174 research outputs found

    Construction of 'Support Vector' Machine Feature Spaces via Deformed Weyl-Heisenberg Algebra

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    This paper uses deformed coherent states, based on a deformed Weyl-Heisenberg algebra that unifies the well-known SU(2), Weyl-Heisenberg, and SU(1,1) groups, through a common parameter. We show that deformed coherent states provide the theoretical foundation of a meta-kernel function, that is a kernel which in turn defines kernel functions. Kernel functions drive developments in the field of machine learning and the meta-kernel function presented in this paper opens new theoretical avenues for the definition and exploration of kernel functions. The meta-kernel function applies associated revolution surfaces as feature spaces identified with non-linear coherent states. An empirical investigation compares the deformed SU(2) and SU(1,1) kernels derived from the meta-kernel which shows performance similar to the Radial Basis kernel, and offers new insights (based on the deformed Weyl-Heisenberg algebra)

    Mass-Gaps and Spin Chains for (Super) Membranes

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    We present a method for computing the non-perturbative mass-gap in the theory of Bosonic membranes in flat background spacetimes with or without background fluxes. The computation of mass-gaps is carried out using a matrix regularization of the membrane Hamiltonians. The mass gap is shown to be naturally organized as an expansion in a 'hidden' parameter, which turns out to be 1d\frac{1}{d}: d being the related to the dimensionality of the background space. We then proceed to develop a large NN perturbation theory for the membrane/matrix-model Hamiltonians around the quantum/mass corrected effective potential. The same parameter that controls the perturbation theory for the mass gap is also shown to control the Hamiltonian perturbation theory around the effective potential. The large NN perturbation theory is then translated into the language of quantum spin chains and the one loop spectra of various Bosonic matrix models are computed by applying the Bethe ansatz to the one-loop effective Hamiltonians for membranes in flat space times. Apart from membranes in flat spacetimes, the recently proposed matrix models (hep-th/0607005) for non-critical membranes in plane wave type spacetimes are also analyzed within the paradigm of quantum spin chains and the Bosonic sectors of all the models proposed in (hep-th/0607005) are diagonalized at the one-loop level.Comment: 36 Page

    Curvature decomposition of G_2 manifolds

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    Explicit formulas for the G2G_2-components of the Riemannian curvature tensor on a manifold with a G2G_2 structure are given in terms of Ricci contractions. We define a conformally invariant Ricci-type tensor that determines the 27-dimensional part of the Weyl tensor and show that its vanishing on compact G2G_2 manifold with closed fundamental form forces the three-form to be parallel. A topological obstruction for the existence of a G2G_2 structure with closed fundamental form is obtained in terms of the integral norms of the curvature components. We produce integral inequalities for closed G2G_2 manifold and investigate limiting cases. We make a study of warped products and cohomogeneity-one G2G_2 manifolds. As a consequence every Fern\'andez-Gray type of G2G_2 structure whose scalar curvature vanishes may be realized such that the metric has holonomy contained in G2G_2.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 26 pages, 2 tables. Changes in version 2: shortened, reorganized, misprints corrected, several remarks and new introduction. A formula in the proof of Theorem 1.2a has been corrected. Submitte

    A review of quantum cellular automata

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    Discretizing spacetime is often a natural step towards modelling physical systems. For quantum systems, if we also demand a strict bound on the speed of information propagation, we get quantum cellular automata (QCAs). These originally arose as an alternative paradigm for quantum computation, though more recently they have found application in understanding topological phases of matter and have been proposed as models of periodically driven (Floquet) quantum systems, where QCA methods were used to classify their phases. QCAs have also been used as a natural discretization of quantum field theory, and some interesting examples of QCAs have been introduced that become interacting quantum field theories in the continuum limit. This review discusses all of these applications, as well as some other interesting results on the structure of quantum cellular automata, including the tensor-network unitary approach, the index theory and higher dimensional classifications of QCAs. © 2020 Verein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften. All rights reserved

    Time and a Temporally Statistical Quantum Geometrodynamics

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    This paper is an exposition of the author's recent work (arXiv:1001.3382 [hep-th], arXiv:1005.5430 [cond-mat.dis-nn], arXiv:1212.4956 [quant-ph]) on modeling M-theory vacua and quantum mechanical observers in the framework of a temporally statistical description of quantum geometrodynamics, including measurement processes based on the canonical theory of quantum gravity. In this paper we deal with several fundamental issues of time: the time-less problem in canonical quantum gravity; the physical origin of state reductions; and time-reversal symmetry breaking. We first model the observers and consider the time-less problem by invoking the time reparametrization symmetry breaking in the quantum mechanical world as seen by the observers. We next construct the hidden time variable theory, using a model of the gauged and affinized S-duality symmetry in type IIB string theory, as the statistical theory of time and explain the physical origin of state reductions using it. Finally, by the extension of the time reparametrization symmetry to all of the temporal hidden variables, we treat the issue of time reversal symmetry breaking as the spontaneous breaking of this extended time reparametrization symmetry. The classification of unitary time-dependent processes and the geometrizations of unitary and non-unitary time evolutions using the language of the derived category are also investigated.Comment: Review, 89 pages, version to be published, v

    Grassmannian Integrals in Minkowski Signature, Amplitudes, and Integrability

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    We attempt to systematically derive tree-level scattering amplitudes in four-dimensional, planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory from integrability. We first review the connections between integrable spin chains, Yangian invariance, and the construction of such invariants in terms of Grassmannian contour integrals. Building upon these results, we equip a class of Grassmannian integrals for general symmetry algebras with unitary integration contours. These contours emerge naturally by paying special attention to the proper reality conditions of the algebras. Specializing to psu(2,2|4) and thus to maximal superconformal symmetry in Minkowski space, we find in a number of examples expressions similar to, but subtly different from the perturbative physical scattering amplitudes. Our results suggest a subtle breaking of Yangian invariance for the latter, with curious implications for their construction from integrability.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures; v2: published version, minor change

    Representation and manipulation of images based on linear functionals

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