1,174 research outputs found

    Power Management Techniques for Data Centers: A Survey

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    With growing use of internet and exponential growth in amount of data to be stored and processed (known as 'big data'), the size of data centers has greatly increased. This, however, has resulted in significant increase in the power consumption of the data centers. For this reason, managing power consumption of data centers has become essential. In this paper, we highlight the need of achieving energy efficiency in data centers and survey several recent architectural techniques designed for power management of data centers. We also present a classification of these techniques based on their characteristics. This paper aims to provide insights into the techniques for improving energy efficiency of data centers and encourage the designers to invent novel solutions for managing the large power dissipation of data centers.Comment: Keywords: Data Centers, Power Management, Low-power Design, Energy Efficiency, Green Computing, DVFS, Server Consolidatio

    Virtual infrastructure approach for SADU implementation

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    This paper proposes a new way of structuring the virtual infrastructure in terms of knowledge acquisition for SADU implementation. Through virtualization, the hardware infrastructure becomes a service, virtual machines become predominant within the infrastructure and their way of functioning can be affected by certain malfunctions. SADU supports human diagnostician in order to provide possible solutions to the raised issues. A virtualized IT infrastructure consists of layers that virtualized the used hardware components. Based on layers membership we propose a new approach to structuring the virtual infrastructure. This approach has fundamentally changed the architecture at the layer levels, increasing the security and availability of resources. Grouping layers depending on membership or type (hardware, virtual infrastructure, software) around the concept of stack led to a separation of intelligent agents’ responsibility for knowledge acquisition and fault diagnosis, allowing a better understanding of the field, reflected by developing a new ontology

    Data center virtualization and its economic implications for the companies

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    In the current situation of the economic crisis, when companies target budget cuttings in a context of an explosive data growth, the IT community must evaluate potential technology developments not only on their technical advantages, but on their economic effects as well.data centre; virtualization; tiered storage; provisioning software; unified computing.

    Modelling Energy Consumption based on Resource Utilization

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    Power management is an expensive and important issue for large computational infrastructures such as datacenters, large clusters, and computational grids. However, measuring energy consumption of scalable systems may be impractical due to both cost and complexity for deploying power metering devices on a large number of machines. In this paper, we propose the use of information about resource utilization (e.g. processor, memory, disk operations, and network traffic) as proxies for estimating power consumption. We employ machine learning techniques to estimate power consumption using such information which are provided by common operating systems. Experiments with linear regression, regression tree, and multilayer perceptron on data from different hardware resulted into a model with 99.94\% of accuracy and 6.32 watts of error in the best case.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Supercomputing on 14th June, 201

    Dynamic Consolidation of Highly Available Web Applications

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    Datacenters provide an economical and practical solution for hosting large scale n-tier Web applications. When scalability and high availability are required, each tier can be implemented as multiple replicas, which can absorb extra load and avoid a single point of failure. Realizing these benefits in practice, however, requires that replicas be assigned to datacenter nodes according to certain placement constraints. To provide the required quality of service to all of the hosted applications, the datacenter must consider of all of their specific constraints. When the constraints are not satisfied, the datacenter must quickly adjust the mappings of applications to nodes, taking all of the applications' constraints into account. This paper presents Plasma, an approach for hosting highly available Web applications, based on dynamic consolidation of virtual machines and placement constraint descriptions. The placement constraint descriptions allow the data- center administrator to describe the datacenter infrastructure and each appli- cation administrator to describe his requirements on the VM placement. Based on the descriptions, Plasma continuously optimizes the placement of the VMs in order to provide the required quality of service. Experiments on simulated configurations show that the Plasma reconfiguration algorithm is able to man- age a datacenter with up to 2000 nodes running 4000 VMs with 800 placement constraints. Real experiments on a small cluster of 8 working nodes running 3 instances of the RUBiS benchmarks with a total of 21 VMs show that con- tinuous consolidation is able to reach 85% of the load of a 21 working nodes cluster.Externaliser l'hébergement d'une application Web n-tiers virtualisée dans un centre de données est une solution économiquement viable. Lorsque l'administrateur de l'application considère les problèmes de haute disponibilité tels que le passage à l'échelle et de tolérance aux pannes, chaque machine virtuelle (VM) embarquant un tiers est répliquée plusieurs fois pour absorber la charge et éviter les points de défaillance. Dans la pratique, ces VM doivent être placées selon des contraintes de placement précises. Pour fournir une qualité de service à toutes les applications hébergées, l'administrateur du centre de données doit considérer toutes leurs contraintes. Lorsque des contraintes de placement ne sont plus satisfaites, les VM alors doivent être ré-agencées au plus vite pour retrouver un placement viable. Ce travail est complexe dans un environnement consolidé où chaque nœud peut héberger plusieurs VM. Cet article présente Plasma, un système autonome pour héberger les VM des applications Web haute-disponibilité dans un centre de données utilisant la consolidation dynamique. Par l'intermédiaire de scripts de configuration, les administrateurs des applications décrivent les contraintes de placement de leur VM tandis que l'administrateur système décrit l'infrastructure du centre de données. Grâce à ces descriptions, Plasma optimise en continu le placement des VM pour fournir la qualité de service attendue. Une évaluation avec des données simulées montre que l'algorithme de reconfiguration de Plasma permet de superviser 2000 nœuds hébergeant 4000 VM selon 800 contraintes de placement. Une évaluation sur une grappe de 8 nœuds exécutant 3 instances de l'application RUBiS sur 21 VM montre que la consolidation fournit par Plasma atteint 85% des performances d'une grappe de 21 nœuds