9,110 research outputs found

    ConfidentCare: A Clinical Decision Support System for Personalized Breast Cancer Screening

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    Breast cancer screening policies attempt to achieve timely diagnosis by the regular screening of apparently healthy women. Various clinical decisions are needed to manage the screening process; those include: selecting the screening tests for a woman to take, interpreting the test outcomes, and deciding whether or not a woman should be referred to a diagnostic test. Such decisions are currently guided by clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), which represent a one-size-fits-all approach that are designed to work well on average for a population, without guaranteeing that it will work well uniformly over that population. Since the risks and benefits of screening are functions of each patients features, personalized screening policies that are tailored to the features of individuals are needed in order to ensure that the right tests are recommended to the right woman. In order to address this issue, we present ConfidentCare: a computer-aided clinical decision support system that learns a personalized screening policy from the electronic health record (EHR) data. ConfidentCare operates by recognizing clusters of similar patients, and learning the best screening policy to adopt for each cluster. A cluster of patients is a set of patients with similar features (e.g. age, breast density, family history, etc.), and the screening policy is a set of guidelines on what actions to recommend for a woman given her features and screening test scores. ConfidentCare algorithm ensures that the policy adopted for every cluster of patients satisfies a predefined accuracy requirement with a high level of confidence. We show that our algorithm outperforms the current CPGs in terms of cost-efficiency and false positive rates

    Evaluating Trauma Sonography for Operational Use in the Microgravity Environment

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    Sonography is the only medical imaging modality aboard the ISS, and is likely to remain the leading imaging modality in future human space flight programs. While trauma sonography (TS) has been well recognized for terrestrial trauma settings, the technique had to be evaluated for suitability in space flight prior to adopting it as an operational capability. The authors found the following four-phased evaluative approach applicable to this task: 1) identifying standard or novel terrestrial techniques for potential use in space medicine; 2) developing and testing these techniques with suggested modifications on the ground (1g) either in clinical settings or in animal models, as appropriate; 3) evaluating and refining the techniques in parabolic flight (0g); and 4) validating and implementing for clinical use in space. In Phase I of the TS project, expert opinion and literature review suggested TS to be a potential screening tool for trauma in space. In Phase II, animal models were developed and tested in ground studies, and clinical studies were carried out in collaborating trauma centers. In Phase III, animal models were flight-tested in the NASA KC-135 Reduced Gravity Laboratory. Preliminary results of the first three phases demonstrated potential clinical utility of TS in microgravity. Phase IV studies have begun to address crew training issues, on-board imaging protocols, and data transfer procedures necessary to offer the modified TS technique for space use

    User-centred design and evaluation of a tele-operated echocardiography robot

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    We present the collected findings of a user-centred approach for developing a tele-operated robot for remote echocardiography examinations. During the three-year development of the robot, we involved users in all development stages of the robot, to increase the usability of the system for the doctors. For requirement compilation, we conducted a literature review, observed two traditional examinations, arranged focus groups with doctors and patients, and conducted two online surveys. During the development of the robot, we regularly involved doctors in usability tests to receive feedback from them on the user interface for the robot and on the robot’s hardware. For evaluation of the robot, we conducted two eye tracking studies. In the first study, doctors executed a traditional echocardiography examination. In the second study, the doctors conducted a remote examination with our robot. The results of the studies show that all doctors were able to successfully complete a correct ultrasonography examination with the tele-operated robot. In comparison to a traditional examination, the doctors on average only need a short amount of additional time to successfully examine a patient when using our remote echocardiography robot. The results also show that the doctors fixate considerably more often, but with shorter fixation times, on the USG screen in the traditional examination compared to the remote examination. We found further that some of the user-centred design methods we applied had to be adjusted to the clinical context and the hectic schedule of the doctors. Overall, our experience and results suggest that the usage of user-centred design methodology is well suited for developing medical robots and leads to a usable product that meets the end users’ needs

    Implementing Diagnostic Imaging Services in a Rural Setting of Extreme Poverty: Five Years of X-ray and Ultrasound Service Delivery in Achham, Nepal

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    Introduction: Diagnostic radiology services are severely lacking in many rural settings and the implementation of these services poses complex challenges. The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of diagnostic radiology services at a district-level hospital in Achham, a rural district in Nepal. Methods and Materials: We conducted a retrospective review of the implementation of diagnostic radiology services. We compiled a list of implementation challenges and proposed solutions based on an internal review of historical data, hospital records, and the experiences of hospital staff members. We used a seven-domain analytic framework to structure our discussion of these challenges. Results: We documented the first five years of challenges faced and lessons learned by the non-profit organization Possible while implementing and providing diagnostic radiology services for the first time in a remote location. Additionally, we documented the uptake of these services through the first five years of operations. During this time, the number of X-rays performed increased 271%, while ultrasounds increased 258%. The main challenges included educating the community about the appropriate use of these services, recruiting trained providers, and coordinating referral care and consultations for higher-level diagnostics and treatment. Finally, investments in training providers and technicians, as well as investments in infrastructure, primarily the installation of solar panels to maintain a power supply, were critical to sustaining services. Discussion: This experience demonstrates that reliable and sustained services can be deployed even in extremely remote areas and identifies challenges that other implementers may face in similar program implementation

    Improving access to ultrasound imaging in northern, remote communities

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    Access to healthcare services—including access to medical imaging—is an important determinant of health outcomes. This thesis aims to improve understanding of and address gaps in access to ultrasound imaging for patients in northern, remote communities, and advance a novel ultrasound technology with the ultimate goal of improving patient care and health outcomes. This thesis first brings greater understanding of patients’ perceptions of access and factors which shape access to ultrasound imaging in northern, remote communities in Saskatchewan, Canada. A qualitative study was performed using interpretive description as a methodological approach and a multi-dimensional conceptualization of access to care as a theoretical framework. The study identified barriers which patients in northern, remote communities face in accessing ultrasound imaging, and demonstrated that geographic remoteness from imaging facilities was a central barrier. To determine whether disparities in access to ultrasound imaging resulted in disparities in utilization of ultrasound services, two population-based studies assessed the association between sociodemographic and geographic factors and obstetrical and non-obstetrical ultrasound utilization in Saskatchewan. In the first study investigating obstetrical ultrasound utilization, multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that women living in rural areas, remote areas, and low income neighbourhoods, as well as status First Nations women, were less likely to have a second trimester ultrasound, an important aspect of prenatal care. In a second study investigating non-obstetrical ultrasound utilization across the entire provincial population, multivariate Poisson regression analysis similarly demonstrated lower rates of non-obstetrical ultrasound utilization among individuals living in rural and remote areas, individuals residing in low income neighbourhoods, and status First Nations persons. To address the barriers which patients in northern, remote communities face in accessing ultrasound imaging and to minimize disparities in ultrasound imaging utilization as identified in previous studies in this thesis, telerobotic ultrasound technology was investigated as a solution to improve access to ultrasound imaging. Using this technology, radiologists and sonographers could remotely manipulate an ultrasound probe via a robotic arm, thereby remotely performing an ultrasound exam while patients remained in their home community. A clinical trial comparing conventional and telerobotic ultrasound approaches was undertaken, validating this technology for obstetrical ultrasound imaging. To determine the feasibility of using telerobotic technology to establish an ultrasound service delivery model to remotely provide diagnostic ultrasound exams in underserved communities, pilot telerobotic ultrasound clinics were developed in three northern, remote communities. Telerobotic ultrasound exams were sufficient for diagnosis in the majority of cases, minimizing travel or reducing wait times for these patients. This technology was subsequently evaluated during a COVID-19 outbreak in northern Saskatchewan, demonstrating the potential of this technology to provide critical ultrasound services to an underserved northern population and minimize health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic. An economic evaluation was performed to compare a service delivery model using telerobotic ultrasound technology to alternative service delivery models. Telerobotic ultrasound combined with an itinerant sonographer service was found to be the lowest cost option from both a publicly funded healthcare payer perspective and a societal perspective for many northern, remote communities. This thesis provides key insights for health system leaders seeking improved understanding and novel solutions to improve access to ultrasound imaging in northern, remote communities. Findings suggest that telerobotic ultrasound is a viable solution to improve access to ultrasound imaging and reduce costs associated with ultrasound service delivery. Evidence in this thesis may be used to help improve ultrasound services and health equity for patients in underserved northern, remote communities. Continued respectful collaboration with northern, remote, Indigenous peoples and communities will be a critical aspect to ensure that ultrasound services meet community needs

    In-Suit Doppler Technology Assessment

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    The objective of this program was to perform a technology assessment survey of non-invasive air embolism detection utilizing Doppler ultrasound methodologies. The primary application of this technology will be a continuous monitor for astronauts while performing extravehicular activities (EVA's). The technology assessment was to include: (1) development of a full understanding of all relevant background research; and (2) a survey of the medical ultrasound marketplace for expertise, information, and technical capability relevant to this development. Upon completion of the assessment, LSR was to provide an overview of technological approaches and R&D/manufacturing organizations

    NEOREG : design and implementation of an online neonatal registration system to access, follow and analyse data of newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus infection

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    Today's registration of newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is still performed on paper-based forms in Flanders, Belgium. This process has a large administrative impact. It is imortant that all screening tests are registered to have a complete idea of the impact of cCMV. Although these registrations are usable in computerised data analysis, these data are not available in a format to perform electronic processing. An online Neonatal Registry (NEOREG) System was designed and developed to access, follow and analyse the data of newborns remotely. It allows patients' diagnostic registration and treatment follow-up through a web interface and uses document forms in Portable Document Format (PDF), which incorporate all the elements from the existing forms. Forms are automatically processed to structured EHRs. Modules are included to perform statistical analysis. The design was driven by extendibility, security and usability requirements. The website load time, throughput and execution time of data analysis were evaluated in detail. The NEOREG system is able to replace the existing paper-based CMV records

    Diagnostic value of transcranial ultrasonography for selecting subjects with large vessel occlusion : a systematic review

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    Acknowledgements This work is part of a Ph.D. project supported by the University of Aberdeen’s Elphinstone Scholarship Programme. LE’s work was funded by the European Space Agency SatCare grant. The authors would like to thank Dr. Lorenzo Bandieri for the help with assessing full text of articles for eligibility for the current review.Peer reviewedPublisher PD