62 research outputs found

    Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys in Logspace

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    We study the complexity of consistent query answering on databases that may violate primary key constraints. A repair of such a database is any consistent database that can be obtained by deleting a minimal set of tuples. For every Boolean query q, CERTAINTY(q) is the problem that takes a database as input and asks whether q evaluates to true on every repair. In [Koutris and Wijsen, ACM TODS, 2017], the authors show that for every self-join-free Boolean conjunctive query q, the problem CERTAINTY(q) is either in P or coNP-complete, and it is decidable which of the two cases applies. In this paper, we sharpen this result by showing that for every self-join-free Boolean conjunctive query q, the problem CERTAINTY(q) is either expressible in symmetric stratified Datalog (with some aggregation operator) or coNP-complete. Since symmetric stratified Datalog is in L, we thus obtain a complexity-theoretic dichotomy between L and coNP-complete. Another new finding of practical importance is that CERTAINTY(q) is on the logspace side of the dichotomy for queries q where all join conditions express foreign-to-primary key matches, which is undoubtedly the most common type of join condition

    Counting Database Repairs under Primary Keys Revisited

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    A Simple Algorithm for Consistent Query Answering under Primary Keys

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    We consider the dichotomy conjecture for consistent query answering under primary key constraints stating that for every fixed Boolean conjunctive query q, testing whether it is certain over all repairs of a given inconsistent database is either polynomial time or coNP-complete. This conjecture has been verified for self-join-free and path queries. We propose a simple inflationary fixpoint algorithm for consistent query answering which, for a given database, naively computes a set Δ\Delta of subsets of database repairs with at most kk facts, where kk is the size of the query qq. The algorithm runs in polynomial time and can be formally defined as: 1. Initialize Δ\Delta with all sets SS of at most kk facts such that SS satisfies qq. 2. Add any set SS of at most kk facts to Δ\Delta if there exists a block BB (ie, a maximal set of facts sharing the same key) such that for every fact aa of BB there is a set S′∈ΔS' \in \Delta contained in (S∪{a})(S \cup \{a\}). The algorithm answers "qq is certain" iff Δ\Delta eventually contains the empty set. The algorithm correctly computes certain answers when the query qq falls in the polynomial time cases for self-join-free queries and path queries. For arbitrary queries, the algorithm is an under-approximation: The query is guaranteed to be certain if the algorithm claims so. However, there are polynomial time certain queries (with self-joins) which are not identified as such by the algorithm

    Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys on Rooted Tree Queries

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    We study the data complexity of consistent query answering (CQA) on databases that may violate the primary key constraints. A repair is a maximal subset of the database satisfying the primary key constraints. For a Boolean query q, the problem CERTAINTY(q) takes a database as input, and asks whether or not each repair satisfies q. The computational complexity of CERTAINTY(q) has been established whenever q is a self-join-free Boolean conjunctive query, or a (not necessarily self-join-free) Boolean path query. In this paper, we take one more step towards a general classification for all Boolean conjunctive queries by considering the class of rooted tree queries. In particular, we show that for every rooted tree query q, CERTAINTY(q) is in FO, NL-hard ∩\cap LFP, or coNP-complete, and it is decidable (in polynomial time), given q, which of the three cases applies. We also extend our classification to larger classes of queries with simple primary keys. Our classification criteria rely on query homomorphisms and our polynomial-time fixpoint algorithm is based on a novel use of context-free grammar (CFG).Comment: To appear in PODS'2

    Consistent Query Answering for Expressive Constraints under Tuple-Deletion Semantics

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    We study consistent query answering in relational databases. We consider an expressive class of schema constraints that generalizes both tuple-generating dependencies and equality-generating dependencies. We establish the complexity of consistent query answering and repair checking under tuple-deletion semantics for different fragments of the above constraint language. In particular, we identify new subclasses of constraints in which the above problems are tractable or even first-order rewritable

    Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Conjunctive Queries with Counting

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    The problem of consistent query answering for primary keys and self-join-free conjunctive queries has been intensively studied in recent years and is by now well understood. In this paper, we study an extension of this problem with counting. The queries we consider count how many times each value occurs in a designated (possibly composite) column of an answer to a full conjunctive query. In a setting of database repairs, we adopt the semantics of [Arenas et al., ICDT 2001] which computes tight lower and upper bounds on these counts, where the bounds are taken over all repairs. Ariel Fuxman defined in his PhD thesis a syntactic class of queries, called C_forest, for which this computation can be done by executing two first-order queries (one for lower bounds, and one for upper bounds) followed by simple counting steps. We use the term "parsimonious counting" for this computation. A natural question is whether C_forest contains all self-join-free conjunctive queries that admit parsimonious counting. We answer this question negatively. We define a new syntactic class of queries, called C_parsimony, and prove that it contains all (and only) self-join-free conjunctive queries that admit parsimonious counting.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Proceedings of the 2008 Oxford University Computing Laboratory student conference.

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    This conference serves two purposes. First, the event is a useful pedagogical exercise for all participants, from the conference committee and referees, to the presenters and the audience. For some presenters, the conference may be the first time their work has been subjected to peer-review. For others, the conference is a testing ground for announcing work, which will be later presented at international conferences, workshops, and symposia. This leads to the conference's second purpose: an opportunity to expose the latest-and-greatest research findings within the laboratory. The fourteen abstracts within these proceedings were selected by the programme and conference committee after a round of peer-reviewing, by both students and staff within this department

    Implementing OBDA for an end-user query answering service on an educational ontology

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    In the age where productivity of society is no longer defined by the amount of information generated, but from the quality and assertiveness that a set of data may potentially hold, the right questions to do depends on the semantic awareness capability that an information system could evolve into. To address this challenge, in the last decade, exhaustive research has been done in the Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) paradigm. A conspectus of the most promising technologies with data integration capabilities and the foundations where they rely are documented in this memory as a point of reference for choosing tools that supports the incorporation of a conceptual model under a OBDA method. The present study provides a practical approach for implementing an ontology based data access service, to educational context users of a Learning Analytics initiative, by means of allowing them to formulate intuitive enquiries with a familiar domain terminology on top of a Learning Management System. The ontology used was completely transformed to semantic linked data standards and some data mappings for testing were included. Semantic Linked Data technologies exposed in this document may exert modernization to environments in which object oriented and relational paradigms may propagate heterogeneous and contradictory requirements. Finally, to validate the implementation, a set of queries were constructed emulating the most relevant dynamics of the model regarding the dataset nature
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