728 research outputs found

    Control and treatment of sulfur compounds specially sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions from the petroleum industry: A review

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    Sulfur compounds such as sulfur oxides (SOx) are generated and emitted from operations in the petroleum industry which have negative effects on the environment. This study gives a critical and detailed introduction to the control and treatment of sulfur compounds specially sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions from the petroleum industry. It begins with the sectors, main sources, and type of operations that generate SOx emissions; maximum effluent level of them from the petroleum industry; minimization, control, prevention and treatment techniques of these emissions from the petroleum industry. Among these techniques, sulfur recovery unit (SRU) which most often consists of a Claus process for bulk sulfur removal and subsequently a tail gas treatment unit (TGTU) for the remaining H2S removal (SCOT process, Beavon sulfur removal (BSR) process, and Wellman-Lord process) and flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) processes (once-through or regenerable) have been discussed in detail; and removal efficiencies and technical and economic aspects have been compared

    Emission inventories from Kuwait petroleum refineries and respective ground level concentration of pollutants in the neighboring residential area

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    The State of Kuwait has three large refineries, namely, Mina Al Ahmadi Refinery, Mina Abdullah Refinery and Shuaiba Refinery. These refineries process and refine Kuwait Crude Oil through different process units. There are many heaters, boilers and flares that form a part of the complicated equipment which enhance the different petroleum processes. Fuel gas is used as a firing fuel for those heaters and boilers. As a result, stack emissions like SO2, NOx, CO are predominantly present in the flue gases and this study focuses on those emissions and their impact on the surrounding residential area. The area of interest will be Umm Al-Hyman residential area. This study accumulates emission inventories from the three refineries and the respective ground level concentration of the pollutants in the neighboring residential area. It also focuses on the impact of emissions from the refinery operations on the ground level concentrations in the surrounding areas by using the inventory model and latest emission factors to provide accurate emission estimates. The models were developed and the results were verified with the actual data from the area of impact. As a result of the findings of the major pollutants, namely SO2, NOx & CO, it is found that SO2 and CO are not exceeding Kuwait EPA Ambient Air Quality Standards for Residential Areas normally. However, NOx is observed to exceed occasionally. Even though, NOx emissions from refineries sources represented by plume models were much less, there is a consistent increase in the measured NOx. Furthermore, in 2007, the measured hourly, daily and annual NOx concentration exceeded the international standard many times. The increasing trend in NOx is attributed to continuous increase in population and the number of motor vehicles. The study will go further step in recommending engineering solutions and best practices to reduce the pollutants concentrations which will help in the reduction of human health risks and protect the environment

    Superstructure Optimization of Naphtha Processing System with Environmental Considerations

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    The objective of this research project is to develop an optimization-based mathematical model in the form of a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) for determining the optimal configuration of a petroleum refmery. The scope for this project is to formulate the superstructure representation model for a refinery focusing on the subsystem of naphtha hydroprocessing in order to select the most economical and cost efficient process route. The alternatives for all streams are evaluated and the optimal configuration is proposed based on market demand by incorporating logical constraints and mass balance using the GAMS modeling language platform. Based on the information and knowledge about the physics of the problem of naphtha processing unit, we represent all these possible processing alternatives on a superstructure. Carbon dioxide emission factors bave also been considered in which relevant data is obtained using the carbon weighting tonne (CWT) method. Computational studies are conducted on a representative numerical example to illustrate the proposed modeling approach

    Waste management options for United States refineries

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    A standard refinery model was developed from industrial studies. This model was then used to generate waste streams normal to such processes. The current literature was reviewed to determine what waste management options were available. These options were then analysed to determine economic viability.Environmental Engineerin

    Sulfur dioxide emissions in Iran and environmental impacts of sulfur recovery plant in Tabriz Oil Refinery

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    Background: Combustion of fossil fuels contributes to sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. To deal with this issue, the government of Iran has appointed the oil refineries to upgrade their installations and produce high quality fuels. Thus, this study investigated the status of SO2 emissions in Iran and the capability of advanced technologies to control SO2 emissions. Methods: The status of SO2 emissions was reviewed and discussed through national online reports. Meanwhile, the environmental impacts of sulfur recovery and tail gas treatment (TGT) plant (STP) were assessed by applying rapid impact assessment matrix (RIAM) for implementation and nonimplementation alternatives in Tabriz Oil Refinery Company (TORC). Results: SO2 emissions have been increased by 2.1 times during 2004-2014 in Iran. Power plants and transportation play a significant role in this regard and overall contribute 82% of emissions. Among the other fossil fuels, fuel oil and gasoil account for 95% of SO2 emissions. Based on the environmental impact assessments (EIAs), sulfur recovery management and enhancing sulfur removal efficiency from flue gas up to 99.9% are two main positive environmental aspects of STP project that would enable TORC to prevent 87 600 tons of SO2 emissions, annually. Nevertheless, flue gas and sour gas streams which have been determined as probable pollution sources of process, should be managed through proper monitoring framework. Conclusion: The increasing trend of SO2 emissions and significant role of fuel oil and gasoil has required Iranian oil refineries to enhance the quality of fuels by employing clean and cost-effective technologies. Keywords: Air pollution, Fossil fuels, Oil and gas industry, Environmental assessment, Tabri

    Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas. Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)

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    The BREF entitled ‘Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas’ forms part of a series presenting the results of an exchange of information between EU Member States, the industries concerned, non-governmental organisations promoting environmental protection, and the Commission, to draw up, review, and where necessary, update BAT reference documents as required by Article 13(1) of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU). This document is published by the European Commission pursuant to Article 13(6) of the Directive. This BREF for the refining of mineral oil and gas covers certain industrial activities specified in Section 1.2 of Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU, namely the energy industries of the refining of mineral oil and gas sector. In particular, this document covers the following refineries processes and activities: - Alkylation - Base oil production - Bitumen production - Catalytic cracking - Catalytic reforming - Coking - Cooling - Desalting - Combustion of refinery fuels for energy production - Etherification - Gas separation - Hydrogen consuming processes - Hydrogen production - Isomerisation - Natural gas plants - Polymerisation - Primary distillation - Product treatments - Storage and handling of refinery materials - Visbreaking and other thermal conversions - Waste gas treatment - Waste water treatment - Waste management. Important issues for the implementation of Directive 2010/75/EU in the refining of mineral oil and gas sector are the emissions to air of volatile organic substances, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, hydrofluoric acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, dioxins and furans, and dust; emissions to water of oils, benzene, suspended solids, COD, nitrogen, metals (lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury); energy efficiency; and the prevention of emissions to soil and groundwater. The BREF document contains seven chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 provide general information on the refining of mineral oil and gas industry and on the industrial processes and techniques used within this sector. Chapter 3 provides data and information concerning the environmental performance of installations in terms of current emissions, consumption of raw materials, water and energy, and generation of waste. Chapter 4 describes the techniques to prevent or reduce emissions from installations in the sector. In Chapter 5 the BAT conclusions, as defined in Article 3(12) of the Directive, are presented for the refining of mineral oil and gas industry. Chapters 6 and 7 are dedicated to emerging techniques as well as to concluding remarks and recommendations for future work in the sector, respectively.JRC.J.5-Sustainable Production and Consumptio

    Institute of Chemical Engineering Conference on Gasification Technology in Practice 1997

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    A Machine Learning-Based Method for Modelling a Proprietary SO2 Removal System in the Oil and Gas Sector

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    The aim of this study is to develop a model for a proprietary SO2 removal technology by using machine learning techniques and, more specifically, by exploiting the potentialities of artificial neural networks (ANNs). This technology is employed at the Eni oil and gas treatment plant in southern Italy. The amine circulating in this unit, that allows for a reduction in the SO2 concentration in the flue gases and to be compliant with the required specifications, is a proprietary solvent; thus, its composition is not publicly available. This has led to the idea of developing a machine learning (ML) algorithm for the unit description, with the objective of becoming independent from the licensor and more flexible in unit modelling. The model was developed in MatLab® by implementing ANNs and the aim was to predict three targets, namely the flow rate of SO2 that goes to the Claus unit, the emissions of SO2, and the flow rate of steam sent to the regenerator reboiler. These represent, respectively, the two physical outputs of the unit and a proxy variable of the amine quality. Three different models were developed, one for each target, that employed the Levenberg–Marquardt optimization algorithm. In addition, the ANN topology was optimized case by case. From the analysis of the results, it emerged that with a purely data-driven technique, the targets can be predicted with good accuracy. Therefore, this model can be employed to better manage the SO2 removal system, since it allows for the definition of an optimal control strategy and the maximization of the plant’s productivity by not exceeding the process constraints

    North Dakota Refining Capacity Study

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    According to a 2008 report issued by the United States Geological Survey, North Dakota and Montana have an estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in an area known as the Bakken Formation. With the size and remoteness of the discovery, the question became 'can a business case be made for increasing refining capacity in North Dakota?' And, if so what is the impact to existing players in the region. To answer the question, a study committee comprised of leaders in the region's petroleum industry were brought together to define the scope of the study, hire a consulting firm and oversee the study. The study committee met frequently to provide input on the findings and modify the course of the study, as needed. The study concluded that the Petroleum Area Defense District II (PADD II) has an oversupply of gasoline. With that in mind, a niche market, naphtha, was identified. Naphtha is used as a diluent used for pipelining the bitumen (heavy crude) from Canada to crude markets. The study predicted there will continue to be an increase in the demand for naphtha through 2030. The study estimated the optimal configuration for the refinery at 34,000 barrels per day (BPD) producing 15,000 BPD of naphtha and a 52 percent refinery charge for jet and diesel yield. The financial modeling assumed the sponsor of a refinery would invest its own capital to pay for construction costs. With this assumption, the internal rate of return is 9.2 percent which is not sufficient to attract traditional investment given the risk factor of the project. With that in mind, those interested in pursuing this niche market will need to identify incentives to improve the rate of return
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