22 research outputs found

    Exploration in stochastic algorithms: An application on MAX-MIN Ant System

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    In this paper a definition of the exploration performed by stochastic algorithms is proposed. It is based on the observation through cluster analysis of the solutions generated during a run. The probabilities associated by an algorithm to solution components are considered. Moreover, a consequent method for quantifying the exploration is provided. Such a measurement is applied to MAX-MIN Ant System. The results of the experimental analysis allow to observe the impact of the parameters of the algorithm on the exploration.exploration, cluster analysis, MAX-MIN Ant System

    Uma nova proposta de solução para problemas de localização usando algoritmos genéticos e relaxação lagrangeana/surrogate.

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    Uma descrição matemática sobre os problemas das P-medianas. Algoritmo Genético Construtivo. A relaxação lagrangeana/surrogate. Resultados obtidos. O AGC aplicado ao problema das P-medianas. A relaxação lagrangeana/surrogate (lagsur) aplicado ao problema das P-medianas. Conclusões e comentários.bitstream/item/76660/1/CNPTIA-COM.TEC.-8-00.pd

    A genetic algorithm for clustering, finding the number of clusters

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    In this paper a genetic algorithm for clustering is proposed. The algorithm is based on the variable length chromosomes and the notion of local points density in the clustered set. Its role is to identify the number of clusters in the clustered set and to partition this set into particular clusters. The tests were conducted for two different sets of two dimensional data. The algorithm performed well in both cases. The tests presented the ability of the algorithm to partition the subsets combined with the thin dense area into separate clusters

    An optimised cellular automata model based on adaptive genetic algorithm for urban growth simulation

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    This paper presents an improved cellular automata (CA) model optimized using an adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) to simulate the spatiooral process of urban growth. The AGA technique can be used to optimize the transition rules of the CA model defined through conventional methods such as logistic regression approach, resulting in higher simulation efficiency and improved results. Application of the AGA-CA model in Shanghai's Jiading District, Eastern China demonstrates that the model was able to generate reasonable representation of urban growth even with limited input data in defining its transition rules. The research shows that AGA technique can be integrated within a conventional CA based urban simulation model to improve human understanding on urban dynamics

    Sistemas de apoio à decisão para problemas de localização e roteamento.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar os sistemas de apoio à decisão desenvolvidos para solucionar problemas de localização e roteamento, composto pelos novos enfoques de algoritmos de localização e roteamento e sistemas de informação geográfica Spring, Map Objects, Transcard e Arc View.bitstream/CNPTIA/9959/1/bolpesq7.pdfAcesso em: 28 maio 2008

    Problema de alocação de áreas de florestas.

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    Para indústrias que exploram recursos de florestas é interessante manter áreas de reserva ou ainda áreas para reflorestamento. Assim, uma dada floresta pode ser dividida em vários setores para que alguns sejam explorados e outros fiquem de reserva ou sejam recuperados. Deve-se levar em conta também os fatores (restrições) como transporte dos produtos, manutenção da biodiversidade, etc.Evento conhecido também como CNMAC

    PRABHA - A New Heuristic Approach For Machine Cell Formation Under Dynamic Production Environments

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    Over the past three decades, Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) have attracted a lot of attention from manufacturers because of its positive impacts on analysis of batch-type production and also a wide range of potential application areas. Machine cell formation and part family creation are two important tasks of cellular manufacturing systems. Most of the current CMS design methods have been developed for a static production environment. This paper addresses the problem of machine cell formation and part family formation for a dynamic production requirement with the objective of minimizing the material handling cost, penalty for cell load variation and the machine relocation cost. The parameters considered include demand of parts in different period, routing sequences, processing time and machine capacities. In this work a new heuristic approach named PRABHA is proposed for machine cell formation and the part family formation. The computational results of the proposed heuristics approach were obtained and compared with the Genetic Algorithm approach and it was found that the proposed heuristics PRABHA outperforms the Genetic Algorithm

    Solution Methods for the \u3cem\u3ep\u3c/em\u3e-Median Problem: An Annotated Bibliography

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    The p-median problem is a graph theory problem that was originally designed for, and has been extensively applied to, facility location. In this bibliography, we summarize the literature on solution methods for the uncapacitated and capacitated p-median problem on a graph or network