45 research outputs found

    Exploratory Study on Consumers’ Motive to Accept Mobile Marketing in the Emerging Market; Tanzania

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    The global communication revolution from traditional land line to mobile phone, has significantly give pace to the innovation of mobile marketing that reach large number of customers with less cost . The means that allow direct interaction and personalization to the target audience based on time and location, has been practiced in many countries as well as in Tanzania  in order to reach the target audience and increase efficiency in marketing strategies. The acceptance of the means is gradually low and not consistence to the countries practiced this form of advertising, due to the diverse motivating factors driving to the acceptance of this form of mobile marketing. To date there is scarce researches concerning the motivating factors of consumers’ willingness to acceptance and respond to the mobile marketing in Tanzania context, This exploratory study aim to fill this gap, focusing on investigating the driving factors for the acceptance of mobile marketing in this emerging market Tanzania, where this marketing communication channel is in its embryonic stage, and the success depend upon the acceptance of the consumer.  Theory of reasoned action (TRA) and Use and Gratification framework applied on examining the consumers’ behavioral intention to receive and use the SMS advertising. There were 336 valid responses analyzed via Liner Regression and Structural Equation Model in Amos version21. The results statistically confirms that social norms and attitude are the factors affecting behavioral intention, but social norms has much influence than attitude to influence behavioral intention to accept mobile marketing. Informative nature of the mobile marketing has strong influence on attitude toward the acceptance, perceived utility also is a significant driver on attitude. Incentive has weak motivation to attitude, but is a significant driver to behavioral intention to accept mobile marketing. Perceived risk and trust have insignificant relation to attitude. Shared content is a significant driver to behavioral intention through social norms. The effect of permission as the pre requisite in sending mobile advertisement, and cultural diversity within Tanzanian context has been ignored in this study. The study will provide insight to marketing practitioners in Tanzania on creating the SMS ads that characterized with motivating factors that will influence consumers’ behavioral intention to accept mobile marketing. Keywords: Mobile marketing: Attitude: SMS advertising: Behavior intentio


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    To meet the global population needs, it is projected at least eighty billion dollars in investment per year to support the food security until 2050. Arguably, the agriculture financing growth has stalled due to many reasons, while Islamic finance has the potential to spur the growth of agriculture financing to promote global food security. Meanwhile, agriculture in Indonesia is still nowhere to its potential. It is hindered by an inefficient and underdeveloped downstream segment, low access to financial and technology. This is a huge opportunity for Islamic finance in helping to bridge the gap through value chain financing approach as one of the strategies to reduce risk and provide socio-economic spillover effect along the chain. Islamic finance could promote agricultures sustainability and a more efficient process with FinTech enabled platform. The multiple case studies propose a sharia compliant community-based financing model in agricultural value chain practice with FinTech enabled platform. The result is this model integrating all actors from different market segmentation, including landowners, suppliers, farmers, brokers, retailers, and investors into an Islamic value chain-financing platform. However, determining buying intention, partnership establishment, and technology infrastructure are pivotal for its future implementation

    A Model of Electronic Customer Relationship Management System Adoption In Telecommunication Companies

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    Employee satisfaction is key to electronic–customer relationship management (E-CRM) systems in telecommunication companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the direct and indirect effect of technological factors, individual factors, and organizational factors on employees' level of satisfaction. For this study, data was collected from 300 employees' workings in Malaysian telecommunication companies; and the data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings revealed that technological, organizational, and individual factors are positively and significantly related to satisfaction and perceived usefulness. The results also supported the direct and positive relationship between perceived usefulness between employees' job satisfaction. The study has contributed to the body of literature by exploring the implications of various significant factors in terms of employee satisfaction. Besides, the management of the telecommunication companies may benefit from this study by adopting strategies that not only employee satisfaction but may also enhance the companies' performance. The limitations and the direction for future research are discussed in the end

    A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system

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    Franque, F. B., Oliveira, T., Tam, C., & Santini, F. D. O. (2021). A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system. Internet Research, 31(1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-03-2019-0103Purpose: This study aims to describe, synthesise and clarify the findings of published studies on individual continuance intention to use an information system (IS), considering the fact that the number of studies in the continuance intention context are growing exponentially and cover several different subjects. Design/methodology/approach: The research uses meta- and weight analysis by taking 115 empirical studies from continuance intention to use an IS. The data are presented in different views using significant and non-significant relationships from all the studies. Furthermore, it uses hierarchical linear meta-analysis to analyse potential moderators that can influence continuance intention. Findings: The results reveal that affective commitment, attitude, satisfaction, hedonic value and flow are the best predictors of continuance intention to use an IS. Sample size, individualism, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation moderate the relationship of perceived usefulness on continuance intention. Power distance, masculinity and indulgence moderate relationship satisfaction on continuance intention. Practical implications: The results reveal that continuance intention to use an IS has been studied in different countries, with different cultures; therefore, IS providers should have diversified managing strategies, to ensure the satisfaction of users and long-term usage of their IS. Originality/value: The study provides a systematic overview of the most relevant variables used in the literature, including a temporal analysis of the theoretical models, highlighting the evolution of the constructs and presents a moderation analysis.authorsversionpublishe

    Risks and motivation in the use of social network sites: an empirical study of university students

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    DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF COMMERCE IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS TO THE FACULTY OF COMMERCE, LAW AND MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG FEBRUARY 2015Social Network Sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Piniterest and Google+ have made it easy for youth to communicate, produce and share information. Using SNS has become a daily activity for many youth and young adults around the world, including South Africa. The use of SNS by youth may be motivated by needs for safety, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization, and others such as enjoyment. Yet, the use of SNS by youth may also carry a number of risks. They include risks to violations of privacy, social and psychological risks that may harm the user’s self-image, as well as time and financial risks resulting from excessive SNS usage. The purpose of this study is to understand the tension between risks and motivation in the use of SNS by university students. To do so, this study developed an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Multi-dimensional risk and motivation constructs were examined for their interactions with TAM constructs of perceived ease of use and perceive usefulness and their effects on SNS usage intentions and actual usage were examined. To test the model, a non-probability convenience sampling method was adopted using students from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Five hundred and fifteen students participated in the study. The ages ranged between 18 and 34 years, 26% males and 74% females took part in the study, and included students from 1st year through to 4th year undergraduate or Honours level. Facebook was found to be the most used SNS. Approximately 80% of respondents reported accessing SNS on their mobile phones and 66% reported being always connected. More than 25% of respondents were actively using SNS for more than 3 hours a day, with 35% using less than one hour per day. Interestingly, only 35% reported having public profiles although 10% did not know whether their profiles were public or private, and nearly 40% of respondents knew less than half the “friends” they were connected to on SNS Partial least squares approach to structured equation modelling was used to test the hypothesised research model. Results showed that motivation influences perceived usefulness (β=0.239, p<0.001) and perceived ease of use (β=0.319, p<0.001) positively. The results suggest that when motivations such as enjoyment and need to belong are high, SNS will be perceived as useful and easy to use. Risk was found to have a negative influence on perceived usefulness (β=-0.0764, p<0.05) and perceived ease of use (β=-0.3265, p<0.001). The results show that when risks are considered high, users are likely to increase their vigilance and consequently will report SNS as less easy to use. Moreover, as a result of risk users may find the SNS less useful. Perceived usefulness (β=0.295, p<0.001) influences intention to use SNS positively. This suggests that when SNS is useful to users, they will have intentions to use it. Intention to use SNS is also influenced by perceived ease of use (β=0.0396, p<0.01). An easy to use SNS will make users want to use it, as opposed to one considered more complex and requiring more effort. Motivation (β=0.281, p<0.001) was found to have more of an effect than risk (β=-0.071, p<0.05) on intentions to use. Respondents thus appear to recognize some risks associated with SNS use, but they appear to be driven more by motivations and less by risk avoidance when deciding on SNS usage. The study will have implications for researchers, SNS providers and users. The results of the study have implications for how researchers conceptualize risk and motivation. The study shows how different dimensions of risk and dimensions of motivation affect the overall risk and overall motivation construct respectively. Currently SNS providers may not have deep understanding of the risks which hinder the use of SNS and motivations which drive the use of SNS. Providers will be better informed to design SNS that are less risky and where possible mitigate the risks. Results also show that SNS providers should not only mitigate risks but also provide online social networks that better fulfil motivational needs of youth. Users will be aware of different risks they are exposing themselves to by using SNS. Since users will be aware of the different types of risks, they can be vigilante when using SNS.MT201

    Factors Affecting Adoption of Mobile Marketing in the Telecommunications Industry in Tanzania.

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    The aim of the study was to examine the factors affecting adoption of mobile marketing in the telecommunications industry in Tanzania by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) through a new construct of Perceived Market Characteristics (PMK), by forming a theoretical framework, which integrated TAM with Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI). The study employed Survey strategy in data collection. Data were collected from 5 municipalities, 73 wards and 6 hamlets in Dar es Salaam, by using multi stage sampling. A sample of 440 respondents was drawn from the target population. Quantitative data were analyzed based on descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings of this study have indicated that, the independent variables have contributed 70% in explanation of the customer’s adoption in mobile marketing in Telecommunication industry in Tanzania. The findings revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived trust and perceived customer knowledge had significant and positive influence on adoption of mobile marketing, while perceived online negotiation did not influence adoption of mobile marketing in the telecommunication industry in Tanzania. The study indicates parsimonious contribution in knowledge by using small variables in predicting the customer’s adoption of mobile marketing in telecommunication industry in Tanzania. The findings of the study had significant practical implications for telecommunication industries in the context of developing countries. Keywords: Mobile marketing, Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived customer knowledge, perceived online negotiatio

    Proposing the Multimotive Information Systems Continuance Model (MISC) to Better Explain End-User System Evaluations and Continuance Intentions

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    To ensure that users want to continue using a system, information system designers must consider the influence of users’ intrinsic motivations in addition to commonly studied extrinsic motivations. In an attempt to address this need, several studies have extended models of extrinsic motivation to include intrinsic variables. However, these studies largely downplay the role of users’ intrinsic motivations in predicting system use and how this role differs from that of extrinsic motivation. The role of met and unmet expectations related to system use is often excluded from extant models, and their function as cocreators in user evaluations has not been sufficiently explained. Even though expectations are a firmly established consequence of motivations and an antecedent of interaction evaluations, this area remains understudied. Our paper addresses these gaps by developing and testing a comprehensive model—the multimotive information systems continuance model (MISC)—that (1) explains more accurately and thoroughly the roles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, (2) explains how the fulfillment of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations affects systems-use outcome variables differently through met expectations, and (3) accounts for the effects of key design constructs

    음원스트리밍 서비스의 지속사용 의도에 관한 연구: 이원적 모형의 관점에서

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영학과, 2017. 2. 장정주.With the rapid development of information and communication technology and the rise of digital era, the trend in music consumption has gone through a tremendous change in recent years: from physical, online downloads, and streaming. The success of music streaming services depends heavily on customers continuance usage, a topic not yet adequately investigated in information systems research. It is unclear to what extent, and how, the existing theories can be extended to explain the continuance usage of such services. In consideration of the distinctive features of these services, this study adapts the dedication-constraint framework and develops a model of music streaming services continuance, which is assessed empirically using data collected from 315 actual users. Results indicate that music streaming services continuance intention is jointly determined by two mechanisms: perceived benefits (usefulness and enjoyment), and service-specific investments (personalization and learning), with the former playing a more central role. Perceived usefulness and enjoyment directly promote satisfaction, while service specific investments in personalization and learning increase switching costs. Theoretical and practical implications and future research directions are subsequently discussed.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 Music Streaming Services 3 2.2 IS post-adoption behavior 5 2.2.1 Expectation Confirmation Theory 6 2.2.2 Social Exchange Theory 8 CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH MODEL 9 3.1 Dedication-based mechanism 9 3.2 Constraint-based mechanism 14 CHAPTER 4 METHOD 21 4.1 Measures 21 4.2 Data Collection 22 CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 23 5.1 Measurement Model 23 5.2 Structural Model & Hypothesis Testing 27 CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION 30 6.1 Theoretical Implications 31 6.2 Managerial Implications 32 6.3 Limitations and Future Research 34 References 36 초록 42 Appendix A : Measurement Scales 43 Appendix B : Respondents' Demographics & Experiences with MSS 44Maste