3,978 research outputs found

    Connectivity-guaranteed and obstacle-adaptive deployment schemes for mobile sensor networks

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    Mobile sensors can relocate and self-deploy into a network. While focusing on the problems of coverage, existing deployment schemes largely over-simplify the conditions for network connectivity: they either assume that the communication range is large enough for sensors in geometric neighborhoods to obtain location information through local communication, or they assume a dense network that remains connected. In addition, an obstacle-free field or full knowledge of the field layout is often assumed. We present new schemes that are not governed by these assumptions, and thus adapt to a wider range of application scenarios. The schemes are designed to maximize sensing coverage and also guarantee connectivity for a network with arbitrary sensor communication/sensing ranges or node densities, at the cost of a small moving distance. The schemes do not need any knowledge of the field layout, which can be irregular and have obstacles/holes of arbitrary shape. Our first scheme is an enhanced form of the traditional virtual-force-based method, which we term the Connectivity-Preserved Virtual Force (CPVF) scheme. We show that the localized communication, which is the very reason for its simplicity, results in poor coverage in certain cases. We then describe a Floor-based scheme which overcomes the difficulties of CPVF and, as a result, significantly outperforms it and other state-of-the-art approaches. Throughout the paper our conclusions are corroborated by the results from extensive simulations

    On Mass-Spring System Implementation in Cluster-Based MANETs for Natural Disaster Applications

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    Communication after natural disasters is paramount.Disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis leavethe affected area reachable only to wireless devices. In suchconditions, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) play a criticalrole. The issue of MANETs communication backbone can beaddressed by self-organized cluster-based algorithms. The vir-tual backbone will maintain an efficient communication on theMANET, adapting to the dynamic topology changes thanks toits self-organized nature. Nevertheless, they do not take intoaccount the node’s mobility. If a node moves away from itsneighboring nodes, connectivity will be lost and thus, networksegmentation will occur. Therefore, it is fundamental to maintainthe connectivity and the communication between nodes whileexploring the area. In this paper, we propose the applicationof a mass-spring system on the Energy-Efficient Self-OrganizedAlgorithm (EESOA) for Disaster Area applications. Results willshow that our proposal performs best when deployment ofMANET’s nodes is dense while maintaining a connected network.ITESO, A.C

    PALM: A Partition Avoidance Lazy Movement Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks

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    [[abstract]]The paper proposes a distributed partition avoidance lazy movement (PALM) protocol for mobile sensor networks (MSNs). In general, connectivity and coverage are two major factors to the success of a sensor network. Therefore, PALM takes both connectivity and coverage into account to avoid network partition and keep high sensing quality. Since sensor movement is the major source of energy consumption, thus, in order not to cause frequent movement, PALM triggers sensor movement only when the network has a risk of partition, but not when coverage holes appear. The paper proposes a sufficient condition of keeping a network connected. Based on the condition, PALM adopts the lazy movement policy for a sensor to determine when to move and uses the principles of an effective movement for a sensor to decide where to move. Accordingly, PALM can keep the network connected and can make the effective coverage as large as possible to maintain high sensing quality. In comparison with the related work, PALM can reduce the energy consumption and further extend the network lifetime due to the lazy movement policy and the principles of an effective movement. Simulation results also verify the advantages of the proposed protocol.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20070311~20070315[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kowloon, Hong Kon

    Spatial prediction in mobile robotic wireless sensor networks with network constraints

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    © 2016 IEEE. In recent years mobile robotic wireless sensor networks have been a popular choice for modelling spatial phenomena. This research is highly demanding and non-trivial due to challenges from both network and robotic aspects. In this paper, we address the spatial modelling of a physical phenomena with the network connectivity constraints while the mobile robots are striving to achieve the minimum modelling mismatch in terms of root mean square error (RMSE). We have resolved it through Gauss markov random field based approach which is a computationally efficient implementation of Gaussian processes. In this strategy, the Mobile Robotic Wireless Sensor Node (MRWSN) are centrally controlled to maintain the connectivity while minimizing the RMSE. Once the number of MRWSNs reach their maximum coverage, a new MRWSN is requested at the most informative location. The experimental results are convincing and they show the effectiveness of the algorithm

    Decentralized Connectivity-Preserving Deployment of Large-Scale Robot Swarms

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    We present a decentralized and scalable approach for deployment of a robot swarm. Our approach tackles scenarios in which the swarm must reach multiple spatially distributed targets, and enforce the constraint that the robot network cannot be split. The basic idea behind our work is to construct a logical tree topology over the physical network formed by the robots. The logical tree acts as a backbone used by robots to enforce connectivity constraints. We study and compare two algorithms to form the logical tree: outwards and inwards. These algorithms differ in the order in which the robots join the tree: the outwards algorithm starts at the tree root and grows towards the targets, while the inwards algorithm proceeds in the opposite manner. Both algorithms perform periodic reconfiguration, to prevent suboptimal topologies from halting the growth of the tree. Our contributions are (i) The formulation of the two algorithms; (ii) A comparison of the algorithms in extensive physics-based simulations; (iii) A validation of our findings through real-robot experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IROS 201

    Coverage and Connectivity in Three-Dimensional Networks

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    Most wireless terrestrial networks are designed based on the assumption that the nodes are deployed on a two-dimensional (2D) plane. However, this 2D assumption is not valid in underwater, atmospheric, or space communications. In fact, recent interest in underwater acoustic ad hoc and sensor networks hints at the need to understand how to design networks in 3D. Unfortunately, the design of 3D networks is surprisingly more difficult than the design of 2D networks. For example, proofs of Kelvin's conjecture and Kepler's conjecture required centuries of research to achieve breakthroughs, whereas their 2D counterparts are trivial to solve. In this paper, we consider the coverage and connectivity issues of 3D networks, where the goal is to find a node placement strategy with 100% sensing coverage of a 3D space, while minimizing the number of nodes required for surveillance. Our results indicate that the use of the Voronoi tessellation of 3D space to create truncated octahedral cells results in the best strategy. In this truncated octahedron placement strategy, the transmission range must be at least 1.7889 times the sensing range in order to maintain connectivity among nodes. If the transmission range is between 1.4142 and 1.7889 times the sensing range, then a hexagonal prism placement strategy or a rhombic dodecahedron placement strategy should be used. Although the required number of nodes in the hexagonal prism and the rhombic dodecahedron placement strategies is the same, this number is 43.25% higher than the number of nodes required by the truncated octahedron placement strategy. We verify by simulation that our placement strategies indeed guarantee ubiquitous coverage. We believe that our approach and our results presented in this paper could be used for extending the processes of 2D network design to 3D networks.Comment: To appear in ACM Mobicom 200

    Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Topology Control: A Review

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) may be deployed in failure-prone environments, and WSNs nodes easily fail due to unreliable wireless connections, malicious attacks and resource-constrained features. Nevertheless, if WSNs can tolerate at most losing k − 1 nodes while the rest of nodes remain connected, the network is called k − connected. k is one of the most important indicators for WSNs’ self-healing capability. Following a WSN design flow, this paper surveys resilience issues from the topology control and multi-path routing point of view. This paper provides a discussion on transmission and failure models, which have an important impact on research results. Afterwards, this paper reviews theoretical results and representative topology control approaches to guarantee WSNs to be k − connected at three different network deployment stages: pre-deployment, post-deployment and re-deployment. Multi-path routing protocols are discussed, and many NP-complete or NP-hard problems regarding topology control are identified. The challenging open issues are discussed at the end. This paper can serve as a guideline to design resilient WSNs
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