protected expression from original works in secondary ones and copyright-related consequences of that