1,783 research outputs found

    Aligning Best Practices in Student Success and Career Preparedness: An Exploratory Study to Establish Pathways to STEM Careers for Undergraduate Minority Students

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    Undergraduate minority retention and graduation rates in STEM disciplines is a nationally recognized challenge for workforce growth and diversification. The Benjamin Banneker Scholars Program (BBSP) was a five-year undergraduate study developed to increase minority student retention and graduation rates at an HBCU. The program structure utilized a family model as a vehicle to orient students to the demands of college. Program activities integrated best K-12 practices and workforce skillsets to increase academic preparedness and career readiness. Findings revealed that a familial atmosphere improved academic performance, increased undergraduate research, and generated positive perceptions of faculty mentoring. Retention rates among BBSP participants averaged 88% compared to 39% among non-participant STEM peers. The BBSP graduation rate averaged 93% compared to 20% for non-participants. BBSP participants were more likely to gain employment in a STEM field or enter into a professional study. This paper furthers the body of research on STEM workforce diversity and presents a transferrable model for other institutions

    Fostering bioinformatics education through skill development of professors: Big Genomic Data Skills Training for Professors.

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    Bioinformatics has become an indispensable part of life science over the past 2 decades. However, bioinformatics education is not well integrated at the undergraduate level, especially in liberal arts colleges and regional universities in the United States. One significant obstacle pointed out by the Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education is the lack of faculty in the bioinformatics area. Most current life science professors did not acquire bioinformatics analysis skills during their own training. Consequently, a great number of undergraduate and graduate students do not get the chance to learn bioinformatics or computational biology skills within a structured curriculum during their education. To address this gap, we developed a module-based, week-long short course to train small college and regional university professors with essential bioinformatics skills. The bioinformatics modules were built to be adapted by the professor-trainees afterward and used in their own classes. All the course materials can be accessed at https://github.com/TheJacksonLaboratory/JAXBD2K-ShortCourse

    UNO STEM Strategic Plan

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    The following document is a strategic plan for STEMeducation at UNO as of September 5, 2013. Thedocument represents nearly six months of strategicplanning discussions, meetings, and conversationsbetween those of us on the writing team and many ofyou, our colleagues and friends that share our passionfor excellence in STEM education at UNO. It is alsothe result of a review of our local STEM statistics, theprofessional literature on STEM learning, and a sampleof what other universities are doing to enhance STEMlearning on their campuses. The document is intended tobe a very dynamic one that will be revisited yearly as wecontinue to move steadily forward. In an appendix, wehave listed more than 120 individuals who have alreadyeither reviewed the document or contributed to it in someway. We have received feedback and contributions on theplan from so many people over a relatively short periodof time that it has been difficult to keep track of everyonewho has contributed, and we apologize if we missedincluding anyone on the list. As a strategic planningteam, we are certainly appreciative of the many sharedideas, suggestions, and thoughts, and we continue tolook forward to working with everyone who is interested in contributing to the ongoing UNO STEM education conversations and efforts

    Degree Completion of Underrepresented Minorities Majoring in Mathematics as a Function of Undergraduate Student Programs

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    Abstract Students with disabilities, minorities, and women are underrepresented in the critical demand courses of study in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) undergraduate college enrollment. Institutions of higher education in the United States of America are challenged with a continuous need for undergraduate students to choose and earn a STEM degree. The 2019 annual report of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering indicated these groups continue to be disproportionately underrepresented relative to the U.S. population. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Education reported that upon graduation students studying mathematics in college have higher employment rates and salaries as compared to other college majors. National, federal, state, nonprofit, and private programs aimed at increasing underrepresented minority (URM) undergraduate degree completion and integrating student involvement through delivery of targeted programs are active in trying to meet this demand for STEM college to career. A causal comparative quantitative research design was utilized to analyze the program and degree completion of African American students at colleges and universities seeking an undergraduate degree in mathematics. The researcher used Alexander W. Astin’s theory of student involvement (1984) to examine elements of program delivery. The analyses indicate a statistically significant finding for degree completion at the colleges and universities which completed proposals and were awarded funding to initiate a program. The results of the independent samples t-test p \u3c 0.001 and a Hedges’ g large effect size = 0.8 suggests that colleges and universities advocate to access and implement the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program to increase URM degree completion integrating as core the student involvement. Based on the results of the study, the future research of comparable programs for other underrepresented groups, such as students with disabilities and undergraduate majors, such as engineering are recommended

    A framework to assess the quality and impact of bioinformatics training across ELIXIR.

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    ELIXIR is a pan-European intergovernmental organisation for life science that aims to coordinate bioinformatics resources in a single infrastructure across Europe; bioinformatics training is central to its strategy, which aims to develop a training community that spans all ELIXIR member states. In an evidence-based approach for strengthening bioinformatics training programmes across Europe, the ELIXIR Training Platform, led by the ELIXIR EXCELERATE Quality and Impact Assessment Subtask in collaboration with the ELIXIR Training Coordinators Group, has implemented an assessment strategy to measure quality and impact of its entire training portfolio. Here, we present ELIXIR's framework for assessing training quality and impact, which includes the following: specifying assessment aims, determining what data to collect in order to address these aims, and our strategy for centralised data collection to allow for ELIXIR-wide analyses. In addition, we present an overview of the ELIXIR training data collected over the past 4 years. We highlight the importance of a coordinated and consistent data collection approach and the relevance of defining specific metrics and answer scales for consortium-wide analyses as well as for comparison of data across iterations of the same course

    Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Abstracts 2005

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    Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2005

    Synergy Issue 18

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    ATE Impacts 2018-2019

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    The ATE Impacts book, published every two years by Internet Scout Research, showcases all of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Centers and selected nominated projects. The NSF ATE program focuses on the education of highly-qualified science and engineering technicians for advanced technology fields. Through the program's grant process, the NSF promotes the improvement of STEM education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school levels, and in the workforce. The 2018-2019 ATE Impacts book marks the 25th anniversary of the NSF ATE program and offers an in-depth overview of the work done by the ATE community. This book includes a timeline of important achievements and events, a foreword by the program director, additional ATE program history, and information about ATE program Centers and a number of projects.Â

    Mobile Device and App Use in Pharmacy: A Multi-University Study

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