541 research outputs found

    The infinite cyclohedron and its automorphism group

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    Cyclohedra are a well-known infinite familiy of finite-dimensional polytopes that can be constructed from centrally symmetric triangulations of even-sided polygons. In this article we introduce an infinite-dimensional analogue and prove that the group of symmetries of our construction is a semidirect product of a degree 2 central extension of Thompson's infinite finitely presented simple group T with the cyclic group of order 2. These results are inspired by a similar recent analysis by the first author of the automorphism group of an infinite-dimensional associahedron.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Asymptotically maximal families of hypersurfaces in toric varieties

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    A real algebraic variety is maximal (with respect to the Smith-Thom inequality) if the sum of the Betti numbers (with Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 coefficients) of the real part of the variety is equal to the sum of Betti numbers of its complex part. We prove that there exist polytopes that are not Newton polytopes of any maximal hypersurface in the corresponding toric variety. On the other hand we show that for any polytope Δ\Delta there are families of hypersurfaces with the Newton polytopes (λΔ)λ∈N(\lambda\Delta)_{\lambda \in \mathbb{N}} that are asymptotically maximal when λ\lambda tends to infinity. We also show that these results generalize to complete intersections.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Happy endings for flip graphs

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    We show that the triangulations of a finite point set form a flip graph that can be embedded isometrically into a hypercube, if and only if the point set has no empty convex pentagon. Point sets of this type include convex subsets of lattices, points on two lines, and several other infinite families. As a consequence, flip distance in such point sets can be computed efficiently.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures. Revised and expanded for journal publicatio

    Lower bounds for the simplexity of the n-cube

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    In this paper we prove a new asymptotic lower bound for the minimal number of simplices in simplicial dissections of nn-dimensional cubes. In particular we show that the number of simplices in dissections of nn-cubes without additional vertices is at least (n+1)n−12(n+1)^{\frac {n-1} 2}.Comment: 10 page

    Moduli of Tropical Plane Curves

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    We study the moduli space of metric graphs that arise from tropical plane curves. There are far fewer such graphs than tropicalizations of classical plane curves. For fixed genus gg, our moduli space is a stacky fan whose cones are indexed by regular unimodular triangulations of Newton polygons with gg interior lattice points. It has dimension 2g+12g+1 unless g≤3g \leq 3 or g=7g = 7. We compute these spaces explicitly for g≤5g \leq 5.Comment: 31 pages, 25 figure

    The Complexity of Finding Small Triangulations of Convex 3-Polytopes

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    The problem of finding a triangulation of a convex three-dimensional polytope with few tetrahedra is proved to be NP-hard. We discuss other related complexity results.Comment: 37 pages. An earlier version containing the sketch of the proof appeared at the proceedings of SODA 200
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