20,647 research outputs found

    Threshold Saturation in Spatially Coupled Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    We consider chains of random constraint satisfaction models that are spatially coupled across a finite window along the chain direction. We investigate their phase diagram at zero temperature using the survey propagation formalism and the interpolation method. We prove that the SAT-UNSAT phase transition threshold of an infinite chain is identical to the one of the individual standard model, and is therefore not affected by spatial coupling. We compute the survey propagation complexity using population dynamics as well as large degree approximations, and determine the survey propagation threshold. We find that a clustering phase survives coupling. However, as one increases the range of the coupling window, the survey propagation threshold increases and saturates towards the phase transition threshold. We also briefly discuss other aspects of the problem. Namely, the condensation threshold is not affected by coupling, but the dynamic threshold displays saturation towards the condensation one. All these features may provide a new avenue for obtaining better provable algorithmic lower bounds on phase transition thresholds of the individual standard model

    Simplifying Random Satisfiability Problem by Removing Frustrating Interactions

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    How can we remove some interactions in a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) such that it still remains satisfiable? In this paper we study a modified survey propagation algorithm that enables us to address this question for a prototypical CSP, i.e. random K-satisfiability problem. The average number of removed interactions is controlled by a tuning parameter in the algorithm. If the original problem is satisfiable then we are able to construct satisfiable subproblems ranging from the original one to a minimal one with minimum possible number of interactions. The minimal satisfiable subproblems will provide directly the solutions of the original problem.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Threshold Saturation in Spatially Coupled Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    We consider chains of random constraint satisfaction models that are spatially coupled across a finite window along the chain direction. We investigate their phase diagram at zero temperature using the survey propagation formalism and the interpolation method. We prove that the SAT-UNSAT phase transition threshold of an infinite chain is identical to the one of the individual standard model, and is therefore not affected by spatial coupling. We compute the survey propagation complexity using population dynamics as well as large degree approximations, and determine the survey propagation threshold. We find that a clustering phase survives coupling. However, as one increases the range of the coupling window, the survey propagation threshold increases and saturates towards the phase transition threshold. We also briefly discuss other aspects of the problem. Namely, the condensation threshold is not affected by coupling, but the dynamic threshold displays saturation towards the condensation one. All these features may provide a new avenue for obtaining better provable algorithmic lower bounds on phase transition thresholds of the individual standard mode

    Reweighted belief propagation and quiet planting for random K-SAT

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    We study the random K-satisfiability problem using a partition function where each solution is reweighted according to the number of variables that satisfy every clause. We apply belief propagation and the related cavity method to the reweighted partition function. This allows us to obtain several new results on the properties of random K-satisfiability problem. In particular the reweighting allows to introduce a planted ensemble that generates instances that are, in some region of parameters, equivalent to random instances. We are hence able to generate at the same time a typical random SAT instance and one of its solutions. We study the relation between clustering and belief propagation fixed points and we give a direct evidence for the existence of purely entropic (rather than energetic) barriers between clusters in some region of parameters in the random K-satisfiability problem. We exhibit, in some large planted instances, solutions with a non-trivial whitening core; such solutions were known to exist but were so far never found on very large instances. Finally, we discuss algorithmic hardness of such planted instances and we determine a region of parameters in which planting leads to satisfiable benchmarks that, up to our knowledge, are the hardest known.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, revised for readability, stability expression correcte

    Clustering of solutions in hard satisfiability problems

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    We study the structure of the solution space and behavior of local search methods on random 3-SAT problems close to the SAT/UNSAT transition. Using the overlap measure of similarity between different solutions found on the same problem instance we show that the solution space is shrinking as a function of alpha. We consider chains of satisfiability problems, where clauses are added sequentially. In each such chain, the overlap distribution is first smooth, and then develops a tiered structure, indicating that the solutions are found in well separated clusters. On chains of not too large instances, all solutions are eventually observed to be in only one small cluster before vanishing. This condensation transition point is estimated to be alpha_c = 4.26. The transition approximately obeys finite-size scaling with an apparent critical exponent of about 1.7. We compare the solutions found by a local heuristic, ASAT, and the Survey Propagation algorithm up to alpha_c.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Random subcubes as a toy model for constraint satisfaction problems

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    We present an exactly solvable random-subcube model inspired by the structure of hard constraint satisfaction and optimization problems. Our model reproduces the structure of the solution space of the random k-satisfiability and k-coloring problems, and undergoes the same phase transitions as these problems. The comparison becomes quantitative in the large-k limit. Distance properties, as well the x-satisfiability threshold, are studied. The model is also generalized to define a continuous energy landscape useful for studying several aspects of glassy dynamics.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure
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