3 research outputs found

    Content Request Markup Language (CRML): A Distributed Framework for XML-Based Content Publishing

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    Ontolog铆as para servicios web sem谩nticos de informaci贸n de tr谩fico: descripci贸n y herramientas de explotaci贸n.

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    RESUMEN Esta tesis forma parte de los denominados Sistemas Inteligentes de Tr谩fico (ITS) los cuales se basan en la aplicaci贸n de tecnolog铆as de Telecomunicaciones e Inform谩tica (Telem谩tica) a los sistemas de ayuda al tr谩fico vial, perteneciendo al dominio Servicios de Informaci贸n al Viajero (TIS). Como se pone de manifiesto, existen algunos problemas derivados del uso de este tipo de sistemas, desde el punto de vista del usuario, que dan lugar a que 茅ste sea incapaz de obtener la informaci贸n clara y precisa correspondiente a sus requerimientos. Los principales problemas identificados han sido la falta de un vocabulario com煤n de t茅rminos que haga uso de una sem谩ntica bien definida que permita obtener el significado (incluso aqu茅l no expl铆cito) de cada concepto de tr谩fico vial, as铆 como la recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n desde distintas fuentes heterog茅neas, de una forma intuitiva y sencilla. Varios aspectos describen la problem谩tica actual relativos al acceso y distribuci贸n de la informaci贸n: 1. Un gran volumen de informaci贸n de tr谩fico se distribuye entre varios sitios Web. El principal problema para un usuario que necesita informaci贸n de este tipo es encontrar estos sitios Web y adem谩s tratar con los diferentes accesos a 茅sta, as铆 como sus diferentes formas de presentaci贸n. 2. Por otra parte, un usuario puede necesitar informaci贸n de diferente naturaleza o tipo, y por lo tanto el almacenaje de toda esta informaci贸n en un solo sitio Web no es viable a nivel de costes de almacenamiento ni incluso a nivel de mantenimiento. 3. El tratamiento de la informaci贸n no permite realizar inferencias sobre ella de manera que pueda ser obtenido como resultado, informaci贸n que a priori no estuviera expl铆citamente detallada. Tras el descubrimiento de la problem谩tica existente y la identificaci贸n de elementos que pudieran solventar esta situaci贸n, el presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de los sistemas ITS orientados a facilitar informaci贸n de tr谩fico al usuario, y que a su vez permitan la gesti贸n de la informaci贸n, su tratamiento e intercambio, de manera eficaz entre los diferentes elementos que componen la arquitectura de servicios de informaci贸n de tr谩fico, como los usuarios, aplicaciones, y proveedores de la informaci贸n. Para la consecuci贸n de los objetivos marcados han sido desarrollados diversos elementos como parte integrante de una arquitectura, que supusieron determinados aportes y/o resultados: 1. Construcci贸n de una infraestructura ontol贸gica cuyo dominio queda enmarcado en la informaci贸n sobre tr谩fico vial. 2. Se ha expuesto un marco de trabajo para la conversi贸n de portales Web convencionales de informaci贸n en Servicios Web Sem谩nticos (SWS). 3. Extensi贸n a las metodolog铆as de construcci贸n de ontolog铆as, previamente existentes, para plantear el proceso a seguir en la obtenci贸n de un modelo sem谩ntico formal a partir de un modelo de Entidad-Relaci贸n (ER). 4. Se ha dise帽ado, implementado y evaluado, un algoritmo de emparejamiento de SWS, que aprovecha al m谩ximo las capacidades proporcionadas por las ontolog铆as de descripci贸n de servicios y que constituye una mejora de los ya existentes. Inclusi贸n del grado fraternal o de hermanos y otra serie de modificaciones. 5. Se han mostrado una serie de propuestas que permiten crear y manejar Servicios Web Sem谩nticos de informaci贸n de tr谩fico vial: nuevo par谩metro no funcional (valor a帽adido), ontolog铆a de categorizaci贸n de servicios de tr谩fico y elecci贸n de factores de medida en la QoS. Finalmente las propuestas han sido validadas a partir del desarrollo de un prototipo software basado en la arquitectura de integraci贸n de SWS de informaci贸n sobre tr谩fico vial, que ha permitido el ensamblaje de todos los elementos (ontolog铆as de tr谩fico, algoritmo de emparejamiento, servicios de informaci贸n de tr谩fico), obtenidos como resultado en cada una de las etapas de esta investigaci贸n. __________________________________________________________________________________________________This thesis forms part of the common Intelligent Transportation Systems which in turn are based on the application of telecommunication and Informatics (Telematics) to traffic management which belongs to the domain of Traveller Information.. The principle identified problems are the lack of a common vocabulary of elements which use a well defined semantic description which permits obtaining the meaning (including the non-explicit) of each concept of rural traffic as well as obtaining information from different heterogeneous sources in an intuitive and simple way. Different aspects describe the actual problem related to the access and distribution of information: 1. High volume of traffic information is distributed over different web sites. The main problem for a user who needs such information is to find such webs and handle the different ways of access and presentation 2. On the other hand, the users need information of a different nature or type, and the storage of such information on a simple site would be too costly as well for maintenance. 3. It is no possible to obtain any information if this information is not explicit before, After defining the existing problems and identifying the elements which could solve this situation, the present work focuses on those ITS-systems which provide traffic information to the user, its handling and exchange, in an efficient way between the elements which compose the architecture of traffic information systems, such as users applications and information providers. Different elements have been developed as an integral part of an architecture: 1. Construction of an ontological infrastructure which domain is covered by road traffic information, 2. A framework was defined for the conversion of conventional web portals to semantic web services (SWS), 3. Extension of the existing methodology for the construction of ontologies based on ER model, 4. A SWS matching algorithm was designed, implemented and evaluated which make maximal use of the capabilities of the ontologies of the service description, which constitute an improvement of the existing ones. 5. A number of proposals were demonstrated which permits creation and handling of Semantic web services of road traffic information

    Space In The Ambience: : Is Ambient Music Socially Relevant?

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    Today, nearly every space that can be filled with digital content is filled with digital content. Even contemplative personal reflective time can now be digitally mediated. This is a different world from the one where the idea of ambient music first emerged. In the 1970s and early 1980s, our ambient environment featured no augmented reality overlays, fewer opportunities for distracted attention (unless they were deliberately sought out), and a vastly reduced need for personal multitasking. Then, fewer situations required a high degree of context switching to address incoming information from sources other than those which we have immersed ourselves in out of choice, and ambient music - as an idea, was born within those environmental and cognitive conditions. Now, new definitions of embodied cognition have demonstrated that our ambient environment is crucial for understanding the world through non-mediated forms of information, yet the idea initially behind much historical ambient music was one of inhabiting a space in our perception through which the un-mediated could be addressed. By defining historical ambient music as an information overlay itself where a surrounding environment is displaced temporarily and overlaid with new information (as with an augmented reality), an alternative trajectory of development can be mapped out. Why do we now create specific environments for ambient music listening, rather than allowing ambient music itself the chance to occupy those situations? Has the embodiment brought about by increasing interaction in public ambient art, through technological processes, changed how we respond to artistic material embedded in our own day-to-day ambience? This chapter performs an experimental re-assembly of the situated components of ambient music, originally inherited from a pre-internet, pre-information society. It provides an assessment of the relevance of ambient as an idea in a contemporary media-driven world where space in the ambience is already at a premium