434 research outputs found

    Sparse graph codes on a multi-dimensional WCDMA platform

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    Digital technology has made complex signal processing possible in communication systems and greatly improved the performance and quality of most modern telecommunication systems. The telecommunication industry and specifically mobile wireless telephone and computer networks have shown phenomenal growth in both the number of subscribers and emerging services, resulting in rapid consumption of common resources of which the electromagnetic spectrum is the most important. Technological advances and research in digital communication are necessary to satisfy the growing demand, to fuel the demand and to exploit all the possibilities and business opportunities. Efficient management and distribution of resources facilitated by state-of-the-art algorithms are indispensable in modern communication networks. The challenge in communication system design is to construct a system that can accurately reproduce the transmitted source message at the receiver. The channel connecting the transmitter and receiver introduces detrimental effects and limits the reliability and speed of information transfer between the source and destination. Typical channel effects encountered in mobile wireless communication systems include path loss between the transmitter and receiver, noise caused by the environment and electronics in the system, and fading caused by multiple paths and movement in the communication channel. In multiple access systems, different users cause interference in each other’s signals and adversely affect the system performance. To ensure reliable communication, methods to overcome channel effects must be devised and implemented in the system. Techniques used to improve system performance and capacity include temporal, frequency, polarisation and spatial diversity. This dissertation is concerned mainly with temporal or time diversity. Channel coding is a temporal diversity scheme and aims to improve the system error performance by adding structured redundancy to the transmitted message. The receiver exploits the redundancy to infer with greater accuracy which message was transmitted, compared with uncoded systems. Sparse graph codes are channel codes represented as sparse probabilistic graphical models which originated in artificial intelligence theory. These channel codes are described as factor graph structures with bit nodes, representing the transmitted codeword bits, and bit-constrained or check nodes. Each constraint involves only a small number of code bits, resulting in a sparse factor graph with far fewer connections between bit and check nodes than the maximum number of possible connections. Sparse graph codes are iteratively decoded using message passing or belief propagation algorithms. Three classes of iteratively decodable channel codes are considered in this study, including low-density parity-check (LDPC), Turbo and repeat-accumulate (RA) codes. The modulation platform presented in this dissertation is a spectrally efficient wideband system employing orthogonal complex spreading sequences (CSSs) to spread information sequences over a wider frequency band in multiple modulation dimensions. Special features of these spreading sequences include their constant envelopes and power output, providing communication range or device battery life advantages. This study shows that multiple layer modulation (MLM) can be used to transmit parallel data streams with improved spectral efficiency compared with single-layer modulation, providing data throughput rates proportional to the number of modulation layers at performances equivalent to single-layer modulation. Alternatively, multiple modulation layers can be used to transmit coded information to achieve improved error performance at throughput rates equivalent to a single layer systemDissertation (MEng (Electronic Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Error Correction For Automotive Telematics Systems

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    One benefit of data communication over the voice channel of the cellular network is to reliably transmit real-time high priority data in case of life critical situations. An important implementation of this use-case is the pan-European eCall automotive standard, which has already been deployed since 2018. This is the first international standard for mobile emergency call that was adopted by multiple regions in Europe and the world. Other countries in the world are currently working on deploying a similar emergency communication system, such as in Russia and China. Moreover, many experiments and road tests are conducted yearly to validate and improve the requirements of the system. The results have proven that the requirements are unachievable thus far, with a success rate of emergency data delivery of only 70%. The eCall in-band modem transmits emergency information from the in-vehicle system (IVS) over the voice channel of the circuit switch real time communication system to the public safety answering point (PSAP) in case of a collision. The voice channel is characterized by the non-linear vocoder which is designed to compress speech waveforms. In addition, multipath fading, caused by the surrounding buildings and hills, results in severe signal distortion and causes delays in the transmission of the emergency information. Therefore, to reliably transmit data over the voice channels, the in-band modem modulates the data into speech-like (SL) waveforms, and employs a powerful forward error correcting (FEC) code to secure the real-time transmission. In this dissertation, the Turbo coded performance of the eCall in-band modem is first evaluated through the adaptive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and the adaptive multi-rate (AMR) voice channel. The modulation used is biorthogonal pulse position modulation (BPPM). Simulations are conducted for both the fast and robust eCall modem. The results show that the distortion added by the vocoder is significantly large and degrades the system performance. In addition, the robust modem performs better than the fast modem. For instance, to achieve a bit error rate (BER) of 10^{-6} using the AMR compression rate of 7.4 kbps, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required is 5.5 dB for the robust modem while a SNR of 7.5 dB is required for the fast modem. On the other hand, the fading effect is studied in the eCall channel. It was shown that the fading distribution does not follow a Rayleigh distribution. The performance of the in-band modem is evaluated through the AWGN, AMR and fading channel. The results are compared with a Rayleigh fading channel. The analysis shows that strong fading still exists in the voice channel after power control. The results explain the large delays and failure of the emergency data transmission to the PSAP. Thus, the eCall standard needs to re-evaluate their requirements in order to consider the impact of fading on the transmission of the modulated signals. The results can be directly applied to design real-time emergency communication systems, including modulation and coding

    Error Correction For Automotive Telematics Systems

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    One benefit of data communication over the voice channel of the cellular network is to reliably transmit real-time high priority data in case of life critical situations. An important implementation of this use-case is the pan-European eCall automotive standard, which has already been deployed since 2018. This is the first international standard for mobile emergency call that was adopted by multiple regions in Europe and the world. Other countries in the world are currently working on deploying a similar emergency communication system, such as in Russia and China. Moreover, many experiments and road tests are conducted yearly to validate and improve the requirements of the system. The results have proven that the requirements are unachievable thus far, with a success rate of emergency data delivery of only 70%. The eCall in-band modem transmits emergency information from the in-vehicle system (IVS) over the voice channel of the circuit switch real time communication system to the public safety answering point (PSAP) in case of a collision. The voice channel is characterized by the non-linear vocoder which is designed to compress speech waveforms. In addition, multipath fading, caused by the surrounding buildings and hills, results in severe signal distortion and causes delays in the transmission of the emergency information. Therefore, to reliably transmit data over the voice channels, the in-band modem modulates the data into speech-like (SL) waveforms, and employs a powerful forward error correcting (FEC) code to secure the real-time transmission. In this dissertation, the Turbo coded performance of the eCall in-band modem is first evaluated through the adaptive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and the adaptive multi-rate (AMR) voice channel. The modulation used is biorthogonal pulse position modulation (BPPM). Simulations are conducted for both the fast and robust eCall modem. The results show that the distortion added by the vocoder is significantly large and degrades the system performance. In addition, the robust modem performs better than the fast modem. For instance, to achieve a bit error rate (BER) of 10^{-6} using the AMR compression rate of 7.4 kbps, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required is 5.5 dB for the robust modem while a SNR of 7.5 dB is required for the fast modem. On the other hand, the fading effect is studied in the eCall channel. It was shown that the fading distribution does not follow a Rayleigh distribution. The performance of the in-band modem is evaluated through the AWGN, AMR and fading channel. The results are compared with a Rayleigh fading channel. The analysis shows that strong fading still exists in the voice channel after power control. The results explain the large delays and failure of the emergency data transmission to the PSAP. Thus, the eCall standard needs to re-evaluate their requirements in order to consider the impact of fading on the transmission of the modulated signals. The results can be directly applied to design real-time emergency communication systems, including modulation and coding

    Enhancement of student learning in the lecture theatre by means of a radio frequency feedback system

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    The principal formal teaching mechanism of universities is the lecture - a cost efficient format where hundreds of students may be taught by a single lecturer. Lectures' learning outcome is less certain; the lecturer has little ability to appraise the nature of the audience's understanding. The introduction of an electronic communication path from students to the lecturer mitigates this disjuncture. This communication path has been introduced and was found to be extensively used during a series of lectures, with each student provided with a handset that is reliable, inexpensive and portable. Upon these handsets are buttons; the data is transmitted at radio frequencies to the lecturer, aggregated and displayed graphically for quick assimilation. It has been recognised that this communication path permits the direct measurement of student's educational behaviour without disturbing the lecture itself. Preliminary results indicating the value of this research methodology have been obtained. A significant correlation was identified between the percentage of questions during the lecture students answered correctly and their previous year's overall academic mark. A correlation was identified between the number of times students initiate communication with the lecturer and the number of questions during the lecture they answered correctly. Mixed evidence was found regarding a possible correlation between the evidence of satisfaction with their learning students provided using the system and the number of questions during the lecture they answered correctly. The introduction of an electronic communication path into lectures has proved to be an innovation deserving of further research and wider introduction into teaching practice

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Space Shuttle/TDRSS communication and tracking systems analysis

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    In order to evaluate the technical and operational problem areas and provide a recommendation, the enhancements to the Tracking and Data Delay Satellite System (TDRSS) and Shuttle must be evaluated through simulation and analysis. These enhancement techniques must first be characterized, then modeled mathematically, and finally updated into LinCsim (analytical simulation package). The LinCsim package can then be used as an evaluation tool. Three areas of potential enhancements were identified: shuttle payload accommodations, TDRSS SSA and KSA services, and shuttle tracking system and navigation sensors. Recommendations for each area were discussed

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression


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    In the modern warfare environment, communication is a cornerstone of combat competence. However, the increasing threat of communications-denied environments highlights the need for communications systems with low probability of intercept and detection. This is doubly true in the subsurface environment, where communications and sonar systems can reveal the tactical location of platforms and capabilities, subverting their covert mission set. A steganographic communication scheme that leverages existing technologies and unexpected data carriers is a feasible means of increasing assurance of communications, even in denied environments. This research works toward a covert communication system by determining and comparing novel symbol recovery schemes to extract data from a signal transmitted under a steganographic technique and interfered with by a simulated underwater acoustic channel. We apply techniques for reliably extracting imperceptible information from unremarkable acoustic events robust to the variability of the hostile operating environment. The system is evaluated based on performance metrics, such as transmission rate and bit error rate, and we show that our scheme is sufficient to conduct covert communications through acoustic transmissions, though we do not solve the problems of synchronization or equalization.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited
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