888 research outputs found

    Phylogenetics from paralogs

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    Motivation: Sequence-based phylogenetic approaches heavily rely on initial data sets to be composed of orthologous sequences only. Paralogs are treated as a dangerous nuisance that has to be detected and removed. Recent advances in mathematical phylogenetics, however, have indicated that gene duplications can also convey meaningful phylogenetic information provided orthologs and paralogs can be distinguished with a degree of certainty. Results: We demonstrate that plausible phylogenetic trees can be inferred from paralogy information only. To this end, tree-free estimates of orthology, the complement of paralogy, are first corrected to conform cographs and then translated into equivalent event-labeled gene phylogenies. A certain subset of the triples displayed by these trees translates into constraints on the species trees. While the resolution is very poor for individual gene families, we observe that genome-wide data sets are sufficient to generate fully resolved phylogenetic trees of several groups of eubacteria. The novel method introduced here relies on solving three intertwined NP-hard optimization problems: the cograph editing problem, the maximum consistent triple set problem, and the least resolved tree problem. Implemented as Integer Linear Program, paralogy-based phylogenies can be computed exactly for up to some twenty species and their complete protein complements. Availability:The ILP formulation is implemented in the Software ParaPhylo using IBM ILOG CPLEX (TM) Optimizer 12.6 and is freely available from http://pacosy.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/paraphyl

    A Survey of Combinatorial Methods for Phylogenetic Networks

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    The evolutionary history of a set of species is usually described by a rooted phylogenetic tree. Although it is generally undisputed that bifurcating speciation events and descent with modifications are major forces of evolution, there is a growing belief that reticulate events also have a role to play. Phylogenetic networks provide an alternative to phylogenetic trees and may be more suitable for data sets where evolution involves significant amounts of reticulate events, such as hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, or recombination. In this article, we give an introduction to the topic of phylogenetic networks, very briefly describing the fundamental concepts and summarizing some of the most important combinatorial methods that are available for their computation

    Maximum agreement and compatible supertrees

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    AbstractGiven a set of leaf-labelled trees with identical leaf sets, the MAST problem, respectively MCT problem, consists of finding a largest subset of leaves such that all input trees restricted to these leaves are isomorphic, respectively compatible. In this paper, we propose extensions of these problems to the context of supertree inference, where input trees have non-identical leaf sets. This situation is of particular interest in phylogenetics. The resulting problems are called SMAST and SMCT.A sufficient condition is given that identifies cases where these problems can be solved by resorting to MAST and MCT as subproblems. This condition is met, for instance, when only two input trees are considered. Then we give algorithms for SMAST and SMCT that benefit from the link with the subtree problems. These algorithms run in time linear to the time needed to solve MAST, respectively MCT, on an instance of the same or smaller size.It is shown that arbitrary instances of SMAST and SMCT can be turned in polynomial time into instances composed of trees with a bounded number of leaves.SMAST is shown to be W[2]-hard when the considered parameter is the number of input leaves that have to be removed to obtain the agreement of the input trees. A similar result holds for SMCT. Moreover, the corresponding optimization problems, that is the complements of SMAST and SMCT, cannot be approximated in polynomial time within any constant factor, unless P=NP. These results also hold when the input trees have a bounded number of leaves.The presented results apply to both collections of rooted and unrooted trees

    The Orthology Road: Theory and Methods in Orthology Analysis

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    The evolution of biological species depends on changes in genes. Among these changes are the gradual accumulation of DNA mutations, insertions and deletions, duplication of genes, movements of genes within and between chromosomes, gene losses and gene transfer. As two populations of the same species evolve independently, they will eventually become reproductively isolated and become two distinct species. The evolutionary history of a set of related species through the repeated occurrence of this speciation process can be represented as a tree-like structure, called a phylogenetic tree or a species tree. Since duplicated genes in a single species also independently accumulate point mutations, insertions and deletions, they drift apart in composition in the same way as genes in two related species. The divergence of all the genes descended from a single gene in an ancestral species can also be represented as a tree, a gene tree that takes into account both speciation and duplication events. In order to reconstruct the evolutionary history from the study of extant species, we use sets of similar genes, with relatively high degree of DNA similarity and usually with some functional resemblance, that appear to have been derived from a common ancestor. The degree of similarity among different instances of the “same gene” in different species can be used to explore their evolutionary history via the reconstruction of gene family histories, namely gene trees. Orthology refers specifically to the relationship between two genes that arose by a speciation event, recent or remote, rather than duplication. Comparing orthologous genes is essential to the correct reconstruction of species trees, so that detecting and identifying orthologous genes is an important problem, and a longstanding challenge, in comparative and evolutionary genomics as well as phylogenetics. A variety of orthology detection methods have been devised in recent years. Although many of these methods are dependent on generating gene and/or species trees, it has been shown that orthology can be estimated at acceptable levels of accuracy without having to infer gene trees and/or reconciling gene trees with species trees. Therefore, there is good reason to look at the connection of trees and orthology from a different angle: How much information about the gene tree, the species tree, and their reconciliation is already contained in the orthology relation among genes? Intriguingly, a solution to the first part of this question has already been given by Boecker and Dress [Boecker and Dress, 1998] in a different context. In particular, they completely characterized certain maps which they called symbolic ultrametrics. Semple and Steel [Semple and Steel, 2003] then presented an algorithm that can be used to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree from any given symbolic ultrametric. In this thesis we investigate a new characterization of orthology relations, based on symbolic ultramterics for recovering the gene tree. According to Fitch’s definition [Fitch, 2000], two genes are (co-)orthologous if their last common ancestor in the gene tree represents a speciation event. On the other hand, when their last common ancestor is a duplication event, the genes are paralogs. The orthology relation on a set of genes is therefore determined by the gene tree and an “event labeling” that identifies each interior vertex of that tree as either a duplication or a speciation event. In the context of analyzing orthology data, the problem of reconciling event-labeled gene trees with a species tree appears as a variant of the reconciliation problem where genes trees have no labels in their internal vertices. When reconciling a gene tree with a species tree, it can be assumed that the species tree is correct or, in the case of a unknown species tree, it can be inferred. Therefore it is crucial to know for a given gene tree whether there even exists a species tree. In this thesis we characterize event-labelled gene trees for which a species tree exists and species trees to which event-labelled gene trees can be mapped. Reconciliation methods are not always the best options for detecting orthology. A fundamental problem is that, aside from multicellular eukaryotes, evolution does not seem to have conformed to the descent-with-modification model that gives rise to tree-like phylogenies. Examples include many cases of prokaryotes and viruses whose evolution involved horizontal gene transfer. To treat the problem of distinguishing orthology and paralogy within a more general framework, graph-based methods have been proposed to detect and differentiate among evolutionary relationships of genes in those organisms. In this work we introduce a measure of orthology that can be used to test graph-based methods and reconciliation methods that detect orthology. Using these results a new algorithm BOTTOM-UP to determine whether a map from the set of vertices of a tree to a set of events is a symbolic ultrametric or not is devised. Additioanlly, a simulation environment designed to generate large gene families with complex duplication histories on which reconstruction algorithms can be tested and software tools can be benchmarked is presented
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