2,320 research outputs found

    Bi-scale Car-following Model Calibration for Corridor Based on Trajectory

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    The precise estimation of macroscopic traffic parameters, such as travel time and fuel consumption, is essential for the optimization of traffic management systems. Despite its importance, the comprehensive acquisition of vehicle trajectory data for the calculation of these macroscopic measures presents a challenge. To bridge this gap, this study aims to calibrate car-following models capable of predicting both microscopic measures and macroscopic measures. We conduct a numerical analysis to trace the cumulative process of model prediction errors across various measurements, and our findings indicate that macroscopic measures encapsulate the accumulation of model errors. By incorporating macroscopic measures into vehicle model calibration, we can mitigate the impact of noise on microscopic data measurements. We compare three car-following model calibration methods: MiC (using microscopic measurements), MaC (using macroscopic measurements), and BiC (using both microscopic and macroscopic measurements): utilizing real-world trajectory data. The BiC method emerges as the most successful in reconstructing vehicle trajectories and accurately estimating travel time and fuel consumption, whereas the MiC method leads to overfitting and inaccurate macro-measurement predictions. This study underscores the importance of bi-scale calibration for precise traffic and energy consumption predictions, laying the groundwork for future research aimed at enhancing traffic management strategies

    VISSIM Calibration for Urban Freeways

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    In urban areas, interchange spacing and the adequacy of design for weaving, merge, and diverge areas can significantly influence available capacity. Traffic microsimulation tools allow detailed analyses of these critical areas in complex locations that often yield results that differ from the generalized approach of the Highway Capacity Manual. In order to obtain valid results, various inputs should be calibrated to local conditions. This project investigated basic calibration factors for the simulation of traffic conditions within an urban freeway merge/diverge environment. By collecting and analyzing urban freeway traffic data from multiple sources, specific Iowa-based calibration factors for use in VISSIM were developed. In particular, a repeatable methodology for collecting standstill distance and headway/time gap data on urban freeways was applied to locations throughout the state of Iowa. This collection process relies on the manual processing of video for standstill distances and individual vehicle data from radar detectors to measure the headways/time gaps. By comparing the data collected from different locations, it was found that standstill distances vary by location and lead-follow vehicle types. Headways and time gaps were found to be consistent within the same driver population and across different driver populations when the conditions were similar. Both standstill distance and headway/time gap were found to follow fairly dispersed and skewed distributions. Therefore, it is recommended that microsimulation models be modified to include the option for standstill distance and headway/time gap to follow distributions as well as be set separately for different vehicle classes. In addition, for the driving behavior parameters that cannot be easily collected, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine the impact of these parameters on the capacity of the facility. The sensitivity analysis results can be used as a reference to manually adjust parameters to match the simulation results to the observed traffic conditions. A well-calibrated microsimulation model can enable a higher level of fidelity in modeling traffic behavior and serve to improve decision making in balancing need with investment

    Development and evaluation of a NFWEAV simulation model for weaving areas under non-freeway condition

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    The development of a microscopic digital computer simulation model representing vehicle interaction at a weaving area under non-freeway condition is presented. Weaving areas are classified into two categories: 1. Weaving caused by merging and diverging of a ramp with an arterial, 2. On/off ramps connecting an arterial with a highway. The principal characteristics of the simulation model are the following: 1) a car following and lane changing model were used to represent vehicle movements; 2) an anti-collision check algorithm was developed for all vehicle movements; 3) driver merging urgency and follower courtesy model were developed for weaving vehicles. The simulation model was validated through field observation using video taping and photogrammetry techniques Comparative analyses between field observations and model predictions are carried out for non-weaving and weaving speed, as well as non-weaving and weaving acceleration. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the field data and simulation output

    Sedimentological characterization of Antarctic moraines using UAVs and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry

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    In glacial environments particle-size analysis of moraines provides insights into clast origin, transport history, depositional mechanism and processes of reworking. Traditional methods for grain-size classification are labour-intensive, physically intrusive and are limited to patch-scale (1m2) observation. We develop emerging, high-resolution ground- and unmanned aerial vehicle-based ‘Structure-from-Motion’ (UAV-SfM) photogrammetry to recover grain-size information across an moraine surface in the Heritage Range, Antarctica. SfM data products were benchmarked against equivalent datasets acquired using terrestrial laser scanning, and were found to be accurate to within 1.7 and 50mm for patch- and site-scale modelling, respectively. Grain-size distributions were obtained through digital grain classification, or ‘photo-sieving’, of patch-scale SfM orthoimagery. Photo-sieved distributions were accurate to <2mm compared to control distributions derived from dry sieving. A relationship between patch-scale median grain size and the standard deviation of local surface elevations was applied to a site-scale UAV-SfM model to facilitate upscaling and the production of a spatially continuous map of the median grain size across a 0.3 km2 area of moraine. This highly automated workflow for site scale sedimentological characterization eliminates much of the subjectivity associated with traditional methods and forms a sound basis for subsequent glaciological process interpretation and analysis

    On the needs and requirements arising from connected and automated driving

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    Future 5G systems have set a goal to support mission-critical Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications and they contribute to an important step towards connected and automated driving. To achieve this goal, the communication technologies should be designed based on a solid understanding of the new V2X applications and the related requirements and challenges. In this regard, we provide a description of the main V2X application categories and their representative use cases selected based on an analysis of the future needs of cooperative and automated driving. We also present a methodology on how to derive the network related requirements from the automotive specific requirements. The methodology can be used to analyze the key requirements of both existing and future V2X use cases

    Characterizing corridor-level travel time distributions based on stochastic flows and segment capacities

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    abstract: Trip travel time reliability is an important measure of transportation system performance and a key factor affecting travelers’ choices. This paper explores a method for estimating travel time distributions for corridors that contain multiple bottlenecks. A set of analytical equations are used to calculate the number of queued vehicles ahead of a probe vehicle and further capture many important factors affecting travel times: the prevailing congestion level, queue discharge rates at the bottlenecks, and flow rates associated with merges and diverges. Based on multiple random scenarios and a vector of arrival times, the lane-by-lane delay at each bottleneck along the corridor is recursively estimated to produce a route-level travel time distribution. The model incorporates stochastic variations of bottleneck capacity and demand and explains the travel time correlations between sequential links. Its data needs are the entering and exiting flow rates and a sense of the lane-by-lane distribution of traffic at each bottleneck. A detailed vehicle trajectory data-set from the Next Generation SIMulation (NGSIM) project has been used to verify that the estimated distributions are valid, and the sources of estimation error are examined.The final version of this article, as published in Cogent Engineering, can be viewed online at: https://www.cogentoa.com/article/10.1080/23311916.2014.99067
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