10,769 research outputs found

    Comparison of polynomial profiles and input shaping for industrial applications

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    Command shaping creates reference commands that reduce residual vibrations in a flexible system. This thesis examines the use of command shaping for flexible system control in three industrial applications: cam-follower systems, sloshing liquids, and cherrypickers. One common type of command shaping is command smoothing which creates a smooth transition between setpoints. A specific type of command smoothing used in cam-follower systems is the polynomial profile. An alternative technique to reduce vibration in flexible systems is input shaping. In this thesis, input-shaped commands are compared to polynomial profiles for applications requiring both vibration suppression and fast motion. Simulation and experimental results show that input shaping is faster than polynomial profiles and provides a simple approach to suppressing residual vibration. Secondly, significant experimental contributions have been made in the area of slosh control. The oscillation of liquids in a container can cause liquid spillage or can cause stability issues, especially in space vehicles. In the past, a number of control techniques have been proposed, but only a few recommend the use of input shaping. This thesis describes the use of command shaping to limit slosh. Results are supported by numerical and experimental testing. Input-shaped commands reduce residual slosh amplitude compared to unshaped commands and polynomial profiles. Input-shaped commands can also accommodate uncertainties and changes in the sloshing frequencies. Lastly, a small-scale cherrypicker was constructed to study the use of input-shaping control on these types of aerial lifts. Cherrypickers have flexible dynamic effects that can cause dangerous and life-threatening situations. To study this class of machines and to provide future students an experimental testbed, several design criteria were established before construction began. The resulting machine achieved most design objectives, including a simple-to-use graphical user interface and accurate state measurements. Robust input-shaping controllers were implemented to limit endpoint vibration. The design of the cherrypicker is discussed and experimental results are reported.M.S.Committee Chair: William Singhose; Committee Member: Al Ferri; Committee Member: Jun Ued

    New Damped-Jerk trajectory for vibration reduction

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    This paper derives a jerk-shaped profile to address the vibration reduction of underdamped flexible dynamics of motion system. The jerk-limited profile is a widespread smooth command pattern used by modern motion systems. The ability of the jerk-limited profile to cancel the residual vibration of an undamped flexible mode is clearly explained using an equivalent continuous filter representation and the input shaping formalism. This motivates the design of a new jerk-shaped profile, named Damped-Jerk profile, to extend the previous result to the more common case of underdamped systems. Both simulations and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Damped-Jerk profile to reduce damped vibration

    Method and apparatus for creating time-optimal commands for linear systems

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    A system for and method of determining an input command profile for substantially any dynamic system that can be modeled as a linear system, the input command profile for transitioning an output of the dynamic system from one state to another state. The present invention involves identifying characteristics of the dynamic system, selecting a command profile which defines an input to the dynamic system based on the identified characteristics, wherein the command profile comprises one or more pulses which rise and fall at switch times, imposing a plurality of constraints on the dynamic system, at least one of the constraints being defined in terms of the switch times, and determining the switch times for the input to the dynamic system based on the command profile and the plurality of constraints. The characteristics may be related to poles and zeros of the dynamic system, and the plurality of constraints may include a dynamics cancellation constraint which specifies that the input moves the dynamic system from a first state to a second state such that the dynamic system remains substantially at the second state

    Conceptual design study for Infrared Limb Experiment (IRLE)

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    The phase A engineering design study for the Infrared Limb Experiment (IRLE) instrument, the infrared portion of the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Explorer (MELTER) satellite payload is given. The IRLE instrument is a satellite instrument, based on the heritage of the Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) program, that will make global measurements of O3, CO2, NO, NO2, H2O, and OH from earth limb emissions. These measurements will be used to provide improved understanding of the photochemistry, radiation, dynamics, energetics, and transport phenomena in the lower thermosphere, mesosphere, and stratosphere. The IRLE instrument is the infrared portion of the MELTER satellite payload. MELTER is being proposed to NASA Goddard by a consortium consisting of the University of Michigan, University of Colorado and NASA Langley. It is proposed that the Space Dynamics Laboratory at Utah State University (SDL/USU) build the IRLE instrument for NASA Langley. MELTER is scheduled for launch in November 1994 into a sun-synchronous, 650-km circular orbit with an inclination angle of 97.8 deg and an ascending node at 3:00 p.m. local time

    Active vibration damping of the Space Shuttle remote manipulator system

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    The feasibility of providing active damping augmentation of the Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (RMS) following normal payload handling operations is investigated. The approach used in the analysis is described, and the results for both linear and nonlinear performance analysis of candidate laws are presented, demonstrating that significant improvement in the RMS dynamic response can be achieved through active control using measured RMS tip acceleration data for feedback

    The STAR MAPS-based PiXeL detector

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    The PiXeL detector (PXL) for the Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) of the STAR experiment at RHIC is the first application of the state-of-the-art thin Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) technology in a collider environment. Custom built pixel sensors, their readout electronics and the detector mechanical structure are described in detail. Selected detector design aspects and production steps are presented. The detector operations during the three years of data taking (2014-2016) and the overall performance exceeding the design specifications are discussed in the conclusive sections of this paper

    Minimizing structural vibrations with Input Shaping (TM)

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    A new method for commanding machines to move with increased dynamic performance was developed. This method is an enhanced version of input shaping, a patented vibration suppression algorithm. This technique intercepts a command input to a system command that moves the mechanical system with increased performance and reduced residual vibration. This document describes many advanced methods for generating highly optimized shaping sequences which are tuned to particular systems. The shaping sequence is important because it determines the trade off between move/settle time of the system and the insensitivity of the input shaping algorithm to variations or uncertainties in the machine which can be controlled. For example, a system with a 5 Hz resonance that takes 1 second to settle can be improved to settle instantaneously using a 0.2 shaping sequence (thus improving settle time by a factor of 5). This system could vary by plus or minus 15% in its natural frequency and still have no apparent vibration. However, the same system shaped with a 0.3 second shaping sequence could tolerate plus or minus 40% or more variation in natural frequency. This document describes how to generate sequences that maximize performance, sequences that maximize insensitivity, and sequences that trade off between the two. Several software tools are documented and included

    CSI sensing and control: Analytical and experimental results

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    Recent work on structural identification and large-angle maneuvers with vibration suppression was presented. The recent work has sought to balance structural and controls analysis activities by involving the analysts directly in the validation and experimental aspects of the research. Some new sensing, actuation, system identification, and control concepts were successfully implemented. An overview of these results is given

    Space telescope phase B definition study. Volume 2A: Science instruments, f24 field camera

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    The analysis and design of the F/24 field camera for the space telescope are discussed. The camera was designed for application to the radial bay of the optical telescope assembly and has an on axis field of view of 3 arc-minutes by 3 arc-minutes

    Control Of Flexible Structures-2 (COFS-2) flight control, structure and gimbal system interaction study

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    The second Control Of Flexible Structures Flight Experiment (COFS-2) includes a long mast as in the first flight experiment, but with the Langley 15-m hoop column antenna attached via a gimbal system to the top of the mast. The mast is to be mounted in the Space Shuttle cargo bay. The servo-driven gimbal system could be used to point the antenna relative to the mast. The dynamic interaction of the Shuttle Orbiter/COFS-2 system with the Orbiter on-orbit Flight Control System (FCS) and the gimbal pointing control system has been studied using analysis and simulation. The Orbiter pointing requirements have been assessed for their impact on allowable free drift time for COFS experiments. Three fixed antenna configurations were investigated. Also simulated was Orbiter attitude control behavior with active vernier jets during antenna slewing. The effect of experiment mast dampers was included. Control system stability and performance and loads on various portions of the COFS-2 structure were investigated. The study indicates possible undesirable interaction between the Orbiter FCS and the flexible, articulated COFS-2 mast/antenna system, even when restricted to vernier reaction jets