159 research outputs found

    Controlling basins of attraction in a neural network-based telemetry monitor

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    The size of the basins of attraction around fixed points in recurrent neural nets (NNs) can be modified by a training process. Controlling these attractive regions by presenting training data with various amount of noise added to the prototype signal vectors is discussed. Application of this technique to signal processing results in a classification system whose sensitivity can be controlled. This new technique is applied to the classification of temporal sequences in telemetry data

    Neural network-based retrieval from software reuse repositories

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    A significant hurdle confronts the software reuser attempting to select candidate components from a software repository - discriminating between those components without resorting to inspection of the implementation(s). We outline an approach to this problem based upon neural networks which avoids requiring the repository administrators to define a conceptual closeness graph for the classification vocabulary

    Fuzzy set methods for object recognition in space applications

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    Progress on the following tasks is reported: (1) fuzzy set-based decision making methodologies; (2) feature calculation; (3) clustering for curve and surface fitting; and (4) acquisition of images. The general structure for networks based on fuzzy set connectives which are being used for information fusion and decision making in space applications is described. The structure and training techniques for such networks consisting of generalized means and gamma-operators are described. The use of other hybrid operators in multicriteria decision making is currently being examined. Numerous classical features on image regions such as gray level statistics, edge and curve primitives, texture measures from cooccurrance matrix, and size and shape parameters were implemented. Several fractal geometric features which may have a considerable impact on characterizing cluttered background, such as clouds, dense star patterns, or some planetary surfaces, were used. A new approach to a fuzzy C-shell algorithm is addressed. NASA personnel are in the process of acquiring suitable simulation data and hopefully videotaped actual shuttle imagery. Photographs have been digitized to use in the algorithms. Also, a model of the shuttle was assembled and a mechanism to orient this model in 3-D to digitize for experiments on pose estimation is being constructed

    Using neural networks in software repositories

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    The first topic is an exploration of the use of neural network techniques to improve the effectiveness of retrieval in software repositories. The second topic relates to a series of experiments conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using adaptive neural networks as a means of deriving (or more specifically, learning) measures on software. Taken together, these two efforts illuminate a very promising mechanism supporting software infrastructures - one based upon a flexible and responsive technology

    Process Fault Diagnosis using Neural Networks and Fault Tree Analysis Information

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    Neural nets have recently become the focus of much attention, largely because of their wide range of complex and nonlinear problems. This paper presents a new integrated approach using neural networks for diagnosing process failures. The fault propagation in process is modeled by causal relationships from the fault tree and its minimal cut sets. The measurement patterns required for training and testing the neural network were obtained from fault propagation model. The network is able to diagnose even in the presence of malfunction of certain sensors. We demonstrate via a nitric acid cooler process how the neural network can learn and successfully diagnose the faults
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