230 research outputs found

    Maximal slicings in spherical symmetry: local existence and construction

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    We show that any spherically symmetric spacetime locally admits a maximal spacelike slicing and we give a procedure allowing its construction. The construction procedure that we have designed is based on purely geometrical arguments and, in practice, leads to solve a decoupled system of first order quasi-linear partial differential equations. We have explicitly built up maximal foliations in Minkowski and Friedmann spacetimes. Our approach admits further generalizations and efficient computational implementation. As by product, we suggest some applications of our work in the task of calibrating Numerical Relativity complex codes, usually written in Cartesian coordinates.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Three dimensional numerical relativity: the evolution of black holes

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    We report on a new 3D numerical code designed to solve the Einstein equations for general vacuum spacetimes. This code is based on the standard 3+1 approach using cartesian coordinates. We discuss the numerical techniques used in developing this code, and its performance on massively parallel and vector supercomputers. As a test case, we present evolutions for the first 3D black hole spacetimes. We identify a number of difficulties in evolving 3D black holes and suggest approaches to overcome them. We show how special treatment of the conformal factor can lead to more accurate evolution, and discuss techniques we developed to handle black hole spacetimes in the absence of symmetries. Many different slicing conditions are tested, including geodesic, maximal, and various algebraic conditions on the lapse. With current resolutions, limited by computer memory sizes, we show that with certain lapse conditions we can evolve the black hole to about t=50Mt=50M, where MM is the black hole mass. Comparisons are made with results obtained by evolving spherical initial black hole data sets with a 1D spherically symmetric code. We also demonstrate that an ``apparent horizon locking shift'' can be used to prevent the development of large gradients in the metric functions that result from singularity avoiding time slicings. We compute the mass of the apparent horizon in these spacetimes, and find that in many cases it can be conserved to within about 5\% throughout the evolution with our techniques and current resolution.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX with RevTeX 3.0 macros. 27 postscript figures taking 7 MB of space, uuencoded and gz-compressed into a 2MB uufile. Also available at http://jean-luc.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Papers/ and mpeg simulations at http://jean-luc.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Movies/ Submitted to Physical Review

    Excision boundary conditions for black hole initial data

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    We define and extensively test a set of boundary conditions that can be applied at black hole excision surfaces when the Hamiltonian and momentum constraints of general relativity are solved within the conformal thin-sandwich formalism. These boundary conditions have been designed to result in black holes that are in quasiequilibrium and are completely general in the sense that they can be applied with any conformal three-geometry and slicing condition. Furthermore, we show that they retain precisely the freedom to specify an arbitrary spin on each black hole. Interestingly, we have been unable to find a boundary condition on the lapse that can be derived from a quasiequilibrium condition. Rather, we find evidence that the lapse boundary condition is part of the initial temporal gauge choice. To test these boundary conditions, we have extensively explored the case of a single black hole and the case of a binary system of equal-mass black holes, including the computation of quasi-circular orbits and the determination of the inner-most stable circular orbit. Our tests show that the boundary conditions work well.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figures, revtex4, corrected typos, added reference, minor content changes including additional post-Newtonian comparison. Version accepted by PR

    Towards a Stable Numerical Evolution of Strongly Gravitating Systems in General Relativity: The Conformal Treatments

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    We study the stability of three-dimensional numerical evolutions of the Einstein equations, comparing the standard ADM formulation to variations on a family of formulations that separate out the conformal and traceless parts of the system. We develop an implementation of the conformal-traceless (CT) approach that has improved stability properties in evolving weak and strong gravitational fields, and for both vacuum and spacetimes with active coupling to matter sources. Cases studied include weak and strong gravitational wave packets, black holes, boson stars and neutron stars. We show under what conditions the CT approach gives better results in 3D numerical evolutions compared to the ADM formulation. In particular, we show that our implementation of the CT approach gives more long term stable evolutions than ADM in all the cases studied, but is less accurate in the short term for the range of resolutions used in our 3D simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Small changes in the text, and a change in the list of authors. One new reference adde

    Constant Crunch Coordinates for Black Hole Simulations

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    We reinvestigate the utility of time-independent constant mean curvature foliations for the numerical simulation of a single spherically-symmetric black hole. Each spacelike hypersurface of such a foliation is endowed with the same constant value of the trace of the extrinsic curvature tensor, KK. Of the three families of KK-constant surfaces possible (classified according to their asymptotic behaviors), we single out a sub-family of singularity-avoiding surfaces that may be particularly useful, and provide an analytic expression for the closest approach such surfaces make to the singularity. We then utilize a non-zero shift to yield families of KK-constant surfaces which (1) avoid the black hole singularity, and thus the need to excise the singularity, (2) are asymptotically null, aiding in gravity wave extraction, (3) cover the physically relevant part of the spacetime, (4) are well behaved (regular) across the horizon, and (5) are static under evolution, and therefore have no ``grid stretching/sucking'' pathologies. Preliminary numerical runs demonstrate that we can stably evolve a single spherically-symmetric static black hole using this foliation. We wish to emphasize that this coordinatization produces KK-constant surfaces for a single black hole spacetime that are regular, static and stable throughout their evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Formatted using Revtex4. To appear Phys. Rev. D 2001, Added numerical results, updated references and revised figure

    Equilibrium initial data for moving puncture simulations: The stationary 1+log slicing

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    We propose and explore a "stationary 1+log" slicing condition for the construction of solutions to Einstein's constraint equations. For stationary spacetimes, these initial data will give a stationary foliation when evolved with "moving puncture" gauge conditions that are often used in black hole evolutions. The resulting slicing is time-independent and agrees with the slicing generated by being dragged along a time-like Killing vector of the spacetime. When these initial data are evolved with moving puncture gauge conditions, numerical errors arising from coordinate evolution are minimized. In the construction of initial data for binary black holes it is often assumed that there exists an approximate helical Killing vector that generates the binary's orbit. We show that, unfortunately, 1+log slices that are stationary with respect to such a helical Killing vector cannot be asymptotically flat, unless the spacetime possesses an additional axial Killing vector.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Can a combination of the conformal thin-sandwich and puncture methods yield binary black hole solutions in quasi-equilibrium?

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    We consider combining two important methods for constructing quasi-equilibrium initial data for binary black holes: the conformal thin-sandwich formalism and the puncture method. The former seeks to enforce stationarity in the conformal three-metric and the latter attempts to avoid internal boundaries, like minimal surfaces or apparent horizons. We show that these two methods make partially conflicting requirements on the boundary conditions that determine the time slices. In particular, it does not seem possible to construct slices that are quasi-stationary and avoid physical singularities and simultaneously are connected by an everywhere positive lapse function, a condition which must obtain if internal boundaries are to be avoided. Some relaxation of these conflicting requirements may yield a soluble system, but some of the advantages that were sought in combining these approaches will be lost.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, 2 postscript figure

    Corotating and irrotational binary black holes in quasi-circular orbits

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    A complete formalism for constructing initial data representing black-hole binaries in quasi-equilibrium is developed. Radiation reaction prohibits, in general, true equilibrium binary configurations. However, when the timescale for orbital decay is much longer than the orbital period, a binary can be considered to be in quasi-equilibrium. If each black hole is assumed to be in quasi-equilibrium, then a complete set of boundary conditions for all initial data variables can be developed. These boundary conditions are applied on the apparent horizon of each black hole, and in fact force a specified surface to be an apparent horizon. A global assumption of quasi-equilibrium is also used to fix some of the freely specifiable pieces of the initial data and to uniquely fix the asymptotic boundary conditions. This formalism should allow for the construction of completely general quasi-equilibrium black hole binary initial data.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, revtex4; Content changed slightly to reflect fact that regularized shift solutions do satisfy the isometry boundary condition
