41,873 research outputs found

    The Economics of Internet Markets

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    The internet has facilitated the creation of new markets characterized by large scale, increased customization, rapid innovation and the collection and use of detailed consumer and market data. I describe these changes and some of the economic theory that has been useful for thinking about online advertising markets, retail and business-to-business e-commerce, internet job matching and financial exchanges, and other internet platforms. I also discuss the empirical evidence on competition and consumer behavior in internet markets and some directions for future research.internet, market, innovation, advertising, retail, e-commerce, financial exchanges

    Essays in Modeling the Consumer Choice Process

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    In this dissertation, I utilize and develop empirical tools to help academics and practitioners model the consumer\u27s choice process. This collection of three essays strives to answer three main research questions in this theme. In the first paper, I ask: how is the consumer\u27s purchase decision impacted by the search for general product-category information prior to search for their match with a retailer or manufacturer ( sellers )? This paper studies the impact of informational organic keyword search results on the performance of sponsored search advertising. We show that, even though advertisers can target consumers who have specific needs and preferences, for many consumers this is not a sufficient condition for search advertising to work. By allowing consumers to access content that satisfies their information requirements, informational organic results can allow consumers to learn about the product category prior to making their purchase decision. We develop a model characterize the situation in which consumers can search for general information about the product category as well as for information about the individual sellers\u27 offerings. We estimate this model using a unique dataset of search advertising in which commercial websites are restricted in the organic listing, allowing us to identify consumer clicks as informational (from organic links) or purchase oriented (from sponsored links). With the estimation results, we show that consumer welfare is improved by 29%, while advertisers generate 19% more sales, and search engines obtain 18% more paid clicks, as compared to the scenario without informational links. We conduct counterfactuals and find that consumers, advertisers, and the search engine are significantly better off when the search engine provides free general information about the product. When the search engine provides information about the advertisers\u27 specific offerings, however, there are fewer paid clicks and advertisers at high ad positions will obtain lower sales. We further investigate the implications on the equilibrium advertiser bidding strategy. Results show that advertiser bids will remain constant in the former scenario. When the search engine provides advertiser information, advertisers will increase their bids because of the increased conversion rate; however, the search engine still loses revenue due to the decreased paid clicks. The findings shed important managerial insights on how to improve the effectiveness of search advertising. In the second paper, I ask: how is the consumer\u27s search for information, during their choice process and in an advertising context, influenced by the signaling theory of advertising? Using a dataset of travel-related keywords obtained from a search engine, we test to what extent consumers are searching and advertisers are bidding in accordance with the signaling theory of advertising in literature. We find significant evidence that consumers are more likely to click on advertisers at higher positions because they infer that such advertisers are more likely to match with their needs. Further, consumers are more likely to find a match with advertisers who have paid more for higher positions. We also find strong evidence that advertisers increase their bids when there is an improvement in the likelihood that their offerings match with consumers\u27 needs, and the improvement cannot be readily observed by consumers prior to searching advertisers\u27 websites. These results are consistent with the predictions from the signaling theory. We test several alternative explanations and show that they cannot fully explain the results. Furthermore, through an extension we find that advertisers can generate more clicks when competing against advertisers with higher match value. We offer an explanation for this finding based on the signaling theory. In the third paper, I ask: can we model the consumer\u27s choice of brand as a sequential elimination of alternatives based on shared or unique aspects while incorporating continuous variables, such as price? With aggregate scanner data, marketing researchers typically estimate the mixed logit model, which accounts for non-IIA substitution patterns among brands, which arise due to similarity and dominance effects in demand. Using numerical examples and analytical illustrations, this research shows that the mixed logit model, which is widely believed to be a highly flexible characterization of brand switching behavior, is not well designed to handle non-IIA substitution patterns. The probit allows only for pair-wise inter-brand similarities, and ignores third-order or higher dependencies. In the presence of similarity and dominance effects, the mixed logit model and the probit model yield systematically distorted marketing mix elasticities. This limits the usefulness of mixed logit and probit for marketing decision-making. We propose a more flexible demand model that is an extension of the elimination-by-aspects (EBA) model (Tversky 1972a, 1972b) to handle marketing variables. The model vastly expands the domain of applicability of the EBA model to aggregate scanner data. Using an analytical closed-form that nests the traditional logit model as a special case, the EBA demand model is estimated with marketing variables from aggregate scanner data in 9 different product categories. It is compared to the mixed logit and probit models on the same datasets. In terms of multiple fit and predictive metrics (LL, BIC, MSE, MAD), the EBA model outperforms the mixed logit and the probit in a majority of categories in terms of both in-sample fit and holdout predictions. The results show significant differences in the estimated price elasticity matrices between the EBA model and the comparison models. In addition, a simulation shows that the retailer can improve gross profits up to 34.4% from pricing based on the EBA model rather than the mixed logit model. Finally, the results suggest that empirical IO researchers, who routinely use mixed logit models as inputs to oligopolistic pricing models, should consider the EBA demand model as the appropriate model of demand for differentiated products

    Inefficiencies in Digital Advertising Markets

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    Digital advertising markets are growing and attracting increased scrutiny. This article explores four market inefficiencies that remain poorly understood: ad effect measurement, frictions between and within advertising channel members, ad blocking, and ad fraud. Although these topics are not unique to digital advertising, each manifests in unique ways in markets for digital ads. The authors identify relevant findings in the academic literature, recent developments in practice, and promising topics for future research

    Essays in Online Advertising

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    The last several years have seen a dramatic increase in the amount of time and money consumers spend online. As a consequence, the Internet has become an important channel that firms can use to reach out and connect to consumers which has lead to the emergence of online advertising.Given the scale and novelty of online advertising, there is a growing need to understand how consumers respond to online ads and how firms should advertise using this medium. In my dissertation, I study different aspects of sponsored search and display ads which constitute the bulk of online advertising. In the first essay, I focus on the issues related to the use of aggregate data in sponsored search. I demonstrate that models commonly used in sponsored search research suffer from aggregation bias and present the implications of this aggregation bias. In the second essay, I focus on the advertiser\u27s problem of bidding optimally in sponsored search auctions. In the third essay, I study the interactions between various forms of online advertising like banner ads, display ads and sponsored search ads and address the problem of attribution

    Special Libraries, December 1954

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    Volume 45, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1954/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Aggregation Bias in Sponsored Search Data: The Curse and the Cure

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    Recently there has been significant interest in studying consumer behavior in sponsored search advertising (SSA). Researchers have typically used daily data from search engines containing measures such as average bid, average ad position, total impressions, clicks, and cost for each keyword in the advertiser’s campaign. A variety of random utility models have been estimated using such data and the results have helped researchers explore the factors that drive consumer click and conversion propensities. However, virtually every analysis of this kind has ignored the intraday variation in ad position. We show that estimating random utility models on aggregated (daily) data without accounting for this variation will lead to systematically biased estimates. Specifically, the impact of ad position on click-through rate (CTR) is attenuated and the predicted CTR is higher than the actual CTR. We analytically demonstrate the existence of the bias and show the effect of the bias on the equilibrium of the SSA auction. Using a large data set from a major search engine, we measure the magnitude of bias and quantify the losses suffered by the search engine and an advertiser using aggregate data. The search engine revenue loss can be as high as 11% due to aggregation bias. We also present a few data summarization techniques that can be used by search engines to reduce or eliminate the bias

    Attention competition

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    I present a game-theoretic model where economic competition and attention competition are interdependent. On the one hand the effort to attract consumer attention depends on the value of attention to the firm which depends on the grade of price competition among all perceived firms. On the other hand attracting attention involves costs which must be covered by the earnings from competition. It is the task of this paper to clarify the consequences of such an interdependence between attention competition and economic competition for prices, attention effort and market structure as determined by the strategic equilibrium. Under limited attention the market as perceived by consumers and not the effective market is relevant to the firms which implies that prices also reflect the scarcity of attention. Less attentive consumers lead to higher prices but at the same time getting attention is more valuable which intensifies the competition for attention and leads to higher attention costs. I show that if attention competition is relatively inelastic or the commodities are strong substitutes then the gains from consumer inattention outweigh the costs of attracting attention which leads to higher profits and larger effective markets.Limited attention, competition, pricing, strategic equilibrium
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