7,267 research outputs found

    Unstable employment histories and continuing training

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    In the context of increased work mobility, gaining and transferring skills through training surely represents a challenge for employees. Nevertheless, access to training and practices of training of those we could call ‘mobiles' in the labour market is still not well known. Our approach attempts to incorporate a longitudinal dimension into research on selectivity in training, while taking into account the impact of chaotic occupational paths on access to training. Do employees experiencing unstable occupational paths receive less training? What are the respective roles of the State and employers in the funding of this type of training? Could ‘lifelong learning' prevent ‘mobile' employees from experiencing insecure work?continuing training ; career paths ; contingent work ;

    Continuing Vocational Training in Germany: A Comparative Study Using 3 German Data Set

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    Empirical work on continuing training in Germany provides surprisingly divergent evidence on the incidence of training. This makes comparison of econometric analyses of the impact of training on labour market outcomes di?cult. Three large German data sets are used here to bring to light the data issue concerning continuing training. Differences in the definition and consequences for economic research are discussed. In detail, training incidence, determinants of training and the correlation between continuing vocational training and wages are examined. Results are compared in order to analyse in how far differences in estimated wage effects of continuing vocational training are due to the data set used and to how the training variable is set up. --continuing vocational training,determinants of training,correlation of training with wage

    Röntgenhoitajien säteilysuojelukoulutuksen toteutuminen työelämässä

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli selvittää, toteutuuko röntgenhoitajien säteilysuojelukoulutus työelämässä säteilylain vaatimalla tavalla. Tavoitteenamme oli tuottaa tietoa säteilysuojelun täydennyskoulutuksen suunnittelua ja kehittämistä varten jatkossa. Keräsimme aineiston keväällä 2017 HUS (Helsingin ja Uudenmaan Sairaanhoitopiiri) -Kuvantamisen osastonhoitajilta. Käytimme kyselylomaketta, jossa oli sekä avoimia että strukturoituja kysymyksiä. Kyselyyn vastasi seitsemän osastonhoitajaa neljästätoista. Tuloksien perusteella säteilysuojelun täydennyskoulutus toteutuu työelämässä koulutussisällön perusteella hyvin. Täydennyskoulutussuunnitelma ja sen seuraaminen toteutuvat myös. Lain vaatimat 40 tuntia täydennyskoulutusta viiden vuoden aikana sen sijaan eivät saamiemme vastauksien perusteella täysin toteudu. Vastauksista nousi myös erilaisia ongelmia ja kehittämistarpeita; pitkät etäisyydet ja matka-ajat koulutuksiin, liian pienet vuosittaiset koulutusmäärärahat ja röntgenhoitajien liian pienet resurssit. Yksi mahdollinen aihe jatkotutkimuksille voisi olla esimerkiksi säteilysuojelukoulutuksen täydennyskoulutuksen toteutuminen työelämässä röntgenhoitajien näkökulmasta. Mitkä asiat olisivat heistä hyödyllisiä ja kuinka koulutusta voitaisiin kehittää. olisi kiinnostavaa myös tietää, onko koulutusta röntgenhoitajien mielestä riittävästi ja kuinka paljon he voivat itse vaikuttaa koulutuksiinsa.The purpose of our thesis was to find out whether the radiation protection education as in continuing training for radiographers is realized in the working life as the law assesses. Our goal was to get knowledge of the radiation protection training as continuing training for further planning and improvement. Data for this study was collected by sending a questionnaire in the spring of 2017. It was sent to head nurses of the HUS (The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) Medical Imaging Center. We got seven answers of the total fourteen. The results showed that the radiation protection education as continuing training is realized in the working life in the case of training content as well as the plan for the continuing training and following it. 40 hours of continuing training in five years that is required by the law did not always realize. We also found out some issues concerning the continuing training; long distances and travelling to the trainings, too little money for the trainings and resources. In the future, it would be interesting to study this matter in the angle of the radiographers; what do they think is useful and how the continuing training could be improved. Is there enough training and how much they themselves can influence on it

    Wage and Productivity Effect of Continuing Training in Germany : A Sectoral Analysis

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    Wage and productivity effects of training are compared to study how the training rent is shared between employers and employees. With panel data from 1996-2002, I analyse the impact of continuing training on wages and productivity in a Cobb-Douglas production framework. Using system GMM techniques allows me to account for endogeneity and time invariant unobserved factors. Results suggest that the training rent is shared between employer and employee due to a positive effect of continuing training on both wages and productivity. The effect on productivity is about three times higher than the one on wages. High skilled workers capture a larger share of the rent than low skilled workers

    Vocational continuing training in Spain: contribution to the challenge of industry 4.0 and structural unemployment

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    Purpose: To diagnose the situation of vocational continuing training in Spain and propose improvements to its management to reduce the structural unemployment rate, taking into account the effects of Industry 4.0 and COVID-19. Design/methodology: Study of the background and current context of vocational continuing training and Industry 4.0 in Spain based on a review of previous academic literature, legislative developments in education and training, and various reports from public and private institutions on productivity and employment. Findings: Definition of eight challenges and lines of action related to completing the implementation of Industry 4.0 and adopting coordinated policies to develop VCT, improving the governance of the FCP by the public administration, promoting training in work and vocational training and guidance for the unemployed, meeting business recruitment needs, promoting business–university relationships, and reducing unemployment. Practical implications: Adapting vocational continuing training to economic sectors where there is more demand for employment and to regions where there is more structural unemployment can contribute to the overall reduction of structural unemployment in Spain. These decreases could have immediate consequences for those who become employed and allow a quicker recovery in future economic crises. Originality/value: This study, despite the scarce empirical evidence that exists about Spanish vocational continuing training, provides a vision of the four areas in which it is developed professional training, postgraduate training, on-the-job training, and training for the unemployed to provide thirty proposals that, through education and training, promote the competitiveness of the Spanish economy and permanent employmen

    Continuing training for young adults - follow - on or second chance?

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    The changes that have been taking place in industry in recent years - rapid technological progress, new manufacturing processes and products, greater job mobility and new forms of work organisation - mean that education and training are beoming necessary throughout a person's working life. They also influence the training routes taken by young people from the outset. At the same time, the greater volume and variety of available training courses exert both an objective and subjective influence on the opportunities for training and the desire to acquire it of the population as a whole, but especially young people. The rise in the latter's basic education level in turn increases their demand for qualifications. What is being referred to a "lifelong learning" has permeated and altered the path of training young people pursue. On the other hand, if we observe how people update and enhance their knowledge and skills or seek retraining, we frequently find that the type of training is that already given at initial training level. This article sets out to describe, on the basis of a longer-term project conducted with young people in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona1, how initial education and training provided under the school system can be linked to continuing training during the subsequent career of the young people concerned (aged up to 31)

    Underinvestment in Employer Training: Is a Mandate to Spend on Training the Answer?

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    American employers and their workers under invest in employer training. Under investment occurs because training generates externalities, because the tax system is biased against training investments, and because most workers are unable to finance general training because they lack access to loans to finance consumption during periods of heavy investment in training. School based occupational training ameliorates the under investment problem somewhat but it is not a complete answer to the problem. The French approach of requiring firms to spend at least 1.4 percent of their wage bill on continuing training of employees (if they are to avoid paying a tax) holds a good deal of promise but suffers from some critical flaws. These flaws are not basic to the tax offset design, however, so the paper concludes with a description of how a mandate to spend for the United States should be designed

    Technologies and Distance Education with Focus on Teacher Training

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    The microelectronics revolution in the twentieth century and the evolution of the profile of Information Technologies and Communication require a teacher able to adapt to a changing world. The simple proposition of using technology in school, with the goal of making teaching innovative, is naive. Teachers need to be trained competently in order to open paths in the construction of their own knowledge and creativity. Therefore, researching the fundamentals of distance education to build a path that allows the university community to access the achievements of this type of education in the initial and continuing training of teachers from the State University of Maringá (UEM) is the challenge before us. For this, we proposed systematic study along with institutional projects to identify activities developed in distance education that make it possible to analyze the proposed teacher education projects developed, identifying actions that enable the initial and continuing training of the teacher within development of the course in the modality of Distance Education (DE)