6 research outputs found

    Contextual Components of an Enterprise Architecture Framework for Pan-European eGovernment Services

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks provide a wide range of architecture components. Contextual EA components provide the necessary guidance to design specific architectures in a given context e.g. for Pan-European Government Services (PEGS). Contextual EA components help to describe the background and scope of architecture work and provide a ground to tackle architecture challenges in an agreed way. The main contribution of this conceptual paper is to connect existing theoretical models as a basis to examine contextual components of an EA framework for PEGS. Three aspects are elaborated using a model-based approach: a Critical Success Factor Model, a Strategy Management Model and a Stakeholder Engagement Model. The identified models are aligned with EA standards and provide guidance to empirical research and to programs, projects and initiatives that wish to create interoperability architectures

    Towards a linked information architecture for integrated law enforcement

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    Ponència presentada al Workshop on Linked Democracy: Artificial Intelligence for Democratic Innovation co-located with the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017) celebrat el 19 d'agost de 2017 a Melbourne, AustraliaLaw enforcement agencies are facing an ever-increasing flood of data to be acquired, stored, assessed and used. Automation and advanced data analy-sis capabilities are required to supersede traditional manual work processes and legacy information silos by automatically acquiring information from a range of sources, analyzing it in the context of on-going investigations, and linking it to other pieces of knowledge pertaining to the investigation. This paper outlines a modular architecture for management of linked data in the law enforcement domain and discusses legal and policy issues related to workflows and infor-mation sharing in this context

    Towards interoperable e-Health system in Tanzania: analysis and evaluation of the current security trends and big data sharing dynamics

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    This research article published by the International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE), Volume-6 Issue-59 October-2019In this paper an insight on various e-health interoperable systems was reviewed to discover strengths and challenges faced during sustainable implementation. It covered local, national and regional coverage of integrated systems towards implementation of a single unified e-health system. Peer reviewed and grey literatures were consulted to discover global and local trend and efforts towards implementations of e-health interoperable systems. The available systems and frameworks from the European Union, Asia, America, Oceania and Africa were analyzed for their strengths and challenges. Various policies, guides as well as free and proprietary standards associated with e-health interoperability was reviewed to understand the common standards adopted by the majority of existing systems. The findings of the analysis are useful for policy makers on the best ways to implement interoperable systems in developing countries by focusing on the existing infrastructures and the environment. Similarly, the strengths and challenges encountered by interoperable systems were also examined to provide recommendations for future studies


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    ABSTRAK Perancangan enterprise architecture dilakukan untuk meningkatkan operasional dan pelayanan organisasi maupun lembaga pemerintahan serta untuk menyelaraskan kebutuhan informasi dan bisnis. BPN Kota Pekanbaru mempunyai tugas melaksanaknakan tugas pemerintahan di bidang pertanahan. Saat ini BPN Kota Pekanbaru telah memiliki beberapa sistem informasi namun sistem informasi tersebut belum terintegrasi dan belum adanya perencanaan arsitektur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang enterprise arsitektur pada sistem informasi pelayanan publik BPN Kota Pekanbaru menggunakan framework TOGAF ADM. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa blueprint enterprise architecture pelayanan pertanahan BPN Kota Pekanbaru, diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran dan acuan dalam mengembangkan sistem informasi pelayanan publik. Kata Kunci: BPN Kota Pekanbaru, enterprise architecture, pelayanan publik, TOGAF AD