24,327 research outputs found

    Defining Routing Policies in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks

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    This master’s thesis involves the definition and development of a policy-based routing scheme for peer-to-peer overlay networks. Many peer-to-peer networks are in existence today and each has various methods for discovering new peers, searching for content, and overcoming connectivity problems. The addition of efficient policy-based routing enhances the ability of peers within overlay networks to make appropriate routing decisions. Policy-based routing provides a means for peers to define the types of network traffic they are willing to route and the conditions under which they will route it. The motivations for these policies are many and are described in upcoming sections. In order to express and enforce policies, a simple policy definition language was developed. This language is sufficient for owners of overlay nodes to choose to route traffic based on their own requirements and gives node owners a means to express these requirements, such that other nodes within the overlay network can learn them. A mechanism is presented that allows these policies to be stored either in a distributed hash table or on a set of directory servers. The effectiveness of policy-based routing was tested using a simulated network. The affect of these routing policies, in terms of both additional network traffic and requirements for client software, was also assessed. Finally, a comparison was made between storing policy information in a distributed hash table, versus on a set of directory servers

    A distributed alerting service for open digital library software

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    Alerting for Digital Libraries (DL) is an important and useful feature for the library users. To date, two independent services and a few publisher-hosted proprietary services have been developed. Here, we address the problem of integrating alerting as functionality into open source software for distributed digital libraries. DL software is one application out of many that constitute so-called meta-software: software where its installation determines the properties of the actual running system (here: the Digital Library system). For this type of application, existing alerting solutions are insufficient; new ways have to be found for supporting a fragmented network of distributed digital library servers. We propose the design and usage of a distributed Directory Service. This paper also introduces our hybrid approach using two networks and a combination of different distributed routing strategies for event filtering

    Characterizing a Meta-CDN

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    CDNs have reshaped the Internet architecture at large. They operate (globally) distributed networks of servers to reduce latencies as well as to increase availability for content and to handle large traffic bursts. Traditionally, content providers were mostly limited to a single CDN operator. However, in recent years, more and more content providers employ multiple CDNs to serve the same content and provide the same services. Thus, switching between CDNs, which can be beneficial to reduce costs or to select CDNs by optimal performance in different geographic regions or to overcome CDN-specific outages, becomes an important task. Services that tackle this task emerged, also known as CDN broker, Multi-CDN selectors, or Meta-CDNs. Despite their existence, little is known about Meta-CDN operation in the wild. In this paper, we thus shed light on this topic by dissecting a major Meta-CDN. Our analysis provides insights into its infrastructure, its operation in practice, and its usage by Internet sites. We leverage PlanetLab and Ripe Atlas as distributed infrastructures to study how a Meta-CDN impacts the web latency

    A Highly Available Cluster of Web Servers with Increased Storage Capacity

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    Ponencias de las Decimoséptimas Jornadas de Paralelismo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha celebradas el 18,19 y 20 de septiembre de 2006 en AlbaceteWeb servers scalability has been traditionally solved by improving software elements or increasing hardware resources of the server machine. Another approach has been the usage of distributed architectures. In such architectures, usually, file al- location strategy has been either full replication or full distribution. In previous works we have showed that partial replication offers a good balance between storage capacity and reliability. It offers much higher storage capacity while reliability may be kept at an equivalent level of that from fully replicated solutions. In this paper we present the architectural details of Web cluster solutions adapted to partial replication. We also show that partial replication does not imply a penalty in performance over classical fully replicated architectures. For evaluation purposes we have used a simulation model under the OMNeT++ framework and we use mean service time as a performance comparison metric.Publicad

    A schema-based P2P network to enable publish-subscribe for multimedia content in open hypermedia systems

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    Open Hypermedia Systems (OHS) aim to provide efficient dissemination, adaptation and integration of hyperlinked multimedia resources. Content available in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks could add significant value to OHS provided that challenges for efficient discovery and prompt delivery of rich and up-to-date content are successfully addressed. This paper proposes an architecture that enables the operation of OHS over a P2P overlay network of OHS servers based on semantic annotation of (a) peer OHS servers and of (b) multimedia resources that can be obtained through the link services of the OHS. The architecture provides efficient resource discovery. Semantic query-based subscriptions over this P2P network can enable access to up-to-date content, while caching at certain peers enables prompt delivery of multimedia content. Advanced query resolution techniques are employed to match different parts of subscription queries (subqueries). These subscriptions can be shared among different interested peers, thus increasing the efficiency of multimedia content dissemination

    Transparent and scalable client-side server selection using netlets

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    Replication of web content in the Internet has been found to improve service response time, performance and reliability offered by web services. When working with such distributed server systems, the location of servers with respect to client nodes is found to affect service response time perceived by clients in addition to server load conditions. This is due to the characteristics of the network path segments through which client requests get routed. Hence, a number of researchers have advocated making server selection decisions at the client-side of the network. In this paper, we present a transparent approach for client-side server selection in the Internet using Netlet services. Netlets are autonomous, nomadic mobile software components which persist and roam in the network independently, providing predefined network services. In this application, Netlet based services embedded with intelligence to support server selection are deployed by servers close to potential client communities to setup dynamic service decision points within the network. An anycast address is used to identify available distributed decision points in the network. Each service decision point transparently directs client requests to the best performing server based on its in-built intelligence supported by real-time measurements from probes sent by the Netlet to each server. It is shown that the resulting system provides a client-side server selection solution which is server-customisable, scalable and fault transparent
