5 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de Videojuego de Carreras Utilizando al Smartphone como Tim贸n

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    Uno de los g茅neros m谩s populares de videojuegos han sido los de carreras. Aqu铆 hay una fuerte demanda por controladores con dise帽o de tim贸n que hacen de la experiencia de juego m谩s inmersiva y entretenida. No obstante, estos controladores suelen ser caros y no todos los jugadores pueden adquirirlos. En el af谩n de encontrar una alternativa m谩s accesible que ofrezca la misma inmersi贸n a los jugadores de este g茅nero se implement贸 SmartDrive, un videojuego de carreras para Android programado en Unity 3D. SmartDrive utiliza dos smartphones Android 5.0 o superior conectados v铆a un hotspot WiFi, uno se usa como pantalla del juego y otro como un tim贸n gracias a sus sensores de movimiento. La validaci贸n cont贸 con 30 participantes que jugaron y brindaron sus valoraciones mediante una encuesta. Los resultados finales destacaron la aceptaci贸n de SmartDrive en los participantes al ofrecer una experiencia inmersiva con una mec谩nica de juego novedosa e intuitiva, e implementada con recursos m谩s econ贸micos. Este estudio mostr贸 el potencial de SmartDrive como una alternativa accesible y sin perder el grado de entretenimiento

    Connection of the SUMO microscopic traffic simulator and the unity 3D game engine to evaluate V2X communication-based systems

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    In-vehicle applications that are based on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies need to be evaluated under lab-controlled conditions before performing field tests. The need for a tailored platform to perform specific research on the cooperative Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS) to assess the effect on driver behavior and driving performance motivated the development of a driver-centric traffic simulator that is built over a 3D graphics engine. The engine creates a driving situation as it communicates with a traffic simulator as a means to simulate real-life traffic scenarios. The TraCI as a Service (TraaS) library was implemented to perform the interaction between the driver-controlled vehicle and the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO). An extension of a previous version, this work improves simulation performance and realism by reducing computational demand and integrating a tailored scenario with the ADAS to be tested. The usability of the implemented simulation platform was evaluated by means of an experiment related to the efficiency of a Traffic Light Assistant (TLA), showing the analysis of the answer that 80% of the participants were satisfied with the simulator and the TLA system implemented

    Connection of the SUMO Microscopic Traffic Simulator and the Unity 3D Game Engine to Evaluate V2X Communication-Based Systems

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    In-vehicle applications that are based on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies need to be evaluated under lab-controlled conditions before performing field tests. The need for a tailored platform to perform specific research on the cooperative Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS) to assess the effect on driver behavior and driving performance motivated the development of a driver-centric traffic simulator that is built over a 3D graphics engine. The engine creates a driving situation as it communicates with a traffic simulator as a means to simulate real-life traffic scenarios. The TraCI as a Service (TraaS) library was implemented to perform the interaction between the driver-controlled vehicle and the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO). An extension of a previous version, this work improves simulation performance and realism by reducing computational demand and integrating a tailored scenario with the ADAS to be tested. The usability of the implemented simulation platform was evaluated by means of an experiment related to the efficiency of a Traffic Light Assistant (TLA), showing the analysis of the answer that 80% of the participants were satisfied with the simulator and the TLA system implemented

    Work Zone Safety: Virtual Reality-Based Traffic Co-simulation Platform for Workforce Training and Pedestrian Behavior Analysis

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    First, an assessment was conducted to evaluate the suitability of VR in replicating reality and to compare worker behaviors in real-world and virtual environments. Second, an existing VR-based traffic co- simulation platform was enhanced by incorporating realistic worker and pedestrian behavior. This improvement allows for more accurate simulations of movement, including restrictions, tasks, and random movements. The platform also enables users to modify variables to adjust worker behavior. Finally, VR-based training modules were implemented and evaluated against traditional methods to enhance worker preparedness for hazards

    An investigation of interventions for the reduction of traffic-related air pollution at schools in England

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    Children are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of air pollution exposure due to their developing lungs and their greater respiratory rate than adults. The school commute presents a period of particular threat because children are exposed to higher levels of air pollution due to increased road traffic. This can lead to a range of health problems, including asthma, respiratory infections, and long-term lung damage. This research fills a gap in the literature by identifying relevant, effective interventions to reduce potential child exposure to harmful pollutants during the school commute, based on comprehensive academic reviews, stakeholder opinion, and dispersion modelling.This thesis aims to investigate interventions to reduce and mitigate potential child exposure to traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) in the vicinity of schools in England and on the school commute. A literature review was combined with the findings of a systematic review to determine suitable reduction and exposure mitigation interventions and to provide an academic basis for constructing a stakeholder survey distributed to English schools. The results of the survey were compiled by teacher and parent respondents. A geographical information system (GIS) was constructed to identify pollution levels at schools in England. Several highly polluted school environments were identified, and these were used as case study areas for dispersion modelling.A set of interventions, popular with the participants in the stakeholder survey and shown to be demonstrably effective by the literature, were applied to the school environments using dispersion modelling to determine their overall effectiveness. The GIS showed that urban environments throughout the UK had the most polluted schools. Schools in England were significantly more polluted than schools in other UK countries. London had a greater number of polluted schools than any other UK region. Dispersion modelling showed the greatest reductions from all selected interventions were found on travel routes rather than by school buildings. At all travel routes, dispersion modelling showed reductions of NO2 concentrations resulting from low emission zones (-15.85%), mode shifts to active travel (-12.97%), improved travel routes (-16.02%), ridesharing (-13.16%), and anti-idling (-8.27%).The investigation outcomes provided the basis for policy recommendations at the national, local authority, and parent/teacher levels. The recommendations centre on reducing TRAP in the vicinity of schools and on the school commute, emphasising improved monitoring, greater communication between stakeholder groups, and immediate action