286 research outputs found

    Approximation and geometric modeling with simplex B-splines associated with irregular triangles

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    Bivariate quadratic simplical B-splines defined by their corresponding set of knots derived from a (suboptimal) constrained Delaunay triangulation of the domain are employed to obtain a C1-smooth surface. The generation of triangle vertices is adjusted to the areal distribution of the data in the domain. We emphasize here that the vertices of the triangles initially define the knots of the B-splines and do generally not coincide with the abscissae of the data. Thus, this approach is well suited to process scattered data.\ud \ud With each vertex of a given triangle we associate two additional points which give rise to six configurations of five knots defining six linearly independent bivariate quadratic B-splines supported on the convex hull of the corresponding five knots.\ud \ud If we consider the vertices of the triangulation as threefold knots, the bivariate quadratic B-splines turn into the well known bivariate quadratic Bernstein-BĂ©zier-form polynomials on triangles. Thus we might be led to think of B-splines as of smoothed versions of Bernstein-BĂ©zier polynomials with respect to the entire domain. From the degenerate Bernstein-BĂ©zier situation we deduce rules how to locate the additional points associated with each vertex to establish knot configurations that allow the modeling of discontinuities of the function itself or any of its directional derivatives. We find that four collinear knots out of the set of five defining an individual quadratic B-spline generate a discontinuity in the surface along the line they constitute, and that analogously three collinear knots generate a discontinuity in a first derivative.\ud Finally, the coefficients of the linear combinations of normalized simplicial B-splines are visualized as geometric control points satisfying the convex hull property.\ud Thus, bivariate quadratic B-splines associated with irregular triangles provide a great flexibility to approximate and model fast changing or even functions with any given discontinuities from scattered data.\ud An example for least squares approximation with simplex splines is presented

    Recursive subdivision algorithms for curve and surface design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.In this thesis, the author studies recursIve subdivision algorithms for curves and surfaces. Several subdivision algorithms are constructed and investigated. Some graphic examples are also presented. Inspired by the Chaikin's algorithm and the Catmull-Clark's algorithm, some non-uniform schemes, the non-uniform corner cutting scheme and the recursive subdivision algorithm for non-uniform B-spline curves, are constructed and analysed. The adapted parametrization is introduced to analyse these non-uniform algorithms. In order to solve the surface interpolation problem, the Dyn-Gregory-Levin's 4-point interpolatory scheme is generalized to surfaces and the 10-point interpolatory subdivision scheme for surfaces is formulated. The so-called Butterfly Scheme, which was firstly introduced by Dyn, Gregory Levin in 1988, is just a special case of the scheme. By studying the Cross-Differences of Directional Divided Differences, a matrix approach for analysing uniform subdivision algorithms for surfaces is established and the convergence of the 10-point scheme over both uniform and non-uniform triangular networks is studied. Another algorithm, the subdivision algorithm for uniform bi-quartic B-spline surfaces over arbitrary topology is introduced and investigated. This algorithm is a generalization of Doo-Sabin's and Catmull-Clark's algorithms. It produces uniform Bi-quartic B-spline patches over uniform data. By studying the local subdivision matrix, which is a circulant, the tangent plane and curvature properties of the limit surfaces at the so-called Extraordinary Points are studied in detail.The Chinese Educational Commission and The British Council (SBFSS/1987

    Implicitization of curves and (hyper)surfaces using predicted support

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    We reduce implicitization of rational planar parametric curves and (hyper)surfaces to linear algebra, by interpolating the coefficients of the implicit equation. For predicting the implicit support, we focus on methods that exploit input and output structure in the sense of sparse (or toric) elimination theory, namely by computing the Newton polytope of the implicit polynomial, via sparse resultant theory. Our algorithm works even in the presence of base points but, in this case, the implicit equation shall be obtained as a factor of the produced polynomial. We implement our methods on Maple, and some on Matlab as well, and study their numerical stability and efficiency on several classes of curves and surfaces. We apply our approach to approximate implicitization, and quantify the accuracy of the approximate output, which turns out to be satisfactory on all tested examples; we also relate our measures to Hausdorff distance. In building a square or rectangular matrix, an important issue is (over)sampling the given curve or surface: we conclude that unitary complexes offer the best tradeoff between speed and accuracy when numerical methods are employed, namely SVD, whereas for exact kernel computation random integers is the method of choice. We compare our prototype to existing software and find that it is rather competitive

    On numerical quadrature for C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin 6-split macro-triangles

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    The quadrature rule of Hammer and Stroud [16] for cubic polynomials has been shown to be exact for a larger space of functions, namely the C1C^1 cubic Clough-Tocher spline space over a macro-triangle if and only if the split-point is the barycentre of the macro-triangle [21]. We continue the study of quadrature rules for spline spaces over macro-triangles, now focusing on the case of C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin 6-split macro-triangles. We show that the 33-node Gaussian quadrature(s) for quadratics can be generalised to the C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin 6-split spline space over a macro-triangle for a two-parameter family of inner split-points, not just the barycentre as in [21]. The choice of the inner split-point uniquely determines the positions of the edge split-points such that the whole spline space is integrated exactly by a corresponding polynomial quadrature. Consequently, the number of quadrature points needed to exactly integrate this special spline space reduces from twelve to three. For the inner split-point at the barycentre, we prove that the two 3-node quadratic polynomial quadratures of Hammer and Stroud exactly integrate also the C1C^1 quadratic Powell-Sabin spline space if and only if the edge split-points are at their respective edge midpoints. For other positions of the inner and edge split-points we provide numerical examples showing that three nodes suffice to integrate the space exactly, but a full classification and a closed-form solution in the generic case remain elusive

    Quasi-Interpolation in a Space of C 2 Sextic Splines over Powell–Sabin Triangulations

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    In this work, we study quasi-interpolation in a space of sextic splines defined over Powell– Sabin triangulations. These spline functions are of class C 2 on the whole domain but fourth-order regularity is required at vertices and C 3 regularity is imposed across the edges of the refined triangulation and also at the interior point chosen to define the refinement. An algorithm is proposed to define the Powell–Sabin triangles with a small area and diameter needed to construct a normalized basis. Quasi-interpolation operators which reproduce sextic polynomials are constructed after deriving Marsden’s identity from a more explicit version of the control polynomials introduced some years ago in the literature. Finally, some tests show the good performance of these operators.Erasmus+ International Dimension programme, European CommissionPAIDI programme, Junta de Andalucía, Spai
