2,951 research outputs found

    A Surgical Virtual Learning Environment

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    A computer based Virtual Learning Environment is proposed for training and evaluating novice surgeons. Although this Virtual Learning Environments is thought to be useful in other learning situations as well, especially where knowledge of different complex procedures and the ability to correctly assess a complex situation is critical, in this project we specifically focus on vascular surgery. This environment will be developed as part of the DIME project (Distributed Interactive Medical Exploratory). We are building this Virtual Learning Environment using a new navigational metaphor, which affords modeling the learning process, rather than focusing solely on modeling the operating room. This 'navigational metaphor' can be thought of as an semi-threedimensional interface to a database containing multimedia fragments and expert annotations of the knowledge domain under study

    Visuo-spatial ability in colonoscopy simulator training

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    Visuo-spatial ability is associated with a quality of performance in a variety of surgical and medical skills. However, visuo-spatial ability is typically assessed using Visualization tests only, which led to an incomplete understanding of the involvement of visuo-spatial ability in these skills. To remedy this situation, the current study investigated the role of a broad range of visuo-spatial factors in colonoscopy simulator training. Fifteen medical trainees (no clinical experience in colonoscopy) participated in two psycho-metric test sessions to assess four visuo-spatial ability factors. Next, participants trained flexible endoscope manipulation, and navigation to the cecum on the GI Mentor II simulator, for four sessions within 1 week. Visualization, and to a lesser degree Spatial relations were the only visuo-spatial ability factors to correlate with colonoscopy simulator performance. Visualization additionally covaried with learning rate for time on task on both simulator tasks. High Visualization ability indicated faster exercise completion. Similar to other endoscopic procedures, performance in colonoscopy is positively associated with Visualization, a visuo-spatial ability factor characterized by the ability to mentally manipulate complex visuo-spatial stimuli. The complexity of the visuo-spatial mental transformations required to successfully perform colonoscopy is likely responsible for the challenging nature of this technique, and should inform training- and assessment design. Long term training studies, as well as studies investigating the nature of visuo-spatial complexity in this domain are needed to better understand the role of visuo-spatial ability in colonoscopy, and other endoscopic techniques

    Business Sphere, Vol. 20, no.3

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    When selecting sites for the industry’s leading data centers, experts and IT leaders such as Google and Microsoft, are increasingly choosing Iowa They’re doing so because they understand that Iowa is a safe zone for data and information storage — tucked away from the major threats and terrorist targets in the U.S. What’s more, there are many infrastructural and financial benefits that only Iowa offers. With all this activity, available research and Iowa’s inherent advantages, it seems the question isn't so much why Iowa, but why not

    Development of a synthetic phantom for the selection of optimal scanning parameters in CAD-CT colonography

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    The aim of this paper is to present the development of a synthetic phantom that can be used for the selection of optimal scanning parameters in computed tomography (CT) colonography. In this paper we attempt to evaluate the influence of the main scanning parameters including slice thickness, reconstruction interval, field of view, table speed and radiation dose on the overall performance of a computer aided detection (CAD)–CTC system. From these parameters the radiation dose received a special attention, as the major problem associated with CTC is the patient exposure to significant levels of ionising radiation. To examine the influence of the scanning parameters we performed 51 CT scans where the spread of scanning parameters was divided into seven different protocols. A large number of experimental tests were performed and the results analysed. The results show that automatic polyp detection is feasible even in cases when the CAD–CTC system was applied to low dose CT data acquired with the following protocol: 13 mAs/rotation with collimation of 1.5 mm × 16 mm, slice thickness of 3.0 mm, reconstruction interval of 1.5 mm, table speed of 30 mm per rotation. The CT phantom data acquired using this protocol was analysed by an automated CAD–CTC system and the experimental results indicate that our system identified all clinically significant polyps (i.e. larger than 5 mm)

    Virtual and Augmented Reality in Medical Education

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    Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two contemporary simulation models that are currently upgrading medical education. VR provides a 3D and dynamic view of structures and the ability of the user to interact with them. The recent technological advances in haptics, display systems, and motion detection allow the user to have a realistic and interactive experience, enabling VR to be ideal for training in hands-on procedures. Consequently, surgical and other interventional procedures are the main fields of application of VR. AR provides the ability of projecting virtual information and structures over physical objects, thus enhancing or altering the real environment. The integration of AR applications in the understanding of anatomical structures and physiological mechanisms seems to be beneficial. Studies have tried to demonstrate the validity and educational effect of many VR and AR applications, in many different areas, employed via various hardware platforms. Some of them even propose a curriculum that integrates these methods. This chapter provides a brief history of VR and AR in medicine, as well as the principles and standards of their function. Finally, the studies that show the effect of the implementation of these methods in different fields of medical training are summarized and presented