21 research outputs found

    Self-adaptive clock synchronisation based on clock precision difference

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    This paper presents an innovative strategy to synchronize all virtual clocks in asynchronous Internet environments. Our model is based on the architecture of one reference clock and many slave clocks communicating with each other over the Internet. The paper makes three major contributions to this research area. Firstly, one-way information transmission is applied to reduce traffic overhead on the Internet for the purpose of clock synchronization. Secondly, the slave nodes use local virtual time and the arrival timestamp, from the reference node, to create linear mathematical trend models and to retrieve the clock precision differences between reference clock and slave clocks. Finally, a fault-tolerant and self-adaptive model executed by each slave node based on the above linear trend model is created in order to ensure that the virtual clock is running normally, even when the link between the reference node and this slave node has crashed. We also present detailed simulations of this strategy and mathematical analysis on real Internet environments.<br /

    Adaptive Time Synchronization for Homogeneous WSNs

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are being used for observing real‐world phenomenon. It is important that sensor nodes (SNs) must be synchronized to a common time in order to precisely map the data collected by SNs. Clock synchronization is very challenging in WSNs as the sensor networks are resource constrained networks. It is essential that clock synchronization protocols designed for WSNs must be light weight i.e. SNs must be synchronized with fewer synchronization message exchanges. In this paper, we propose a clock synchronization protocol for WSNs where first of all cluster heads (CHs) are synchronized with the sink and then the cluster nodes (CNs) are synchronized with their respective CHs. CNs are synchronized with the help of time synchronization node (TSN) chosen by the respective CHs. Simulation results show that proposed protocol requires considerably fewer synchronization messages as compared with the reference broadcast synchronization (RBS) protocol and minimum variance unbiased estimation (MUVE) method. Clock skew correction mechanism applied in proposed protocol guarantees long term stability and hence decreases re‐ synchronization frequency thereby conserving more energ

    Proposing a novel method for clock synchronization by Reducing the Number of Synchronization Messages and Eliminating Non-Deterministic Errors in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) of spatially distributed autonomous sensors are used to monitor physical or environmental conditions such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. They are also used to cooperatively pass the collected data through the network to a main location. Due to the application of wireless sensor networks as a monitoring device in the real world, the physical time of the occurrence of events is important. Since WSNs have particular constraints and limitations, synchronizing the physical times for these networks is considered to be a complex task. Although many algorithms have been proposed for synchronizing time in the network, there are two main error factors in all the proposed algorithms. The first factor is the clock drift which might be caused by the influence of different environmental factors such as temperature, ambient temperature, humidity, it might be generated on crystal oscillator which is inevitable The second error factor is indeterminacy which is attributed to the existence of non-deterministic delays in sending and receiving messages between sensor nodes. These two factors together reduce the precision of synchronization algorithms. In this paper, the researchers proposed a new approach for dealing with the above-mentioned two problems and achieving better synchronization. The proposed approach is a combination of flooding time synchronization protocol (FTSP) and reference broadcast synchronization (RBS).This approach is intended to increase synchronization accuracy and network lifetime by reducing the number of synchronization messages sent between nodes and eliminating the most of non-deterministic errors in sending messages. The results of simulations conducted in the study indicated that the proposed approach is significantly more efficient than the FTSP and RBS methods in terms of parameters such as accurate synchronization, amount of sent packets and power consumption

    On Non-Cooperative Multiple-Target Tracking with Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, we propose an approach to track multiple non-cooperative targets with wireless sensor networks. Most existing tracking algorithms can not be directly applied to non-cooperative target tracking because they assume the access to signals from individual targets for tracking by assuming that: 1) there is only one target in a field; 2) signals from different co-operative targets can be differentiated; or 3) interference caused by signals from other targets is negligible because of attenuation. We propose a general approach for tracking non-cooperative targets. The tracking algorithm first separates the aggregate signals from multiple indistinguishable targets via the blind source separation (BSS) algorithms. Through the analysis on both the temporal and spatial correlation of the separated individual signals, the tracking algorithm determines the location of a target and its moving track. A voting scheme based on the spatial information is designed to better estimate the moving track. Furthermore, we analyze and discuss the influence of signal attenuation and the tracking resolution of the proposed tracking approach. Our experiments show that the proposed approach can both accurately and precisely track multiple indistinguishable moving targets

    Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview

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    The development of tiny, low-cost, low-power and multifunctional sensor nodes equipped with sensing, data processing, and communicating components, have been made possible by the recent advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) assume a collection of such tiny sensing devices connected wirelessly and which are used to observe and monitor a variety of phenomena in the real physical world. Many applications based on these WSNs assume local clocks at each sensor node that need to be synchronized to a common notion of time. This paper reviews the existing clock synchronization protocols for WSNs and the methods of estimating clock offset and clock skew in the most representative clock synchronization protocols for WSNs


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    Modernisasi memang sangat berpengaruh besar dalam kehidupan masyarakat kita saat ini, dengan adanya era modernisasi yang menggeliat dengan beragam aplikasi yang ditandai dengan semakin berkembangnya arus informasi dan teknologi di setiap sendi kehidupan tak lepas dari teknologi yang senantiasa berevolusi dengan inovasi-inovasi yang baru atau terbarukan dan memberikan bermacam kemudahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Saat ini, produsen berlomba-lomba menawarkan produk baru atau terbarukan dengan memberikan layanan kemudahan pada produknya serta userfriendly dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja dan dimanapun tanpa terikat jarak dan waktu

    Розвиток методів синхронізації в мобільних сенсорних мережах

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    Мета роботи: дослідження актуальних протоколів синхронізації часу в мобільних сенсорних мережах, врахування їх особливостей, характеристик та напрямів розвитку. В роботі розглянуто унікальні властивості МСМ, які зводять до нуля використання протоколів синхронізації, котрі застосовуються в звичайних безпроводових мережах; розглянуто основні підходи, які застосовуються в якості базових для розробки і впровадження нових технологій і алгоритмів синхронізації. Наведено вимоги, яким повинні відповідати протоколи синхронізації.The purpose of the work: the study of current protocols for time synchronization in mobile sensor networks, taking into account their features, characteristics and directions of development. The paper considers the unique properties of MSM, which nullify the use of synchronization protocols used in conventional wireless networks; the main approaches that are used as basic for the development and implementation of new technologies and synchronization algorithms are considered. The requirements that synchronization protocols must meet are given