9 research outputs found

    Prototype of a robotic system to assist the learning process of English language with text-generation through DNN

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    In the last ongoing years, there has been a significant ascending on the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for performing multiple tasks including English Language Teaching (ELT). An effective strategy to favor the learning process uses interactive devices to engage learners in their self-learning process. In this work, we present a working prototype of a humanoid robotic system to assist English language self-learners through text generation using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks. The learners interact with the system using a Graphic User Interface that generates text according to the English level of the user. The experimentation was conducted using English learners and the results were measured accordingly to International English Language Testing System (IELTS) rubric. Preliminary results show an increment in the Grammatical Range of learners who interacted with the system.Comment: Paper presented in the Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 202

    Bayesian Networks for Named Entity Prediction in Programming Community Question Answering

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    Within this study, we propose a new approach for natural language processing using Bayesian networks to predict and analyze the context and how this approach can be applied to the Community Question Answering domain. We discuss how Bayesian networks can detect semantic relationships and dependencies between entities, and this is connected to different score-based approaches of structure-learning. We compared the Bayesian networks with different score metrics, such as the BIC, BDeu, K2 and Chow-Liu trees. Our proposed approach out-performs the baseline model at the precision metric. We also discuss the influence of penalty terms on the structure of Bayesian networks and how they can be used to analyze the relationships between entities. In addition, we examine the visualization of directed acyclic graphs to analyze semantic relationships. The article further identifies issues with detecting certain semantic classes that are separated in the structure of directed acyclic graphs. Finally, we evaluate potential improvements for the Bayesian network approach.Comment: 14 page

    Text Generation using Long Short Term Memory to Generate a LinkedIn Post

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    LinkedIn is one of the most popular sites out there to advertise oneself to potential employer. This study aims to create a good enough text generation model that it can generate a text as if it were made by someone who posts on LinkedIn. This study will use a Neural Network layer called Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) as the main algorithm and the train data consists of actual posts made by users in LinkedIn. LSTM is an algorithm that is created to reduce vanishing and exploding gradient problem in Neural Network. From the result, final accuracy and loss varies. Increasing learning rate from its default value of 0.001, to 0.01, or even 0.1 creates worse model. Meanwhile, increasing dimensions of LSTM will sometimes increases training time or decreases it while not really increasing model performance. In the end, models chosen at the end are models with around 97% of accuracy. From this study, it can be concluded that it is possible to use LSTM to create a text generation model. However, the result might not be too satisfying. For future work, it is advised to instead use a newer model, such as the Transformer model

    Text prediction recurrent neural networks using long shortterm memory-dropout

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    "Unit short-term memory (LSTM) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) whose sequence-based models are being used in text generation and/or prediction tasks, question answering, and classification systems due to their ability to learn long-term dependencies. The present research integrates the LSTM network and dropout technique to generate a text from a corpus as input, a model is developed to find the best way to extract the words from the context. For training the model, the poem ""La Ciudad y los perros"" which is composed of 128,600 words is used as input data. The poem was divided into two data sets, 38.88% for training and the remaining 61.12% for testing the model. The proposed model was tested in two variants: word importance and context. The results were evaluated in terms of the semantic proximity of the generated text to the given context.

    Extending Memory for Language Modelling

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    Breakthroughs in deep learning and memory networks have made major advances in natural language understanding. Language is sequential and information carried through the sequence can be captured through memory networks. Learning the sequence is one of the key aspects in learning the language. However, memory networks are not capable of holding infinitely long sequences in their memories and are limited by various constraints such as the vanishing or exploding gradient problem. Therefore, natural language understanding models are affected when presented with long sequential text. We introduce Long Term Memory network (LTM) to learn from infinitely long sequences. LTM gives priority to the current inputs to allow it to have a high impact. Language modeling is an important factor in natural language understanding. LTM was tested in language modeling, which requires long term memory. LTM is tested on Penn Tree bank dataset, Google Billion Word dataset and WikiText-2 dataset. We compare LTM with other language models which require long term memory

    Arabisc: context-sensitive neural spelling checker

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    Traditional statistical approaches to spelling correction usually consist of two consecutive processes – error detection and correction – and they are generally computationally intensive. Current state-of-the-art neural spelling correction models usually attempt to correct spelling errors directly over an entire sentence, which, as a consequence, lacks control of the process, e.g. they are prone to overcorrection. In recent years, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), in particular long short-term memory (LSTM) hidden units, have proven increasingly popular and powerful models for many natural language processing (NLP) problems. Accordingly, we made use of a bidirectional LSTM language model (LM) for our context-sensitive spelling detection and correction model which is shown to have much control over the correction process. While the use of LMs for spelling checking and correction is not new to this line of NLP research, our proposed approach makes better use of the rich neighbouring context, not only from before the word to be corrected, but also after it, via a dual-input deep LSTM network. Although in theory our proposed approach can be applied to any language, we carried out our experiments on Arabic, which we believe adds additional value given the fact that there are limited linguistic resources readily available in Arabic in comparison to many languages. Our experimental results demonstrate that the pro- posed methods are effective in both improving the quality of correction suggestions and minimising overcorrection

    Deep Learning for Continuous Symbolic Melody Generation Conditioned on Lyrics and Initial melodies

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    Symbolic music generation is an interdisciplinary research area, combining machine learning and music theory. This project focuses on the intersection of two problems within music generation, namely generating continuous music following a given seed (introduction), and rhythmically matching given lyrics. It enables artists to use AI as creative aid, obtaining a complete song having only written the lyrics and an initial melody. We propose a method for targeted training of a recursive Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for initial melody conditioned generation, and explore the possibilities of using other state-of-the-art deep learning generation techniques, such as Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs), Long-short-term-memory networks (LSTMs) and the attention mechanism

    Context based Text-generation using LSTM networks

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    Long short-term memory(LSTM) units on sequence-based models are being used in translation, question-answering systems, classification tasks due to their capability of learning long-term dependencies. Text generation models, an application of LSTM models are recently popular due to their impressive results. LSTM models applied to natural languages are great in learning grammatically stable syntaxes. But the downside is, the system has no basic idea of the context and it generates text given a set of input words irrespective of the use-case. The proposed system trains the model to generate words given input words along with a context vector. Depending upon the use-case, the context vector is derived for a sentence or for a paragraph. A context vector could be a topic (from topic models) or the word having highest tf-idf weight in the sentence or a vector computed from word clusters. Thus, during the training phase, the same context vector is applied across the whole sentence for each window to predict successive words. Due to this structure, the model learns the relation between the context vector and the target word. During prediction, the user could provide keywords or topics to guide the system to generate words around a certain context. Apart from the syntactic structure in the current text-generation models, this proposed model will also provide semantic consistency. Based on the nature of computing context vectors, the model has been tried out with two variations (tf-idf and word clusters). The proposed system could be applied in question-answering systems to respond with a relevant topic. Also in Text-generation of stories with defined hints. The results should be evaluated manually on how semantically closer the text is generated given the context words