14 research outputs found

    A Fixed Parameter Tractable Approximation Scheme for the Optimal Cut Graph of a Surface

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    Given a graph GG cellularly embedded on a surface Σ\Sigma of genus gg, a cut graph is a subgraph of GG such that cutting Σ\Sigma along GG yields a topological disk. We provide a fixed parameter tractable approximation scheme for the problem of computing the shortest cut graph, that is, for any ε>0\varepsilon >0, we show how to compute a (1+ε)(1+ \varepsilon) approximation of the shortest cut graph in time f(ε,g)n3f(\varepsilon, g)n^3. Our techniques first rely on the computation of a spanner for the problem using the technique of brick decompositions, to reduce the problem to the case of bounded tree-width. Then, to solve the bounded tree-width case, we introduce a variant of the surface-cut decomposition of Ru\'e, Sau and Thilikos, which may be of independent interest

    Treewidth, crushing, and hyperbolic volume

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    We prove that there exists a universal constant cc such that any closed hyperbolic 3-manifold admits a triangulation of treewidth at most cc times its volume. The converse is not true: we show there exists a sequence of hyperbolic 3-manifolds of bounded treewidth but volume approaching infinity. Along the way, we prove that crushing a normal surface in a triangulation does not increase the carving-width, and hence crushing any number of normal surfaces in a triangulation affects treewidth by at most a constant multiple.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. V2: Section 4 has been rewritten, as the former argument (in V1) used a construction that relied on a wrong theorem. Section 5.1 has also been adjusted to the new construction. Various other arguments have been clarifie

    On the treewidth of triangulated 3-manifolds

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    In graph theory, as well as in 3-manifold topology, there exist several width-type parameters to describe how "simple" or "thin" a given graph or 3-manifold is. These parameters, such as pathwidth or treewidth for graphs, or the concept of thin position for 3-manifolds, play an important role when studying algorithmic problems; in particular, there is a variety of problems in computational 3-manifold topology - some of them known to be computationally hard in general - that become solvable in polynomial time as soon as the dual graph of the input triangulation has bounded treewidth. In view of these algorithmic results, it is natural to ask whether every 3-manifold admits a triangulation of bounded treewidth. We show that this is not the case, i.e., that there exists an infinite family of closed 3-manifolds not admitting triangulations of bounded pathwidth or treewidth (the latter implies the former, but we present two separate proofs). We derive these results from work of Agol, of Scharlemann and Thompson, and of Scharlemann, Schultens and Saito by exhibiting explicit connections between the topology of a 3-manifold M on the one hand and width-type parameters of the dual graphs of triangulations of M on the other hand, answering a question that had been raised repeatedly by researchers in computational 3-manifold topology. In particular, we show that if a closed, orientable, irreducible, non-Haken 3-manifold M has a triangulation of treewidth (resp. pathwidth) k then the Heegaard genus of M is at most 18(k+1) (resp. 4(3k+1))

    A unified FPT Algorithm for Width of Partition Functions

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    During the last decades, several polynomial-time algorithms have been designed that decide if a graph has treewidth (resp., pathwidth, branchwidth, etc.) at most kk, where kk is a fixed parameter. Amini {\it et al.} (to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Maths.) use the notions of partitioning-trees and partition functions as a generalized view of classical decompositions of graphs, namely tree-decomposition, path-decomposition, branch-decomposition, etc. In this paper, we propose a set of simple sufficient conditions on a partition function Φ\Phi, that ensures the existence of a linear-time explicit algorithm deciding if a set AA has Φ\Phi-width at most kk (kk fixed). In particular, the algorithm we propose unifies the existing algorithms for treewidth, pathwidth, linearwidth, branchwidth, carvingwidth and cutwidth. It also provides the first Fixed Parameter Tractable linear-time algorithm deciding if the qq-branched treewidth, defined by Fomin {\it et al.} (Algorithmica 2007), of a graph is at most kk (kk and qq are fixed). Our decision algorithm can be turned into a constructive one by following the ideas of Bodlaender and Kloks (J. of Alg. 1996)