364 research outputs found

    Endoscopic cheap optical transducers (CHOTs) for on-wing ultrasonic inspection

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    The instrumentation and the developments presented in this thesis aim to address the challenges associated with in-service non-destructive testing of aeroengine components, imposed by severe restrictions on component accessibility. In-service non-destructive testing (NDT) is essential to ensure early detection of service-induced damage and prevent catastrophic failures of such safety-critical aeroengine components as turbine/compressor blades and disks, increasing the safety of operations and dramatically reducing the cost of engine changes.The main concern during their inspection is detection of fatigue cracking, typically initiated on the surface of the part. The application of inspection techniques used during overhaul to on-wing testing is restricted both by the complex, spatially-confined access to the components and the inaccessibility of the high-stress concentration surfaces in the full engine assembly. Two routinely-used techniques providing a solution to these challenges are the use of endoscopes for access and surface acoustic waves to inspect parts of the assembly. CHOTs are optically-activated ultrasonic transducers located on the surface of a sample, that use laser illumination to remotely generate and detect ultrasound, providing a non-contact wireless alternative to conventional piezoelectric transducers (PZTs). The benefits of optical activation are paired with fibre-optic light delivery in an endoscopic pulser -- a simple portable ultrasonic inspection system with flexible instrumentation, beneficial for testing hard-to-reach components in locations with limited access or hazardous environments. This thesis presents the instrumentation of the endoscopic pulser and the development of the self-adhesive portable CHOTs (SA CHOTs) to complement its potential field application by enabling transducer delivery to components in-service and application to large and curved parts, previously limited by laboratory-based direct on-sample CHOT fabrication. The developed transducers overcome frequent barriers for industrial adaptation of fully-optical inspection systems presented by the sample surface conditions such as reflectivity and roughness. The NDT capabilities of the CHOTs endoscopic pulser are demonstrated by performing detection of machined slots on controlled aluminium samples and representative industrial parts using 4--5 MHz surface acoustic waves. System capabilities for active structural health monitoring (SHM) as well as inspection of samples in motion are demonstrated. Although in its present configuration the size of the endoscope exceeds practical access requirements, the potential of the system for further development and miniaturisation is discussed

    Endoscopic cheap optical transducers (CHOTs) for on-wing ultrasonic inspection

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    The instrumentation and the developments presented in this thesis aim to address the challenges associated with in-service non-destructive testing of aeroengine components, imposed by severe restrictions on component accessibility. In-service non-destructive testing (NDT) is essential to ensure early detection of service-induced damage and prevent catastrophic failures of such safety-critical aeroengine components as turbine/compressor blades and disks, increasing the safety of operations and dramatically reducing the cost of engine changes.The main concern during their inspection is detection of fatigue cracking, typically initiated on the surface of the part. The application of inspection techniques used during overhaul to on-wing testing is restricted both by the complex, spatially-confined access to the components and the inaccessibility of the high-stress concentration surfaces in the full engine assembly. Two routinely-used techniques providing a solution to these challenges are the use of endoscopes for access and surface acoustic waves to inspect parts of the assembly. CHOTs are optically-activated ultrasonic transducers located on the surface of a sample, that use laser illumination to remotely generate and detect ultrasound, providing a non-contact wireless alternative to conventional piezoelectric transducers (PZTs). The benefits of optical activation are paired with fibre-optic light delivery in an endoscopic pulser -- a simple portable ultrasonic inspection system with flexible instrumentation, beneficial for testing hard-to-reach components in locations with limited access or hazardous environments. This thesis presents the instrumentation of the endoscopic pulser and the development of the self-adhesive portable CHOTs (SA CHOTs) to complement its potential field application by enabling transducer delivery to components in-service and application to large and curved parts, previously limited by laboratory-based direct on-sample CHOT fabrication. The developed transducers overcome frequent barriers for industrial adaptation of fully-optical inspection systems presented by the sample surface conditions such as reflectivity and roughness. The NDT capabilities of the CHOTs endoscopic pulser are demonstrated by performing detection of machined slots on controlled aluminium samples and representative industrial parts using 4--5 MHz surface acoustic waves. System capabilities for active structural health monitoring (SHM) as well as inspection of samples in motion are demonstrated. Although in its present configuration the size of the endoscope exceeds practical access requirements, the potential of the system for further development and miniaturisation is discussed

    Design of Acoustic Lenses for Ultrasound Focusing Applications

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La focalización de ultrasonidos tiene muchas aplicaciones en una gran variedad de áreas tanto científicas como industriales. Los ultrasonidos focalizados son una de las herramientas principales usada por médicos en todo el mundo para obtener imágenes biomédicas de diferentes tipos de tejidos y órganos de manera no invasiva. En las últimas décadas, el uso de ultrasonidos focalizados de alta intensidad (HIFU, por sus siglas en inglés) ha surgido como una de las técnicas principales para el tratamiento de cáncer mediante la ablación térmica de tumores de manera no invasiva. Además, los ultrasonidos focalizados están emergiendo en los últimos años como uno de los métodos más prometedores para el tratamiento de las enfermedades cerebrales, con la aparición de nuevas técnicas disruptivas como la apertura reversible de la barrera hematoencefálica o la neuromodulación. En entornos industriales, los ultrasonidos son ampliamente utilizados como uno de los métodos principales para la evaluación no destructiva de materiales y estructuras, debido a que las ondas acústicas pueden penetrar en los objetos a distancias donde la luz no puede debido a la elevada absorción y dispersión. En este sentido, diseñar estructuras capaces de focalizar ultrasonidos es de una gran relevancia tanto para la comunidad científica como para los sectores médicos e industriales. Esta tesis presenta nuevos diseños de lentes acústicas capaces de controlar los parámetros principales del haz de ultrasonidos focalizados, proporcionando diferentes tipos de perfiles de focalización adecuados para una gran variedad de aplicaciones y escenarios. En particular, se han diseñado y adaptado al campo de los ultrasonidos las lentes de Fresnel (Fresnel Zone Plates, FZPs), ampliamente utilizadas en el campo de la óptica. Se ha presentado una nueva técnica de modulación espacio-temporal capaz de controlar la posición del foco de ultrasonidos tanto en espacio como en tiempo, aumentando así la versatilidad de este tipo de dispositivos. También se ha demostrado el funcionamiento en el campo de la acústica de nuevos diseños basados en aplicar secuencias binarias a una lente de Fresnel convencional, como las secuencias fractales de Cantor o las secuencias de M-bonacci generalizadas, capaces de modificar las propiedades de focalización de las lentes, incluyendo el número, posición y forma de los focos acústicos. Además, se introduce un nuevo diseño de lentes esféricas rellenas de líquido capaces de generar jets ultrasónicos, con mucho potencial en aplicaciones de imagen de alta resolución en campo cercano. Se ha demostrado que, cambiando el líquido interno de la lente o ajustando el ratio de mezcla entre dos líquidos, se pueden controlar los parámetros principales del jet. Los diseños propuestos en la tesis han sido validados tanto empleando simulaciones numéricas como realizando medidas experimentales, allanando el camino para el uso de este tipo de estructuras en aplicaciones de focalización de ultrasonidos.[CA] La focalització d'ultrasons té moltes aplicacions en moltes àrees científiques i industrials. Els ultrasons focalitzats són una de les eines principals utilitzada per metges a tot el món per obtenir imatges biomèdiques de diferents tipus de teixits i òrgans de manera no invasiva. En les últimes dècades, els ultrasons focalitzats d'alta intensitat (HIFU, per les seues sigles en anglès) han aparegut com una de les tècniques principals per al tractament de càncer mitjançant l'ablació de tumors de manera no invasiva. A més, els ultrasons focalitzats estan emergint en els últims anys com un dels mètodes més prometedors per al tractament de les malalties cerebrals, amb l'aparició de noves tècniques disruptives com l'obertura reversible de la barrera hematoencefàlica o la neuromodulació. En entorns industrials, els ultrasons són àmpliament utilitzats com un dels mètodes principals per a l'avaluació no destructiva de materials i estructures, pel fet que les ones acústiques poden penetrar en els objectes a distàncies on la llum no pot a causa de l'elevada absorció i dispersió. En aquest sentit, dissenyar estructures capaces de focalitzar ultrasons és d'una gran rellevància tant per a la comunitat científica com per als sectors mèdics i industrials. Aquesta tesi presenta nous dissenys de lents acústiques capaços de controlar els paràmetres principals del feix d'ultrasons focalitzats, proporcionant diferents tipus de perfils de focalització adequats per a una gran varietat d'aplicacions i escenaris. En particular, s'han dissenyat i adaptat al camp dels ultrasons les lents de Fresnel (Fresnel Zone Plates, FZPs), àmpliament utilitzades en el camp de l'òptica. S'ha presentat una nova tècnica de modulació espai-temporal capaç de controlar la posició del focus d'ultrasons tant en espai com en temps, augmentant així la versatilitat d'aquest tipus de dispositius. També s'ha demostrat el funcionament en el camp de l'acústica de nous dissenys basats en aplicar seqüències binàries a una lent de Fresnel convencional, com les seqüències fractals de Cantor o les seqüències de M-bonacci generalitzades, capaces de modificar les propietats de focalització de les lents, incloent el nombre, posició i forma dels focus acústics. A més, s'introdueix un nou disseny de lents esfèriques plenes de líquid capaces de generar jets ultrasònics, amb molt potencial en aplicacions d'imatge d'alta resolució en camp proper. S'ha demostrat que, canviant el líquid intern de la lent o ajustant la ràtio de barreja entre dos líquids, es poden controlar els paràmetres principals del jet. Els dissenys proposats en la tesi han estat validats tant emprant simulacions numèriques com realitzant mesures experimentals, aplanant el camí per a l'ús d'aquest tipus d'estructures en aplicacions de focalització d'ultrasons.[EN] Ultrasound focusing has many applications in a wide range of fields. Focused ultrasound is one of the main tools used by doctors all over the world to obtain biomedical images of different kind of tissues non-invasively. In the past decades, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) appeared as one of the fundamental techniques for cancer treatment through non-invasive thermal tumor ablation. In addition, focused ultrasonic waves are recently emerging as one of the main tools to treat brain diseases, with novel disruptive techniques such as blood-brain barrier opening or neuromodulation. In industrial environments, ultrasonic waves are widely employed as one of the primary methods for the non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of materials and structures, as acoustic waves are able to penetrate deep into objects otherwise opaque using optical techniques. In this sense, designing structures capable of focusing ultrasonic waves is of great interest and relevance for the scientific, the industrial, and the biomedical sectors. This thesis devises new designs of acoustic lenses capable of controlling the main parameters of the focused ultrasound beam, achieving different kinds of focusing profiles suitable for a wide variety of scenarios. In particular, Fresnel Zone Plates (FZPs), commonly used in optics, are designed and adapted to the ultrasound domain. A novel spatio-temporal modulation technique capable of controlling the ultrasound focus location in both time and space is presented, increasing the versatility of this kind of devices. New design techniques based on applying a binary sequence to FZPs are also demonstrated, such as Cantor fractal sequences or generalized M-bonacci sequences, which modify the focusing properties of the lens, including the number, location, and shape of the different acoustic foci. In addition, acoustic jets generated by liquid-filled spherical lenses are devised for near-field high resolution imaging, demonstrating their applicability in the ultrasound domain. It is demonstrated that, by changing the inner liquid of the spherical lens or by tuning the mixing ratio between two liquids, the main focal parameters of the ultrasonic jet can be accurately controlled. The proposed designs are validated using both numerical simulations and experimental measurements, paving the way for the use of these kind of structures in focused ultrasound applications.This work would not have been possible without the following funding sources: PAID-01-18 personal FPI grant from Universitat Politècnica de València; Spanish government MINECO TEC2015-70939-R project; Spanish government MICINN RTI2018-100792-B-I00 project; Generalitat Valenciana AICO/2020/139 project.Pérez López, S. (2021). Design of Acoustic Lenses for Ultrasound Focusing Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179907TESISCompendi

    Reliability of Nondestructive Examination Chapters 7 - 11

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