10 research outputs found

    Continuous Value Iteration (CVI) Reinforcement Learning and Imaginary Experience Replay (IER) for learning multi-goal, continuous action and state space controllers

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    This paper presents a novel model-free Reinforcement Learning algorithm for learning behavior in continuous action, state, and goal spaces. The algorithm approximates optimal value functions using non-parametric estimators. It is able to efficiently learn to reach multiple arbitrary goals in deterministic and nondeterministic environments. To improve generalization in the goal space, we propose a novel sample augmentation technique. Using these methods, robots learn faster and overall better controllers. We benchmark the proposed algorithms using simulation and a real-world voltage controlled robot that learns to maneuver in a non-observable Cartesian task space.Comment: Published in 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 20-24 May 201

    Intrinsic motivation learning for real robot applications

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    Effizientes und stabiles online Lernen fĂŒr "Developmental Robots"

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    Recent progress in robotics and cognitive science has inspired a new generation of more versatile robots, so-called developmental robots. Many learning approaches for these robots are inspired by developmental processes and learning mechanisms observed in children. It is widely accepted that developmental robots must autonomously develop, acquire their skills, and cope with unforeseen challenges in unbounded environments through lifelong learning. Continuous online adaptation and intrinsically motivated learning are thus essential capabilities for these robots. However, the high sample-complexity of online learning and intrinsic motivation methods impedes the efficiency and practical feasibility of these methods for lifelong learning. Consequently, the majority of previous work has been demonstrated only in simulation. This thesis devises new methods and learning schemes to mitigate this problem and to permit direct online training on physical robots. A novel intrinsic motivation method is developed to drive the robot’s exploration to efficiently select what to learn. This method combines new knowledge-based and competence-based signals to increase sample-efficiency and to enable lifelong learning. While developmental robots typically acquire their skills through self-exploration, their autonomous development could be accelerated by additionally learning from humans. Yet there is hardly any research to integrate intrinsic motivation with learning from a teacher. The thesis therefore establishes a new learning scheme to integrate intrinsic motivation with learning from observation. The underlying exploration mechanism in the proposed learning schemes relies on Goal Babbling as a goal-directed method for learning direct inverse robot models online, from scratch, and in a learning while behaving fashion. Online learning of multiple solutions for redundant robots with this framework was missing. This thesis devises an incremental online associative network to enable simultaneous exploration and solution consolidation and establishes a new technique to stabilize the learning system. The proposed methods and learning schemes are demonstrated for acquiring reaching skills. Their efficiency, stability, and applicability are benchmarked in simulation and demonstrated on a physical 7-DoF Baxter robot arm.JĂŒngste Entwicklungen in der Robotik und den Kognitionswissenschaften haben zu einer Generation von vielseitigen Robotern gefĂŒhrt, die als ”Developmental Robots” bezeichnet werden. Lernverfahren fĂŒr diese Roboter sind inspiriert von Lernmechanismen, die bei Kindern beobachtet wurden. ”Developmental Robots” mĂŒssen autonom Fertigkeiten erwerben und unvorhergesehene Herausforderungen in uneingeschrĂ€nkten Umgebungen durch lebenslanges Lernen meistern. Kontinuierliches Anpassen und Lernen durch intrinsische Motivation sind daher wichtige Eigenschaften. Allerdings schrĂ€nkt der hohe Aufwand beim Generieren von Datenpunkten die praktische Nutzbarkeit solcher Verfahren ein. Daher wurde ein Großteil nur in Simulationen demonstriert. In dieser Arbeit werden daher neue Methoden konzipiert, um dieses Problem zu meistern und ein direktes Online-Training auf realen Robotern zu ermöglichen. Dazu wird eine neue intrinsisch motivierte Methode entwickelt, die wĂ€hrend der Umgebungsexploration effizient auswĂ€hlt, was gelernt wird. Sie kombiniert neue wissens- und kompetenzbasierte Signale, um die Sampling-Effizienz zu steigern und lebenslanges Lernen zu ermöglichen. WĂ€hrend ”Developmental Robots” Fertigkeiten durch Selbstexploration erwerben, kann ihre Entwicklung durch Lernen durch Beobachten beschleunigt werden. Dennoch gibt es kaum Arbeiten, die intrinsische Motivation mit Lernen von interagierenden Lehrern verbinden. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt ein neues Lernschema, das diese Verbindung schafft. Der in den vorgeschlagenen Lernmethoden genutzte Explorationsmechanismus beruht auf Goal Babbling, einer zielgerichteten Methode zum Lernen inverser Modelle, die online-fĂ€hig ist, kein Vorwissen benötigt und Lernen wĂ€hrend der AusfĂŒhrung von Bewegungen ermöglicht. Das Online-Lernen mehrerer Lösungen inverser Modelle redundanter Roboter mit Goal Babbling wurde bisher nicht erforscht. In dieser Arbeit wird dazu ein inkrementell lernendes, assoziatives neuronales Netz entwickelt und eine Methode konzipiert, die es stabilisiert. Das Netz ermöglicht deren gleichzeitige Exploration und Konsolidierung. Die vorgeschlagenen Verfahren werden fĂŒr das Greifen nach Objekten demonstriert. Ihre Effizienz, StabilitĂ€t und Anwendbarkeit werden simulativ verglichen und mit einem Roboter mit sieben Gelenken demonstriert

    Technology 2002: the Third National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, Volume 1

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    The proceedings from the conference are presented. The topics covered include the following: computer technology, advanced manufacturing, materials science, biotechnology, and electronics

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen