16 research outputs found

    HiCAS (Highway Context Awareness System): Information Delivery On Highway Facilities –A Preliminary Study

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    Context information is the information that documents the relationships of the content Information to its environment. Storage of such information can define how effective the deliverance of retrieving information. This research tries to create an on-time alert information for highway user comfort and safety measures in supporting their pleasure journey. Computer application basic inputs, such as keyboard strokes or pointing devices, supply only limited information about the surrounding highway environment, and it is not suitable for highway user to attempt the same technology. HiCAS is an attempt to reduce illiterate highway users and produce a core ideas on the approach of educating the highway user through context information technolog

    Developing Mobile Application for the E-commerce for the UUM Students Community

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    Additionally, internet commerce continues to grow rapidly, with growing customers. The new integrations nowadays, obtained for customer to browse their certain information via Web and WAP services. This study has been suggest the using of WAP technology to help UUM students for browsing their enquire about the different items, otherwise, the reason of this services can simply presents the easily way and flexibility to access the information at any time in any location. This research introduces a WAP application that provides the UUM students with the service of the other information that most of the students need it in order to reduce the time and the effort for them. By using this technology, students can easily get necessary information about the item information, name, description, and prices. Moreover, the system supports students to add new item to the system. Mobile E-commerce guide system for UUM students has been tested to and evaluated to identify the system usability

    Discovering Boundaries for Mobile Awareness: An Analysis of Relevant Design Factors

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    Mobile awareness applications connect you with the activities of friends, colleagues, and communication partners. The development of awareness applications for mobile devices is a top priority for HCI researchers. In discovering boundaries for mobile awareness systems, it is important to consider how these devices will be used. Factors relevant to design include boundaries drawn by technical, functional, privacy and complexity issues. This paper presents a literature review and introduces a Mobile Awareness Conceptual Framework that defines relevant boundaries for mobile awareness applications. The Framework includes information awareness, people-centered awareness, and context awareness. The paper concludes with an application of the Framework to inform the design of mobile awareness systems

    Mobile contextual information gathering concerning a phone number

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    Nowadays there are many communication channels that people can use to communicate with each other and mobile phones continue to be one of the most used. Most of the mobile phones used today are smartphones having features such as Internet access or allowing the installation of third party applications.The advances in mobile technolgies alongside the increasing use of social networks and related applications for smartphones contributed to the increasing amount of information shared by people and companies today. On one side, this increasingly available information can be helpful to a person when trying to contextualize an incoming phone call; on the other side, it can also be helpful to companies employees' that talk to customers (for example, sales people or technical assistance people) having access to information about the person they are talking to helping them understand the context of a call and enabling them to offer a better service.Although there is increasingly available information about people and companies, the information can be spread across different places. Besides, there is the risk that the information stored is not accessed before or in the moment a person talks to another making it useless. Therefore, it would be interesting to aggregate the information available from different sources about a phone number and present it when needed (for example, when receiving a phone call).To address the problem described before, a prototype of an Android application for Smartphones was developed that tries to identify the person or company associated with a phone number collecting, in real time, information about that person or company. The collection and processing of the information resorts to parallel searches in different sources simultaneously using the information obtained in a source to search on another (chain collection). The information can come from public and/or private sources of information (only appliable for companies as they can resort to customers' databases) being displayed in a pop-up while in a phone call or when searching for a phone number

    Consumer Choice Model of Mobile Banking

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    Research in the adoption of mobile banking (m-banking) has not offered a comprehensive explanation of low demand for the service. This paper proposes a theoretical model to account for the explanations of the consumer’s choice whether to adopt m-banking or not. The model underlies the cognitive processes of reasoning, referencing and contextualising, as postulated in the behavioural decision making. The proposed theoretical framework is based on a review of literature from services marketing, behavioural economics and information systems

    Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations Through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services

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    Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services: 10.4018/jssmet.2010040105: This paper utilizes a technology road-mapping approach to demonstrate how a traditional technology management process can be applied to improve plannin

    Current Perspectives on Awareness Information to Support Real-Time Communication

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    Abstract-Sharing awareness information to help remote people establish real-time communication has been a research area for the past couple decades. Much of the work so far has focused on sharing awareness for communication availability in the work setting. Yet several recent trends suggest the need to reconsider the contexts and assumptions around awareness research. Increasing deployment of communication technology in homes and the blurring of home and work boundaries means that more communication interactions involve the home. The popularity of mobile smartphones adds the mobile context and the sensor capabilities integrated into mobile devices. Given the broadened scope of where and how communication occurs and the importance of being able to smoothly negotiate starting and ending conversations, there is an opportunity to reconsider awareness research in today's environment. We identify current challenges and opportunities in awareness research from perspectives beyond focusing just on the workplace to include technologies and use practices in the home and mobile contexts. Keywords-awareness; availability; presence; awareness; computer-mediated communication; workplace; home; mobile I. RECONSIDERING AWARENESS INFORMATION For the past couple decades, research on presence and awareness has explored how to help people time and negotiate their attempts to establish communication over distance. Yet during the course of those years, much of the technology and use practice landscape has changed in ways that have a direct impact on how people use and interpret awareness information. The increased use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in the home adds a distinctly different context in which to establish communication. The growing popularity of mobile smartphones not only adds a mobile context for establishing communication, but also offers new sensing capabilities that increases the amount of awareness information available. In light of these recent developments, we identify several important dimensions for reconsidering awareness information to support real-time communication. A. Awareness in the Workplace Context Much of the prior awareness research has focused on workbased communication, typically in the office setting of a work environment. For example, the early Media Space work Hudson et al. [4] conducted an Experience Sampling Method study to identify what are the strongest indicators for availability in the workplace. They concluded that the presence of speech (i.e., that a person was already engaged in conversation with someone else) was strongly correlated with being unavailable for new interaction. Sophisticated models for predicting presence and availability based on on-line calendar and computer activity information that is readily available have also been developed in the work context [5], [6]. More recently, Dugan et al. Sharing awareness in the workplace can leverage many resources and conditions that are typical of a work environment. The traditionally higher performance computin

    A Descriptive Framework to Design for Mutual Location-Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing

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    The following paper provides developers, designers and researchers of location-aware applications with a descriptive framework of applications that convey Mutual Location-Awareness. These applications rely on ubiquitous computing systems to inform people on the whereabouts of significant others. The framework describes this as a 3 steps process made of a capturing, retrieval and delivery phase. For each of these phases, it presents the implications for the users in terms of interpretations of the information. Such framework is intended to both set the design space and research questions to be answered in the field of social location-aware applications