6 research outputs found

    VZWAM Web-Based Lookup

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    This web-based lookup will allow V employees to find territory sales rep much faster. It will simplify the process and eliminate manual processes. At the moment, a combination of multiple manual processes is needed to find territory sales reps. The company’s CRM does not allow to find rep sales quickly. When an in-house sales representative is talking to a prospect, this sales rep has to go through a few series of steps to find an outside or territory sales rep --which is usually needed to schedule in-person meetings, that results in delays while doing transactions with the prospects. Besides, because of the convoluted process, not everyone knows these steps and sometimes this process ends up in the hands of more experienced reps or supervisors which means the use of unnecessary additional resources. This will be a web-based app connected to the organization’s database. Employees will have the ability to search for outside reps assigned to specific territories based on their zip codes. Thus, with just a couple of clicks, any employees will find territory sales reps which means that employees will utilize their time more efficiently and avoid escalating the situation. Due to data security and privacy, A dummy database will be used. The only cost will involve time. The estimate is approximately 12 hours of coding using HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL database, and phpMyAdmin

    A framework for application partitioning using trusted execution environments

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    The size and complexity of modern applications are the underlying causes of numerous security vulnerabilities. In order to mitigate the risks arising from such vulnerabilities, various techniques have been proposed to isolate the execution of sensitive code from the rest of the application and from other software on the platform (such as the operating system). New technologies, notably Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX), are becoming available to enhance the security of partitioned applications. SGX provides a trusted execution environment (TEE), called an enclave, that protects the integrity of the code and the confidentiality of the data inside it from other software, including the operating system. However, even with these partitioning techniques, it is not immediately clear exactly how they can and should be used to partition applications. How should a particular application be partitioned? How many TEEs should be used? What granularity of partitioning should be applied? To some extent, this is dependent on the capabilities and performance of the partitioning technology in use. However, as partitioning becomes increasingly common, there is a need for systematization in the design of partitioning schemes. To address this need, we present a novel framework consisting of four overarching types of partitioning schemes through which applications can make use of TEEs. These schemes range from coarse-grained partitioning, in which the whole application is included in a single TEE, through to ultra-fine partitioning, in which each piece of security-sensitive code and data is protected in an individual TEE. Although partitioning schemes themselves are application-specific, we establish application-independent relationships between the types we have defined. Since these relationships have an impact on both the security and performance of the partitioning scheme, we envisage that our framework can be used by software architects to guide the design of application partitioning schemes. To demonstrate the applicability of our framework, we have carried out case studies on two widely-used software packages, the Apache web server and the OpenSSL library. In each case study, we provide four high level partitioning schemes - one for each of the types in our framework. We also systematically review the related work on hardware-enforced partitioning by categorising previous research efforts according to our framework

    Ecooper: um serious game multidisciplinar de perguntas e respostas

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    Os jogos eletr?nicos t?m relevante potencial para auxiliar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, este trabalho desenvolveu uma pesquisa aplicada que consistiu no desenvolvimento de um Serious Game multidisciplinar, o Ecooper ? Education Control Process External. O Ecooper ? composto por dois m?dulos, a Plataforma Ecooper e o Ecooper Game. A Plataforma Ecooper ? um aplicativo Web em que professores podem criar atividades de m?ltipla escolha e acompanhar o rendimento pedag?gico dos estudantes. O Ecooper Game ? um m?dulo do tipo Serious Game desenvolvido para ser utilizado em navegadores Web. Sua principal caracter?stica ? proporcionar ambientes animados utilizando mapas virtuais que s?o percorridos pelo avatar do estudante ao realizar uma atividade cadastrada. No percurso foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa explorat?ria de natureza aplicada, com question?rios compostos por quest?es qualitativas. A avalia??o ocorreu em duas etapas. A primeira etapa por meio do question?rio ?Conhecendo os professores?, tinha por objetivos conhecer a maneira como os educadores realizam as revis?es dos conte?dos vistos em sala de aula, al?m de avaliar a import?ncia do aplicativo desenvolvido. Na segunda etapa foram avaliados os m?dulos Plataforma Ecooper e Ecooper Games atrav?s de question?rios. A pesquisa foi realizada com 20 professores que atuam no ensino m?dio de escolas p?blicas e particulares da cidade de Diamantina em Minas Gerais. Foi realizado ainda um comparativo entre o Ecooper e aplicativos que t?m funcionalidades e caracter?sticas semelhantes a ele Kahoot e Quizzes. Como resultado 100% dos professores pesquisados disseram ter interesse em utilizar o Ecooper e os aplicativos avaliados que obtiveram na pesquisa notas m?dias 4,55 em 5 e 6,15 em 7, respectivamente. Desta forma, conclui-se que o Ecooper ? um Serious Game com diversos benef?cios para os professores. O objetivo desse software ? adaptar-se ? realidade dos professores e facilitar as atividades do dia-a-dia sem impactar na sua forma de trabalho, utilizando tecnologias e ferramentas atuais.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.Electronic games have relevant potential to assist the teaching-learning process. In this sense, this work developed an applied research that consisted in the development of a multidisciplinary Serious Game, the Ecooper - Education Control Process External. Ecooper consists of two modules, the Ecooper Platform and the Ecooper Game. The Ecooper Platform is a web application where teachers can create multiple choice activities and track student achievement. Ecooper Game is a Serious Game module designed for use in Web browsers. Its main feature is to provide animated environments using virtual maps that are traversed by the student avatar when performing a registered activity. Along the way an exploratory research of applied nature was developed, with questionnaires composed by qualitative questions. The evaluation took place in two stages. The first step through the questionnaire ?Knowing the teachers?, aimed to know the way educators perform the revisions of the content seen in the classroom, and assess the importance of the application developed. The second stage evaluated the Ecooper Platform and Ecooper Games modules through questionnaires. The research was conducted with 20 teachers who work in public and private high schools in the city of Diamantina in Minas Gerais. A comparison was also made between Ecooper and applications that have similar features and features Kahoot and Quizzes. As a result, 100% of the teachers surveyed said they were interested in using Ecooper and the evaluated applications that obtained in the survey average grades 4.55 out of 5 and 6.15 out of 7, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that Ecooper is a Serious Game with several benefits for teachers. The purpose of this software is to adapt to the reality of teachers and facilitate day-to-day activities without impacting their work, using current technologies and tools

    Context-oriented web application protection model

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    Abstract not availableVictor Prokhorenko , Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Helen Ashma