12 research outputs found

    Finitely generated free Heyting algebras via Birkhoff duality and coalgebra

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    Algebras axiomatized entirely by rank 1 axioms are algebras for a functor and thus the free algebras can be obtained by a direct limit process. Dually, the final coalgebras can be obtained by an inverse limit process. In order to explore the limits of this method we look at Heyting algebras which have mixed rank 0-1 axiomatizations. We will see that Heyting algebras are special in that they are almost rank 1 axiomatized and can be handled by a slight variant of the rank 1 coalgebraic methods

    Categories for Dynamic Epistemic Logic

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    The primary goal of this paper is to recast the semantics of modal logic, and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) in particular, in category-theoretic terms. We first review the category of relations and categories of Kripke frames, with particular emphasis on the duality between relations and adjoint homomorphisms. Using these categories, we then reformulate the semantics of DEL in a more categorical and algebraic form. Several virtues of the new formulation will be demonstrated: The DEL idea of updating a model into another is captured naturally by the categorical perspective -- which emphasizes a family of objects and structural relationships among them, as opposed to a single object and structure on it. Also, the categorical semantics of DEL can be merged straightforwardly with a standard categorical semantics for first-order logic, providing a semantics for first-order DEL.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2017, arXiv:1707.0825

    Angluin learning via logic

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    In this paper we will provide a fresh take on Dana Angluin's algorithm for learning using ideas from coalgebraic modal logic. Our work opens up possibilities for applications of tools & techniques from modal logic to automata learning and vice versa. As main technical result we obtain a generalisation of Angluin's original algorithm from DFAs to coalgebras for an arbitrary finitary set functor T in the following sense: given a (possibly infinite) pointed T-coalgebra that we assume to be regular (i.e. having an equivalent finite representation) we can learn its finite representation by asking (i) "logical queries" (corresponding to membership queries) and (ii) making conjectures to which the teacher has to reply with a counterexample. This covers (a known variant) of the original L* algorithm and the learning of Mealy/Moore machines. Other examples are bisimulation quotients of (probabilistic) transition systems

    Grzegorczyk Algebras Revisited

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    We provide simple algebraic proofs of two important facts, due to Zakharyaschev and Esakia, about Grzegorczyk algebras.The work was supported by the Polish National Science Centre grant no. DEC- 2011/01/D/ST1/06136