22 research outputs found

    A Comparative Assessment of Floating and Submerged Sensor Network Deployments for Monitoring Underwater Sediment Transport Processes

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a pioneering technology in many environmental monitoring applications owing to their ability to be deployed for long periods of time in locations that cannot be reached manually. One such use-case is the monitoring of underwater sediment transport, a process that plays a significant role in coastal erosion. Previous examples of WSNs deployed for this purpose have been in the form of underwater sensor networks (UWSNs), which have a number of shortcomings from both a practical and technical viewpoint. As such, this paper provides a comparative assessment of UWSNs and an alternative deployment approach of floating echosounding sensor networks for the purpose of monitoring underwater sediment transport

    ZigBee-Based wireless sensor network topologies using one and multiple coordinators

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have been a cost-effective and feasible solution for a wide range of applications, such as communications infrastructure, traffic networks, telecommunications systems, military operations and so forth. IEEE804.15.4 ZigBee network model is ideally suited to the constraints of WSN in terms of bandwidth, processing power and battery capacity. This paper investigated tree and mesh routing in WSN with multiple coordinators and the failure of single coordinator using OPNET Modeler v14 which is an efficient computational platform for data networks simulation. Throughput, delay, traffic received, MAC Load are studied in this system and the results showed that tree routing was better suited for WSN than mesh routing and mobility of end node in multiple coordinator network was the best

    Detecting Malicious Activities in ZigBee Networks using Cognitive Radio

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    Análise de vulnerabilidades em redes ZigBee

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Com o segmento de IoT (Internet of Things) crescendo de maneira significativa, espera-se que em 2025 hajam bilhões de dispositivos gerando uma grande quantidade de dados. Estes dados serão trafegados utilizando diversos protocolos, dentre eles o ZigBee. Desenvolvido e padronizado pela ZigBee Alliance o protocolo Zigbee apresenta um padrão que possibilita controle seguro, de baixo custo e de baixa potência para redes sem fio, que permite o controle de diversos equipamentos nas áreas de automação, aplicações em telemedicina, entretenimento, entre outras. Em sua maioria os dispositivos IoT tem o objetivo de captar leituras de variáveis do ambiente onde estão instalados, das mais simples como temperatura e umidade até as mais complexas como corrente elétrica, aberturas de portas por sensores de contato seco, entre outras. Diante deste cenário com tantos dados sensíveis trafegando, um algoritmo de segurança é necessário para garantir integridade e confiabilidade dos dados. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre vulnerabilidades do protocolo e a ferramenta KillerBee, utilizada para efetuar ataques contra redes ZigBee. São apresentadas as dificuldades de integração da ferramenta com o hardware necessário para efetuar os ataques e uma nova proposta que visa estudar dispositivos vendidos a varejo, buscando por evidências de que os produtos podem apresentar problemas de segurança. O estudo do protocolo apresenta características importantes, como um sistema completo de segurança com chaves e algoritmos bem definidos para entrada e permanência na rede. O protocolo é bem documentado, contudo um pouco confuso e muito extenso, o que pode ser uma desvantagem na tentativa do seu uso. Por fim, a avaliação dos dispositivos demonstra que a maioria possui pouca documentação sobre os quesitos de segurança, e quando existem, os mecanismos de segurança são implementados parcialmente.With the IoT (Internet of Things) segment growing roughly, it is expected that by 2025 there will be billions of devices generating a large amount of data. These data will be transferred using different protocols, among them ZigBee. Developed and standardized by the ZigBee Alliance or Zigbee protocol, it presents a standard that enables secure, low cost and low power control for wireless networks, which allows the control of various equipment in the areas of automation, telemedicine applications, entertainment, among others. Most IoT devices have the objective of capturing readings of environment variables that are installed, from the simplest such as temperature and humidity to the most complex such as electric current, door openings by dry contact sensors, among others. Faced with a scenario with so much data traveling, a security algorithm is necessary to ensure data compliance and reliability. Thus, this work presents a study on protocol vulnerabilities and the KillerBee tool, used to perform against ZigBee networks. There are difficulties such as difficulties in integrating the tool with the necessary hardware to carry out the procedures and a new proposal to study the devices sold at retail, looking for evidence that the products may present security problems. The study of the protocol has important characteristics, such as a complete security system with well-defined keys and algorithms for entering and staying on the network. The protocol is well documented, however a little confusing and very extensive which can be a disadvantage when trying to use it. Finally, the evaluation of the devices shows that the majority have little documentation on the security requirements, and when they exist, the security mechanisms are partially implemented

    Security in 1-wire system : case study : Home automation /

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    La automatización de viviendas es un campo de la tecnología que siempre se encuentra en crecimiento, desarrollando sistemas que reducen los costos de los dispositivos. Por esto, se ha logrado que la domótica esté al alcance de todos. Desde la aparición de productos que permiten crear tu propio sistema domótico, y la reciente popularidad que ha tenido el Internet de las cosas (IoT), la industria de la automatización de viviendas ha cambiado mucho. Tener la habilidad de controlar dispositivos a través de Internet crea numerosas vulnerabilidades al sistema, permitiendo a un atacante controlar y ver todo lo que ocurre. En este trabajo se estudia un sistema domótico que usa 1-wire como protocolo de comunicación. Originalmente, el sistema carece de seguridad. Nuestro objetivo es implementar seguridad de la información a través de la encriptación de los comandos del sistema, para así poder proveer Confidencialidad, Integridad y Disponibilidad (CIA). Los resultados muestran no sólo la implementación exitosa del módulo criptográfico dentro del sistema domótico para proveer seguridad, sino que también se demuestra que añadir este proceso no afectaría el modo en que el usuario maneja sus dispositivos.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Security Enhancement for ZigBee and Bluetooth

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    With the development of wireless technology, the social daily life has an increasing relationship with the wireless networks and the issue of wireless network security has caught more and more attention. In this thesis, two new protocols for ZigBee security are proposed. For the first time public key technology has been used to enhance the security strength for ZigBee master key establishment. The proposed protocols strengthened ZigBee master key establishment security, which subsequently secure the establishment of the network key and link key, both derived from the master key. By integrating unbalanced RSA into the key establishment protocols, the new methods can distribute different computation amount to the ZigBee devices in communication based on their computational capacities. An efficient key establishment protocol for Bluetooth is proposed. It also utilizes public key technology to avoid the involvement of a third party and to improve the security strength. This proposed work requires fewer protocol steps and is thus faster than the existing similar works

    Solutions and Tools for Secure Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Secure communication is considered a vital requirement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications. Such a requirement embraces different aspects, including confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of exchanged information, proper management of security material, and effective prevention and reaction against security threats and attacks. However, WSNs are mainly composed of resource-constrained devices. That is, network nodes feature reduced capabilities, especially in terms of memory storage, computing power, transmission rate, and energy availability. As a consequence, assuring secure communication in WSNs results to be more difficult than in other kinds of network. In fact, trading effectiveness of adopted solutions with their efficiency becomes far more important. In addition, specific device classes or technologies may require to design ad hoc security solutions. Also, it is necessary to efficiently manage security material, and dynamically cope with changes of security requirements. Finally, security threats and countermeasures have to be carefully considered since from the network design phase. This Ph.D. dissertion considers secure communication in WSNs, and provides the following contributions. First, we provide a performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 security services. Then, we focus on the ZigBee technology and its security services, and propose possible solutions to some deficiencies and inefficiencies. Second, we present HISS, a highly scalable and efficient key management scheme, able to contrast collusion attacks while displaying a graceful degradation of performance. Third, we present STaR, a software component for WSNs that secures multiple traffic flows at the same time. It is transparent to the application, and provides runtime reconfigurability, thus coping with dynamic changes of security requirements. Finally, we describe ASF, our attack simulation framework for WSNs. Such a tool helps network designers to quantitatively evaluate effects of security attacks, produce an attack ranking based on their severity, and thus select the most appropriate countermeasures

    A Novel Architectural Framework on IoT Ecosystem, Security Aspects and Mechanisms: A Comprehensive Survey

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    For the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology continues to not only gain popularity and importance, but also witnesses the true realization of everything being smart. With the advent of the concept of smart everything, IoT has emerged as an area of great potential and incredible growth. An IoT ecosystem centers around innovation perspective which is considered as its fundamental core. Accordingly, IoT enabling technologies such as hardware and software platforms as well as standards become the core of the IoT ecosystem. However, any large-scale technological integration such as the IoT development poses the challenge to ensure secure data transmission. Perhaps, the ubiquitous and the resource-constrained nature of IoT devices and the sensitive and private data being generated by IoT systems make them highly vulnerable to physical and cyber threats. In this paper, we re-define an IoT ecosystem from the core technologies view point. We propose a modified three layer IoT architecture by dividing the perception layer into elementary blocks based on their attributed functions. Enabling technologies, attacks and security countermeasures are classified under each layer of the proposed architecture. Additionally, to give the readers a broader perspective of the research area, we discuss the role of various state-of-the-art emerging technologies in the IoT security. We present the security aspects of the most prominent standards and other recently developed technologies for IoT which might have the potential to form the yet undefined IoT architecture. Among the technologies presented in this article, we give a special interest to one recent technology in IoT domain. This technology is named IQRF that stands for Intelligent Connectivity using Radio Frequency. It is an emerging technology for wireless packet-oriented communication that operates in sub-GHz ISM band (868 MHz) and which is intended for general use where wireless connectivity is needed, either in a mesh network or point-to-point (P2P) configuration. We also highlighted the security aspects implemented in this technology and we compare it with the other already known technologies. Moreover, a detailed discussion on the possible attacks is presented. These attacks are projected on the IoT technologies presented in this article including IQRF. In addition, lightweight security solutions, implemented in these technologies, to counter these threats in the proposed IoT ecosystem architecture are also presented. Lastly, we summarize the survey by listing out some common challenges and the future research directions in this field.publishedVersio

    Implantable Medical Devices; Networking Security Survey

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    Abstract The industry of implantable medical devices (IMDs) is constantly evolving, which is dictated by the pressing need to comprehensively address new challenges in the healthcare field. Accordingly, IMDs are becoming more and more sophisticated. Not long ago, the range of IMDs' technical capacities was expanded, making it possible to establish Internet connection in case of necessity and/or emergency situation for the patient. At the same time, while the web connectivity of today's implantable devices is rather advanced, the issue of equipping the IMDs with sufficiently strong security system remains unresolved. In fact, IMDs have relatively weak security mechanisms which render them vulnerable to cyber-attacks that compromise the quality of IMDs' functionalities. This study revolves around the security deficiencies inherent to three types of sensor-based medical devices; biosensors, insulin pump systems and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Manufacturers of these devices should take into consideration that security and effectiveness of the functionality of implants is highly dependent on the design. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of IMDs' architecture and specifically investigate their vulnerabilities at networking interface