727 research outputs found

    Accurate angle-of-arrival measurement using particle swarm optimization

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    As one of the major methods for location positioning, angle-of-arrival (AOA) estimation is a significant technology in radar, sonar, radio astronomy, and mobile communications. AOA measurements can be exploited to locate mobile units, enhance communication efficiency and network capacity, and support location-aided routing, dynamic network management, and many location-based services. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for AOA estimation in colored noise fields and harsh application scenarios. By modeling the unknown noise covariance as a linear combination of known weighting matrices, a maximum likelihood (ML) criterion is established, and a particle swarm optimization (PSO) paradigm is designed to optimize the cost function. Simulation results demonstrate that the paired estimator PSO-ML significantly outperforms other popular techniques and produces superior AOA estimates

    Source bearing and steering-vector estimation using partially calibrated arrays

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    The problem of source direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation using a sensor array is addressed, where some of the sensors are perfectly calibrated, while others are uncalibrated. An algorithm is proposed for estimating the source directions in addition to the estimation of unknown array parameters such as sensor gains and phases, as a way of performing array self-calibration. The cost function is an extension of the maximum likelihood (ML) criteria that were originally developed for DOA estimation with a perfectly calibrated array. A particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to explore the high-dimensional problem space and find the global minimum of the cost function. The design of the PSO is a combination of the problem-independent kernel and some newly introduced problem-specific features such as search space mapping, particle velocity control, and particle position clipping. This architecture plus properly selected parameters make the PSO highly flexible and reusable, while being sufficiently specific and effective in the current application. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique may produce more accurate estimates of the source bearings and unknown array parameters in a cheaper way as compared with other popular methods, with the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) approaching and asymptotically attaining the Cramer Rao bound (CRB) even in unfavorable conditions

    Optimizing Photonic Nanostructures via Multi-fidelity Gaussian Processes

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    We apply numerical methods in combination with finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) simulations to optimize transmission properties of plasmonic mirror color filters using a multi-objective figure of merit over a five-dimensional parameter space by utilizing novel multi-fidelity Gaussian processes approach. We compare these results with conventional derivative-free global search algorithms, such as (single-fidelity) Gaussian Processes optimization scheme, and Particle Swarm Optimization---a commonly used method in nanophotonics community, which is implemented in Lumerical commercial photonics software. We demonstrate the performance of various numerical optimization approaches on several pre-collected real-world datasets and show that by properly trading off expensive information sources with cheap simulations, one can more effectively optimize the transmission properties with a fixed budget.Comment: NIPS 2018 Workshop on Machine Learning for Molecules and Materials. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1811.0075

    Network Theoretic Analyses and Enhancements of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Information in evolutionary algorithms is available at multiple levels; however most analyses focus on the individual level. This dissertation extracts useful information from networks and communities formed by examining interrelationships between individuals in the populations as they change with time. Network theoretic analyses are extremely useful in multiple fields and applications, e.g., biology (regulation of gene expression), organizational behavior (social networks), and intelligence data analysis (message traffic on the Internet). Evolving populations are represented as dynamic networks, and we show that changes in population characteristics can be recognized at the level of the networks representing successive generations, with implications for possible improvements in the evolutionary algorithm, e.g., in deciding when a population is prematurely converging, and when a reinitialization of the population may be beneficial to avoid computational effort, or to improve the probability of finding better points to examine. In this dissertation, we show that network theoretic analyses can be applied to study, analyze and improve the performance of evolutionary algorithms. We propose various approaches to study the dynamic behavior of evolutionary algorithms, each highlighting the benefits of studying community-level behaviors, using graph properties and metrics to analyze evolutionary algorithms, identifying imminent convergence, and identifying time points at which it would help to reseed a fraction of the population. Improvements to evolutionary algorithms result in alleviating the effects of premature convergence occurrences, and saving computational effort by reaching better solutions faster. We demonstrate that this new approach, using network science to analyze evolutionary algorithms, is advantageous for a variety of evolutionary algorithms, including Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Learning Classifier Systems

    Updating velocities in heterogeneous comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization with low-discrepancy sequences

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    Heterogeneous comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization (HCLPSO) is a type of evolutionary algorithm with enhanced exploration and exploitation capabilities. The low-discrepancy sequence (LDS) is more uniform in covering the search space than random sequences. In this paper, making use of the good uniformity of LDS to improve HCLPSO is researched. Numerical experiments are performed to show that it is impossible to effectively improve the search ability of HCLPSO by only using LDS to generate the initial population. However, if we properly choose some random sequences from the HCLPSO velocities updating formula and replace them with the deterministic LDS, we can obtain a more efficient algorithm. Compared with the original HCLPSO under the same accuracy requirement, the HCLPSO updating the velocities with the deterministic LDS can significantly reduce the iterations required for finding the optimal solution, without decreasing the success rate.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Robust and Efficient Swarm Communication Topologies for Hostile Environments

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    Swarm Intelligence-based optimization techniques combine systematic exploration of the search space with information available from neighbors and rely strongly on communication among agents. These algorithms are typically employed to solve problems where the function landscape is not adequately known and there are multiple local optima that could result in premature convergence for other algorithms. Applications of such algorithms can be found in communication systems involving design of networks for efficient information dissemination to a target group, targeted drug-delivery where drug molecules search for the affected site before diffusing, and high-value target localization with a network of drones. In several of such applications, the agents face a hostile environment that can result in loss of agents during the search. Such a loss changes the communication topology of the agents and hence the information available to agents, ultimately influencing the performance of the algorithm. In this paper, we present a study of the impact of loss of agents on the performance of such algorithms as a function of the initial network configuration. We use particle swarm optimization to optimize an objective function with multiple sub-optimal regions in a hostile environment and study its performance for a range of network topologies with loss of agents. The results reveal interesting trade-offs between efficiency, robustness, and performance for different topologies that are subsequently leveraged to discover general properties of networks that maximize performance. Moreover, networks with small-world properties are seen to maximize performance under hostile conditions

    A fuzzified systematic adjustment of the robotic Darwinian PSO

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    The Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) is an evolutionary algorithm that extends the Particle Swarm Optimization using natural selection to enhance the ability to escape from sub-optimal solutions. An extension of the DPSO to multi-robot applications has been recently proposed and denoted as Robotic Darwinian PSO (RDPSO), benefiting from the dynamical partitioning of the whole population of robots, hence decreasing the amount of required information exchange among robots. This paper further extends the previously proposed algorithm adapting the behavior of robots based on a set of context-based evaluation metrics. Those metrics are then used as inputs of a fuzzy system so as to systematically adjust the RDPSO parameters (i.e., outputs of the fuzzy system), thus improving its convergence rate, susceptibility to obstacles and communication constraints. The adapted RDPSO is evaluated in groups of physical robots, being further explored using larger populations of simulated mobile robots within a larger scenario
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