678 research outputs found

    Structural characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins by NMR spectroscopy.

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    Recent advances in NMR methodology and techniques allow the structural investigation of biomolecules of increasing size with atomic resolution. NMR spectroscopy is especially well-suited for the study of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) which are in general highly flexible and do not have a well-defined secondary or tertiary structure under functional conditions. In the last decade, the important role of IDPs in many essential cellular processes has become more evident as the lack of a stable tertiary structure of many protagonists in signal transduction, transcription regulation and cell-cycle regulation has been discovered. The growing demand for structural data of IDPs required the development and adaption of methods such as 13C-direct detected experiments, paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) or residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) for the study of 'unstructured' molecules in vitro and in-cell. The information obtained by NMR can be processed with novel computational tools to generate conformational ensembles that visualize the conformations IDPs sample under functional conditions. Here, we address NMR experiments and strategies that enable the generation of detailed structural models of IDPs

    Constructing ensembles for intrinsically disordered proteins

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    The relatively flat energy landscapes associated with intrinsically disordered proteins makes modeling these systems especially problematic. A comprehensive model for these proteins requires one to build an ensemble consisting of a finite collection of structures, and their corresponding relative stabilities, which adequately capture the range of accessible states of the protein. In this regard, methods that use computational techniques to interpret experimental data in terms of such ensembles are an essential part of the modeling process. In this review, we critically assess the advantages and limitations of current techniques and discuss new methods for the validation of these ensembles

    Comparative Studies of Disordered Proteins with Similar Sequences: Application to Aβ40 and Aβ42

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    Quantitative comparisons of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) with similar sequences, such as mutant forms of the same protein, may provide insights into IDP aggregation—a process that plays a role in several neurodegenerative disorders. Here we describe an approach for modeling IDPs with similar sequences that simplifies the comparison of the ensembles by utilizing a single library of structures. The relative population weights of the structures are estimated using a Bayesian formalism, which provides measures of uncertainty in the resulting ensembles. We applied this approach to the comparison of ensembles for Aβ40 and Aβ42. Bayesian hypothesis testing finds that although both Aβ species sample β-rich conformations in solution that may represent prefibrillar intermediates, the probability that Aβ42 samples these prefibrillar states is roughly an order of magnitude larger than the frequency in which Aβ40 samples such structures. Moreover, the structure of the soluble prefibrillar state in our ensembles is similar to the experimentally determined structure of Aβ that has been implicated as an intermediate in the aggregation pathway. Overall, our approach for comparative studies of IDPs with similar sequences provides a platform for future studies on the effect of mutations on the structure and function of disordered proteins

    The Effect of a ΔK280 Mutation on the Unfolded State of a Microtubule-Binding Repeat in Tau

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    Tau is a natively unfolded protein that forms intracellular aggregates in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. To decipher the mechanism underlying the formation of tau aggregates, we developed a novel approach for constructing models of natively unfolded proteins. The method, energy-minima mapping and weighting (EMW), samples local energy minima of subsequences within a natively unfolded protein and then constructs ensembles from these energetically favorable conformations that are consistent with a given set of experimental data. A unique feature of the method is that it does not strive to generate a single ensemble that represents the unfolded state. Instead we construct a number of candidate ensembles, each of which agrees with a given set of experimental constraints, and focus our analysis on local structural features that are present in all of the independently generated ensembles. Using EMW we generated ensembles that are consistent with chemical shift measurements obtained on tau constructs. Thirty models were constructed for the second microtubule binding repeat (MTBR2) in wild-type (WT) tau and a ΔK280 mutant, which is found in some forms of frontotemporal dementia. By focusing on structural features that are preserved across all ensembles, we find that the aggregation-initiating sequence, PHF6*, prefers an extended conformation in both the WT and ΔK280 sequences. In addition, we find that residue K280 can adopt a loop/turn conformation in WT MTBR2 and that deletion of this residue, which can adopt nonextended states, leads to an increase in locally extended conformations near the C-terminus of PHF6*. As an increased preference for extended states near the C-terminus of PHF6* may facilitate the propagation of β-structure downstream from PHF6*, these results explain how a deletion at position 280 can promote the formation of tau aggregates

    Modeling Intrinsically Disordered Proteins with Bayesian Statistics

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    The characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins is challenging because accurate models of these systems require a description of both their thermally accessible conformers and the associated relative stabilities or weights. These structures and weights are typically chosen such that calculated ensemble averages agree with some set of prespecified experimental measurements; however, the large number of degrees of freedom in these systems typically leads to multiple conformational ensembles that are degenerate with respect to any given set of experimental observables. In this work we demonstrate that estimates of the relative stabilities of conformers within an ensemble are often incorrect when one does not account for the underlying uncertainty in the estimates themselves. Therefore, we present a method for modeling the conformational properties of disordered proteins that estimates the uncertainty in the weights of each conformer. The Bayesian weighting (BW) formalism incorporates information from both experimental data and theoretical predictions to calculate a probability density over all possible ways of weighting the conformers in the ensemble. This probability density is then used to estimate the values of the weights. A unique and powerful feature of the approach is that it provides a built-in error measure that allows one to assess the accuracy of the ensemble. We validate the approach using reference ensembles constructed from the five-residue peptide met-enkephalin and then apply the BW method to construct an ensemble of the K18 isoform of the tau protein. Using this ensemble, we indentify a specific pattern of long-range contacts in K18 that correlates with the known aggregation properties of the sequence.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Grant 5R21NS063185-02

    Modulation of the Disordered Conformational Ensembles of the p53 Transactivation Domain by Cancer-Associated Mutations

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    Citation: Ganguly, D., & Chen, J. H. (2015). Modulation of the Disordered Conformational Ensembles of the p53 Transactivation Domain by Cancer-Associated Mutations. Plos Computational Biology, 11(4), 19. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004247Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are frequently associated with human diseases such as cancers, and about one-fourth of disease-associated missense mutations have been mapped into predicted disordered regions. Understanding how these mutations affect the structure-function relationship of IDPs is a formidable task that requires detailed characterization of the disordered conformational ensembles. Implicit solvent coupled with enhanced sampling has been proposed to provide a balance between accuracy and efficiency necessary for systematic and comparative assessments of the effects of mutations as well as post-translational modifications on IDP structure and interaction. Here, we utilize a recently developed replica exchange with guided annealing enhanced sampling technique to calculate well-converged atomistic conformational ensembles of the intrinsically disordered transactivation domain (TAD) of tumor suppressor p53 and several cancer-associated mutants in implicit solvent. The simulations are critically assessed by quantitative comparisons with several types of experimental data that provide structural information on both secondary and tertiary levels. The results show that the calculated ensembles reproduce local structural features of wild-type p53-TAD and the effects of K24N mutation quantitatively. On the tertiary level, the simulated ensembles are overly compact, even though they appear to recapitulate the overall features of transient long-range contacts qualitatively. A key finding is that, while p53-TAD and its cancer mutants sample a similar set of conformational states, cancer mutants could introduce both local and long-range structural modulations to potentially perturb the balance of p53 binding to various regulatory proteins and further alter how this balance is regulated by multisite phosphorylation of p53-TAD. The current study clearly demonstrates the promise of atomistic simulations for detailed characterization of IDP conformations, and at the same time reveals important limitations in the current implicit solvent protein force field that must be sufficiently addressed for reliable description of long-range structural features of the disordered ensembles

    Learning to Evolve Structural Ensembles of Unfolded and Disordered Proteins Using Experimental Solution Data

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    We have developed a Generative Recurrent Neural Networks (GRNN) that learns the probability of the next residue torsions $X_{i+1}=\ [\phi_{i+1},\psi_{i+1},\omega _{i+1}, \chi_{i+1}]fromthepreviousresidueinthesequence from the previous residue in the sequence X_i$ to generate new IDP conformations. In addition, we couple the GRNN with a Bayesian model, X-EISD, in a reinforcement learning step that biases the probability distributions of torsions to take advantage of experimental data types such as J-couplingss, NOEs and PREs. We show that updating the generative model parameters according to the reward feedback on the basis of the agreement between structures and data improves upon existing approaches that simply reweight static structural pools for disordered proteins. Instead the GRNN "DynamICE" model learns to physically change the conformations of the underlying pool to those that better agree with experiment

    Targeting Intrinsically Disordered Proteins through Dynamic Interactions

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    Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are over-represented in major disease pathways and have attracted significant interest in understanding if and how they may be targeted using small molecules for therapeutic purposes. While most existing studies have focused on extending the traditional structure-centric drug design strategies and emphasized exploring pre-existing structure features of IDPs for specific binding, several examples have also emerged to suggest that small molecules could achieve specificity in binding IDPs and affect their function through dynamic and transient interactions. These dynamic interactions can modulate the disordered conformational ensemble and often lead to modest compaction to shield functionally important interaction sites. Much work remains to be done on further elucidation of the molecular basis of the dynamic small molecule–IDP interaction and determining how it can be exploited for targeting IDPs in practice. These efforts will rely critically on an integrated experimental and computational framework for disordered protein ensemble characterization. In particular, exciting advances have been made in recent years in enhanced sampling techniques, Graphic Processing Unit (GPU)-computing, and protein force field optimization, which have now allowed rigorous physics-based atomistic simulations to generate reliable structure ensembles for nontrivial IDPs of modest sizes. Such de novo atomistic simulations will play crucial roles in exploring the exciting opportunity of targeting IDPs through dynamic interactions
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