27 research outputs found

    SART-Type Image Reconstruction from Overlapped Projections

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    To maximize the time-integrated X-ray flux from multiple X-ray sources and shorten the data acquisition process, a promising way is to allow overlapped projections from multiple sources being simultaneously on without involving the source multiplexing technology. The most challenging task in this configuration is to perform image reconstruction effectively and efficiently from overlapped projections. Inspired by the single-source simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART), we hereby develop a multisource SART-type reconstruction algorithm regularized by a sparsity-oriented constraint in the soft-threshold filtering framework to reconstruct images from overlapped projections. Our numerical simulation results verify the correctness of the proposed algorithm and demonstrate the advantage of image reconstruction from overlapped projections

    Line-Source Based X-Ray Tomography

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    Current computed tomography (CT) scanners, including micro-CT scanners, utilize a point x-ray source. As we target higher and higher spatial resolutions, the reduced x-ray focal spot size limits the temporal and contrast resolutions achievable. To overcome this limitation, in this paper we propose to use a line-shaped x-ray source so that many more photons can be generated, given a data acquisition interval. In reference to the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) algorithm for image reconstruction from projection data generated by an x-ray point source, here we develop a generalized SART algorithm for image reconstruction from projection data generated by an x-ray line source. Our numerical simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of our novel line-source based x-ray CT approach and the proposed generalized SART algorithm

    Medical imaging: Foundations and scope

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    Indexación: Scopus; Radalyc.En la actualidad es innegable la utilidad de las diversas modalidades de imagenología médica como apoyo clínico tanto en la generación de diagnósticos de un buen número de enfermedades como en la planeación de tratamientos tendientes a proporcionar una alternativa de solución a las personas que, por una u otra razón, manifiestan algún desequilibrio en su salud. Entre las modalidades imagenológicas que, frecuentemente, se utilizan en el ámbito médico se pueden mencionar: Ultrasonido (US), Resonancia Magnética (MRI), Tomografía Computarizada sencilla (CT) y multicapa (MSCT), Tomografía Computarizada por Emisión de Positrones (PET) y Tomografía Computarizada por Emisión de Fotones simples (SPECT). En este sentido, este artículo tiene como finalidad presentar una descripción ordenada, coherente y sistemática de cada una de las mencionadas modalidades y establecer la vinculación de la MSCT con situaciones clínicas íntimamente relacionadas con la anatomía cardiaca y procesos de hipertensión. La razón por la cual se hace énfasis en la MSCT es debido a que, por una parte, se cuenta con un número importante de bases de datos tanto de sujetos fisiológicos como de sujetos patológicos y, por la otra, que se tiene previsto presentar un conjunto de técnicas computacionales que serán exploradas en el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones en el contexto de aspectos anatómico-cardiológicos que influyen directa o indirectamente en la aparición, desarrollo y prevalencia de procesos hipertensivos.Nowdays, several forms of medical imaging are usefulness in clinical support for both diagnostics diseases generation and treatment planning designed to provide an alternative solution to people who, for one or another reason, manifest an imbalance in your health. Among the imaging modalities that frequently are used in the medical field may include: Ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), simple computed tomography (CT) and multilayer computed tomography (MSCT), CT positron emission tomography (PET) Computed tomography and single photon emission (SPECT). In this sense, this article presents an orderly, coherent and systematic description of these modalities and it establishes relationship with the MSCT modality and clinical situations closely related to cardiac anatomy and hypertension processes. The reason emphasis on MSCT is done is because, on the one hand, we have a large number of databases both physiological subjects and pathological subjects and, on the other, we plan to present a set of computational techniques that will be explored in future research, in the context of cardiologic anatomical aspects, with directly or indirectly influence in the emergence, development and prevalence of hypertensive processes.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990700

    Medipix-based Spectral Micro-CT?

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    Since Hounsfield’s Nobel Prize winning breakthrough decades ago, x-ray CT has been widely applied in the clinical and preclinical applications - producing a huge number of tomographic gray-scale images. However, these images are often insufficient to distinguish crucial differences needed for diagnosis. They have poor soft tissue contrast due to inherent photon-count issues, involving high radiation dose. By physics, the x-ray spectrum is polychromatic, and it is now feasible to obtain multi-energy, spectral, or true-color, CT images. Such spectral images promise powerful new diagnostic information. The emerging Medipix technology promises energy-sensitive, high-resolution, accurate and rapid x-ray detection. In this paper, we will review the recent progress of Medipix-based spectral micro-CT with the emphasis on the results obtained by our team. It includes the state-of-the-art Medipix detector, the system and method of a commercial MARS (Medipix All Resolution System) spectral micro-CT, and the design and color diffusion of a hybrid spectral micro-CT

    Extensions of incomplete oblique projections method for solving rank-deficient least-squares problems

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    The aim of this paper is to extend the applicability of an algorithm for solving inconsistent linear systems to the rank-deficient case, by employing incomplete projections onto the set of solutions of the augmented system Ax-r = b. The extended algorithm converges to the unique minimal norm solution of the least squares solutions. For that purpose, incomplete oblique projections are used, defined by means of matrices that penalize the norm of the residuals. The theoretical properties of the new algorithm are analyzed, and numerical experiences are presented comparing its performance with some well-known projection methods.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasFacultad de Ingenierí

    Extensions of incomplete oblique projections method for solving rank-deficient least-squares problems

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    The aim of this paper is to extend the applicability of an algorithm for solving inconsistent linear systems to the rank-deficient case, by employing incomplete projections onto the set of solutions of the augmented system Ax-r = b. The extended algorithm converges to the unique minimal norm solution of the least squares solutions. For that purpose, incomplete oblique projections are used, defined by means of matrices that penalize the norm of the residuals. The theoretical properties of the new algorithm are analyzed, and numerical experiences are presented comparing its performance with some well-known projection methods.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasFacultad de Ingenierí