14 research outputs found

    Deflection Routing Strategies for Optical Burst Switching Networks: Contemporary Affirmation of the Recent Literature

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    A promising option to raising busty interchange in system communication could be Optical Burst Switched (OBS) networks among scalable and support routing effective. The routing schemes with disputation resolution got much interest, because the OBS network is buffer less in character. Because the deflection steering can use limited optical buffering or actually no buffering thus the choice or deflection routing techniques can be critical. Within this paper we investigate the affirmation of the current literature on alternate (deflection) routing strategies accessible for OBS networks

    QoS Considerations in OBS Switched Backbone Net-Works

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    Optical Burst Switching (OBS) was proposed as a hybrid switching technology solution to handle the multi-Terabit volumes of traffic anticipated to traverse Future Generation backbone Networks. With OBS, incoming data packets are assembled into super-sized packets called data bursts and then assigned an end to end light path. Key challenging areas with regards to OBS Networks implementation are data bursts assembling and scheduling at the network ingress and core nodes respectively as they are key to minimizing subsequent losses due to contention among themselves in the core nodes. These losses are significant contributories to serious degradation in renderable QoS. The paper overviews existing methods of enhancing it at both burst and transport levels. A distributed resources control architecture is proposed together with a proposed wavelength assignment algorithm

    GMPLS-controlled OBS Network Simulator: Implementation of the signaling protocol

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb ISCTE-IUL LisboaThe Optical Burst Switching (OBS) paradigm is regaining greater attention by the professionals and researchers of the optical networking field, as it offers a number of advantages when compared with other optical switching paradigms. This type of technology was developed with the objective to carry information all-optically without using any kind of buffering device. However, due to its one-way signaling process, the presence of a control plane is extremely useful to manage complementary signaling and routing features, providing flexibility, reliability and taking more benefits of the OBS networks. The goal of this project is to extend Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control plane architecture to properly handle OBS networks. In spite of GMPLS is not prepared to lead with these type of networks, this flexible architecture has been seen as a potential candidate to be used as the control plane of other kinds of optical networks (e.g., IP, Ethernet, Optical Circuit networks) and therefore to manage control OBS networks. In this project, the existent event-driven JAVA simulator for OBS networks – JAVOBS – is extended to simulate a possible interoperability model between GMPLS and OBS technologies. The first objective is to implement a new control layer (GMPLS) separated from the data layer of the OBS network. The second and main objective fits on the basic signaling procedures implementation of the GMPLS Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) protocol, in order to analyze the performance of the OBS network’s behavior when it is controlled by such interoperable control plane (GMPLS/OBS)

    GMPLS-controlled OBS Network Simulator: Implementation of the signaling protocol

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb ISCTE-IUL LisboaThe Optical Burst Switching (OBS) paradigm is regaining greater attention by the professionals and researchers of the optical networking field, as it offers a number of advantages when compared with other optical switching paradigms. This type of technology was developed with the objective to carry information all-optically without using any kind of buffering device. However, due to its one-way signaling process, the presence of a control plane is extremely useful to manage complementary signaling and routing features, providing flexibility, reliability and taking more benefits of the OBS networks. The goal of this project is to extend Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control plane architecture to properly handle OBS networks. In spite of GMPLS is not prepared to lead with these type of networks, this flexible architecture has been seen as a potential candidate to be used as the control plane of other kinds of optical networks (e.g., IP, Ethernet, Optical Circuit networks) and therefore to manage control OBS networks. In this project, the existent event-driven JAVA simulator for OBS networks – JAVOBS – is extended to simulate a possible interoperability model between GMPLS and OBS technologies. The first objective is to implement a new control layer (GMPLS) separated from the data layer of the OBS network. The second and main objective fits on the basic signaling procedures implementation of the GMPLS Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) protocol, in order to analyze the performance of the OBS network’s behavior when it is controlled by such interoperable control plane (GMPLS/OBS)

    Mécanismes de résolution et de prévention de la contention pour les réseaux optiques à commutation de rafales

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    L'explosion actuelle de l'utilisation des applications en temps réel, telles que la téléphonie et la vidéo haute définition, fait en sorte qu'une demande croissante en bande passante existe. Or, la fibre optique offre un très grand potentiel en termes de bande passante allant physiquement jusqu'à 50 terabits par seconde par fibre optique en utilisant un multiplexage en longueurs d'onde. La commutation de rafales en optique est une nouvelle technique de commutation permettant de tirer profit des avantages de la commutation de paquets et de la commutation de circuits. Une problématique majeure est le taux de perte élevé à cause du problème de la contention. Plusieurs techniques de résolution de la contention existent, notamment la déflexion et la retransmission. Dans la première partie de ce travail, on s'intéresse à combiner dynamiquement la déflexion et la retransmission d'une manière adaptative en tenant compte de l'état du réseau. L'algorithme proposé permet d'effectuer le plus de déflexions possibles tant que celles-ci ne déstabilisent pas le réseau. Les résultats démontrent également, avec des topologies fortement connectées telles que COST239, que l'algorithme proposé permet de diminuer radicalement les pertes en utilisant un ratio de déflexion très grand. La deuxième partie de ce travail porte sur la prévention de la contention en utilisant des tables de routage optimisées. Ces tables de routage sont optimisées en utilisant un modèle graphique probabiliste utilisé en intelligence artificielle, soit un réseau bayésien. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Fibre optique, WDM, Commutation de rafales, Contention, Déflexion, Retransmission

    Contention resolution in optical packet-switched cross-connects

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    Contention resolution in optical packet-switched cross-connects

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