107,431 research outputs found

    Coexisting Cardiac and Hematologic Disorders.

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    Patients with concomitant cardiac and hematologic disorders presenting for noncardiac surgery are challenging. Anemic patients with cardiac disease should be approached in a methodical fashion. Transfusion triggers and target should be based on underlying symptomatology. The approach to anticoagulation management in patients with artificial heart valves, cardiac devices, or severe heart failure in the operative setting must encompass a complete understanding of the rationale of a patient\u27s therapy as well as calculate the risk of changing this regimen. This article focuses common disorders and discusses strategies to optimize care in patients with coexisting cardiac and hematologic disease

    Linear tubular switched reluctance motor for heart assistance circulatory: Analytical and finite element modeling

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    A linear tubular switched reluctance motor is presented. This actuator is devoted to be used as a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). In order to avoid thrombosis, this actuator includes pump and valve functions. By using a St. Jude Medical mechanical valve inside the tubular mover, a pulsatile flow is created in the descending aorta. A linear model of a basic pattern of the actuator based on a reluctance network is developed. Then, a two dimensions finite element method analysis is performed in order to check the analytically calculated performances. Relying on these both models, specific requirements for the design of this kind of motor are discussed

    Management of Mechanical Ventilation in Decompensated Heart Failure.

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    Mechanical ventilation (MV) is a life-saving intervention for respiratory failure, including decompensated congestive heart failure. MV can reduce ventricular preload and afterload, decrease extra-vascular lung water, and decrease the work of breathing in heart failure. The advantages of positive pressure ventilation must be balanced with potential harm from MV: volutrauma, hyperoxia-induced injury, and difficulty assessing readiness for liberation. In this review, we will focus on cardiac, pulmonary, and broader effects of MV on patients with decompensated HF, focusing on practical considerations for management and supporting evidence

    Design and Development of an Affordable Haptic Robot with Force-Feedback and Compliant Actuation to Improve Therapy for Patients with Severe Hemiparesis

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    The study describes the design and development of a single degree-of-freedom haptic robot, Haptic Theradrive, for post-stroke arm rehabilitation for in-home and clinical use. The robot overcomes many of the weaknesses of its predecessor, the TheraDrive system, that used a Logitech steering wheel as the haptic interface for rehabilitation. Although the original TheraDrive system showed success in a pilot study, its wheel was not able to withstand the rigors of use. A new haptic robot was developed that functions as a drop-in replacement for the Logitech wheel. The new robot can apply larger forces in interacting with the patient, thereby extending the functionality of the system to accommodate low-functioning patients. A new software suite offers appreciably more options for tailored and tuned rehabilitation therapies. In addition to describing the design of the hardware and software, the paper presents the results of simulation and experimental case studies examining the system\u27s performance and usability

    Role of Physical Therapists in the Management of Individuals at Risk for or Diagnosed With Venous Thromboembolism: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline

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    The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), in conjunction with the Cardiovascular & Pulmonary and Acute Care sections of APTA, have developed this clinical practice guideline to assist physical therapists in their decision-making process when treating patients at risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) or diagnosed with a lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (LE DVT). No matter the practice setting, physical therapists work with patients who are at risk for or have a history of VTE. This document will guide physical therapist practice in the prevention of, screening for, and treatment of patients at risk for or diagnosed with LE DVT. Through a systematic review of published studies and a structured appraisal process, key action statements were written to guide the physical therapist. The evidence supporting each action was rated, and the strength of statement was determined. Clinical practice algorithms, based on the key action statements, were developed that can assist with clinical decision making. Physical therapists, along with other members of the health care team, should work to implement these key action statements to decrease the incidence of VTE, improve the diagnosis and acute management of LE DVT, and reduce the long-term complications of LE DVT
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