44 research outputs found

    Towards Better Methods of Stereoscopic 3D Media Adjustment and Stylization

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    Stereoscopic 3D (S3D) media is pervasive in film, photography and art. However, working with S3D media poses a number of interesting challenges arising from capture and editing. In this thesis we address several of these challenges. In particular, we address disparity adjustment and present a layer-based method that can reduce disparity without distorting the scene. Our method was successfully used to repair several images for the 2014 documentary “Soldiers’ Stories” directed by Jonathan Kitzen. We then explore consistent and comfortable methods for stylizing stereo images. Our approach uses a modified version of the layer-based technique used for disparity adjustment and can be used with a variety of stylization filters, including those in Adobe Photoshop. We also present a disparity-aware painterly rendering algorithm. A user study concluded that our layer-based stylization method produced S3D images that were more comfortable than previous methods. Finally, we address S3D line drawing from S3D photographs. Line drawing is a common art style that our layer-based method is not able to reproduce. To improve the depth perception of our line drawings we optionally add stylized shading. An expert survey concluded that our results were comfortable and reproduced a sense of depth

    Colour videos with depth : acquisition, processing and evaluation

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    The human visual system lets us perceive the world around us in three dimensions by integrating evidence from depth cues into a coherent visual model of the world. The equivalent in computer vision and computer graphics are geometric models, which provide a wealth of information about represented objects, such as depth and surface normals. Videos do not contain this information, but only provide per-pixel colour information. In this dissertation, I hence investigate a combination of videos and geometric models: videos with per-pixel depth (also known as RGBZ videos). I consider the full life cycle of these videos: from their acquisition, via filtering and processing, to stereoscopic display. I propose two approaches to capture videos with depth. The first is a spatiotemporal stereo matching approach based on the dual-cross-bilateral grid – a novel real-time technique derived by accelerating a reformulation of an existing stereo matching approach. This is the basis for an extension which incorporates temporal evidence in real time, resulting in increased temporal coherence of disparity maps – particularly in the presence of image noise. The second acquisition approach is a sensor fusion system which combines data from a noisy, low-resolution time-of-flight camera and a high-resolution colour video camera into a coherent, noise-free video with depth. The system consists of a three-step pipeline that aligns the video streams, efficiently removes and fills invalid and noisy geometry, and finally uses a spatiotemporal filter to increase the spatial resolution of the depth data and strongly reduce depth measurement noise. I show that these videos with depth empower a range of video processing effects that are not achievable using colour video alone. These effects critically rely on the geometric information, like a proposed video relighting technique which requires high-quality surface normals to produce plausible results. In addition, I demonstrate enhanced non-photorealistic rendering techniques and the ability to synthesise stereoscopic videos, which allows these effects to be applied stereoscopically. These stereoscopic renderings inspired me to study stereoscopic viewing discomfort. The result of this is a surprisingly simple computational model that predicts the visual comfort of stereoscopic images. I validated this model using a perceptual study, which showed that it correlates strongly with human comfort ratings. This makes it ideal for automatic comfort assessment, without the need for costly and lengthy perceptual studies

    Depth, shading, and stylization in stereoscopic cinematography

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    Due to the constantly increasing focus of the entertainment industry on stereoscopic imaging, techniques and tools that enable precise control over the depth impression and help to overcome limitations of the current stereoscopic hardware are gaining in importance. In this dissertation, we address selected problems encountered during stereoscopic content production, with a particular focus on stereoscopic cinema. First, we consider abrupt changes of depth, such as those induced by cuts in films. We derive a model predicting the time the visual system needs to adapt to such changes and propose how to employ this model for film cut optimization. Second, we tackle the issue of discrepancies between the two views of a stereoscopic image due to view-dependent shading of glossy materials. The suggested solution eliminates discomfort caused by non-matching specular highlights while preserving the perception of gloss. Last, we deal with the problem of filmgrainmanagement in stereoscopic productions and propose a new method for film grain application that reconciles visual comfort with the idea of medium-scene separation.Aufgrund der ständig steigenden Beachtung der stereoskopische Abbildung durch die Unterhaltungsindustrie, gewinnen Techniken und Werkzeuge an Bedeutung, die eine präzise Steuerung der Tiefenwahrnehmung ermöglichen und Einschränkungen der gegenwärtigen stereoskopischen Geräte überwinden. In dieser Dissertation adressieren wir ausgewählte Probleme, die während der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Inhalten auftreten, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der stereoskopischen Kinematographie. Zuerst betrachten wir abrupte Tiefenänderungen, wie sie durch Filmschnitte hervergerufen werden. Wir leiten ein Modell her, das die Zeit vorhersagt, die für das menschliche Sehsystem notwendig ist, um sich an solche Änderungen der Tiefe zu adaptieren, und schlagen vor wie dieses Modell für Schnittoptimierung angewendet werden kann. Danach gehen wir das Problem der Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den zwei Ansichten eines stereoskopischen Bildes, infolge der sichtabhängigen Schattierung von glänzenden Materialien, an. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung eliminiert das visuelle Unbehagen, welches von nicht zusammenpassenden Glanzlichtern verursacht wird, indessen bewahrt sie die Glanzwahrnehmung. Zuletzt behandeln wir das Problem des Filmkornsmanagements in stereoskopischen Produktionen und schlagen eine neue Methode für das Hinzufügen vom Filmkorn vor, die die visuelle Behaglichkeit mit der Idee der Medium-Szenen-Trennung in Einklang bringt

    Stereo-consistent screen-space ambient occlusion

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    Screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) shows high efficiency and is widely used in real-time 3D applications. However, using SSAO algorithms in stereo rendering can lead to inconsistencies due to the differences in the screen-space information captured by the left and right eye. This will affect the perception of the scene and may be a source of viewer discomfort. In this paper, we show that the raw obscurance estimation part and subsequent filtering are both sources of inconsistencies. We developed a screen-space method involving both views in conjunction, leading to a stereo-aware raw obscurance estimation method and a stereo-aware bilateral filter. The results show that our method reduces stereo inconsistencies to a level comparable to geometry-based AO solutions, while maintaining the performance benefits of a screen-space approach

    Algorithmen zur Korrespondenzschätzung und Bildinterpolation für die photorealistische Bildsynthese

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    Free-viewpoint video is a new form of visual medium that has received considerable attention in the last 10 years. Most systems reconstruct the geometry of the scene, thus restricting themselves to synchronized multi-view footage and Lambertian scenes. In this thesis we follow a different approach and describe contributions to a purely image-based end-to-end system operating on sparse, unsynchronized multi-view footage. In particular, we focus on dense correspondence estimation and synthesis of in-between views. In contrast to previous approaches, our correspondence estimation is specifically tailored to the needs of image interpolation; our multi-image interpolation technique advances the state-of-the-art by disposing the conventional blending step. Both algorithms are put to work in an image-based free-viewpoint video system and we demonstrate their applicability to space-time visual effects production as well as to stereoscopic content creation.3D-Video mit Blickpunktnavigation ist eine neues digitales Medium welchem die Forschung in den letzten 10 Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet hat. Die meisten Verfahren rekonstruieren dabei die Szenengeometrie und schränken sich somit auf Lambertsche Szenen und synchron aufgenommene Eingabedaten ein. In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir Beiträge zu einem rein bild-basierten System welches auf unsynchronisierten Eingabevideos arbeitet. Unser Fokus liegt dabei auf der Schätzung dichter Korrespondenzkarten und auf der Synthese von Zwischenbildern. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Verfahren ist unser Ansatz der Korrespondenzschätzung auf die Bedürfnisse der Bilderinterpolation ausgerichtet; unsere Zwischenbildsynthese verzichtet auf das Überblenden der Eingabebilder zu Gunsten der Lösung eines Labelingproblems. Das resultierende System eignet sich sowohl zur Produktion räumlich-zeitlicher Spezialeffekte als auch zur Erzeugung stereoskopischer Videosequenzen