39 research outputs found

    On the Provable Security of the Tweakable Even-Mansour Cipher Against Multi-Key and Related-Key Attacks

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    Cogliati et al. introduced the tweakable Even-Mansour cipher constructed from a single permutation and an almost-XOR-universal (AXU) family of hash functions with tweak and key schedule. Most of previous papers considered the security of the (iterated) tweakable Even-Mansour cipher in the single-key setting. In this paper, we focus on the security of the tweakable Even-Mansour cipher in the multi-key and related-key settings. We prove that the tweakable Even-Mansour cipher with related-key-AXU hash functions is secure against multi-key and related-key attacks, and derive a tight bound using H-coefficients technique, respectively. Our work is of high practical relevance because of rekey requirements and the inevitability of related keys in real-world implementations

    Identity-Based Format-Preserving Encryption

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    We introduce identity-based format-preserving encryption (IB-FPE) as a way to localize and limit the damage to format-preserving encryption (FPE) from key exposure. We give definitions, relations between them, generic attacks and two transforms of FPE schemes to IB-FPE schemes. As a special case, we introduce and cover identity-based tweakable blockciphers. We apply all this to analyze DFF, an FPE scheme proposed to NIST for standardization

    Building PRFs from TPRPs: Beyond the Block and the Tweak Length Bounds

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    A secure nn-bit tweakable block cipher (TBC) using tt-bit tweaks can be modeled as a tweakable uniform random permutation, where each tweak defines an independent random nn-bit permutation. When an input to this tweakable permutation is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure tt-bit random function. On the other hand, when a tweak is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure nn-bit random permutation, and it is well known that the sum of two random permutations is pseudorandom up to 2n2^n queries. A natural question is whether one can construct a pseudorandom function (PRF) beyond the block and the tweak length bounds using a small number of calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. As a positive answer to this question, we propose two PRF constructions based on tweakable permutations, dubbed XoTP1c\mathsf{XoTP1}_c and XoTP2c\mathsf{XoTP2}_c, respectively. Both constructions are parameterized by cc, giving a (t+n−c)(t+n-c)-to-nn bit PRF. When t<2nt<2n, XoTP1t2\mathsf{XoTP1}_{\frac{t}{2}} becomes an (n+t2)(n+\frac{t}{2})-to-nn bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+t22^{n+\frac{t}{2}} queries. XoTP2t3\mathsf{XoTP2}_{\frac{t}{3}} is even better, giving an (n+2t3)(n+\frac{2t}{3})-to-nn bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+2t32^{n+\frac{2t}{3}} queries, when t<3nt<3n. These PRFs provide security beyond the block and the tweak length bounds, making two calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. In order to prove the security of XoTP1\mathsf{XoTP1} and XoTP2\mathsf{XoTP2}, we firstly extend Mirror theory to q≫2nq \gg 2^n, where qq is the number of equations. From a practical point of view, our constructions can be used to construct TBC-based MAC finalization functions and CTR-type encryption modes with stronger provable security compared to existing schemes

    Toward a Fully Secure Authenticated Encryption Scheme From a Pseudorandom Permutation (Full Version)

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    In this paper, we propose a new block cipher-based authenticated encryption scheme, dubbed the Synthetic Counter with Masking~(SCM) mode. SCM follows the NSIV paradigm proposed by Peyrin and Seurin~(CRYPTO 2016), where a keyed hash function accepts a nonce N with associated data and a message, yielding an authentication tag T, and then the message is encrypted by a counter-like mode using both T and N. Here we move one step further by encrypting nonces; in the encryption part, the inputs to the block cipher are determined by T, counters, and an encrypted nonce, and all its outputs are also masked by an (additional) encrypted nonce, yielding keystream blocks. As a result, we obtain, for the first time, a block cipher-based authenticated encryption scheme of rate 1/2 that provides n-bit security with respect to the query complexity (ignoring the influence of message length) in the nonce-respecting setting, and at the same time guarantees graceful security degradation in the faulty nonce model, when the underlying n-bit block cipher is modeled as a secure pseudorandom permutation. Seen as a slight variant of GCM-SIV, SCM is also parallelizable and inverse-free, and its performance is still comparable to GCM-SIV

    Beyond Birthday Bound Secure MAC in Faulty Nonce Model

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    Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) is a popular mode for authenticated encryption (AE). Unfortunately, almost all designs following the EtM paradigm, including the AE suites for TLS, are vulnerable against nonce misuse. A single repetition of the nonce value reveals the hash key, leading to a universal forgery attack. There are only two authenticated encryption schemes following the EtM paradigm which can resist nonce misuse attacks, the GCM-RUP (CRYPTO-17) and the GCM/2+ (INSCRYPT-12). However, they are secure only up to the birthday bound in the nonce respecting setting, resulting in a restriction on the data limit for a single key. In this paper we show that nEHtM, a nonce-based variant of EHtM (FSE-10) constructed using a block cipher, has a beyond birthday bound (BBB) unforgeable security that gracefully degrades under nonce misuse. We combine nEHtM with the CENC (FSE-06) mode of encryption using the EtM paradigm to realize a nonce-based AE, CWC+. CWC+ is very close (requiring only a few more xor operations) to the CWC AE scheme (FSE-04) and it not only provides BBB security but also gracefully degrading security on nonce misuse

    Analysis Design & Applications of Cryptographic Building Blocks

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    This thesis deals with the basic design and rigorous analysis of cryptographic schemes and primitives, especially of authenticated encryption schemes, hash functions, and password-hashing schemes. In the last decade, security issues such as the PS3 jailbreak demonstrate that common security notions are rather restrictive, and it seems that they do not model the real world adequately. As a result, in the first part of this work, we introduce a less restrictive security model that is closer to reality. In this model it turned out that existing (on-line) authenticated encryption schemes cannot longer beconsidered secure, i.e. they can guarantee neither data privacy nor data integrity. Therefore, we present two novel authenticated encryption scheme, namely COFFE and McOE, which are not only secure in the standard model but also reasonably secure in our generalized security model, i.e. both preserve full data inegrity. In addition, McOE preserves a resonable level of data privacy. The second part of this thesis starts with proposing the hash function Twister-Pi, a revised version of the accepted SHA-3 candidate Twister. We not only fixed all known security issues of Twister, but also increased the overall soundness of our hash-function design. Furthermore, we present some fundamental groundwork in the area of password-hashing schemes. This research was mainly inspired by the medial omnipresence of password-leakage incidences. We show that the password-hashing scheme scrypt is vulnerable against cache-timing attacks due to the existence of a password-dependent memory-access pattern. Finally, we introduce Catena the first password-hashing scheme that is both memory-consuming and resistant against cache-timing attacks

    Building PRFs from TPRPs: Beyond the Block and the Tweak Length Bounds

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    A secure n-bit tweakable block cipher (TBC) using t-bit tweaks can be modeled as a tweakable uniform random permutation, where each tweak defines an independent random n-bit permutation. When an input to this tweakable permutation is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure t-bit random function. On the other hand, when a tweak is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure n-bit random permutation, and it is well known that the sum of two random permutations is pseudorandom up to 2n queries. A natural question is whether one can construct a pseudorandom function (PRF) beyond the block and the tweak length bounds using a small number of calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. A straightforward way of constructing a PRF from tweakable permutations is to xor the outputs from two tweakable permutations with c bits of the input to each permutation fixed. Using the multi-user security of the sum of two permutations, one can prove that the (t + n − c)-to-n bit PRF is secure up to 2n+c queries. In this paper, we propose a family of PRF constructions based on tweakable permutations, dubbed XoTPc, achieving stronger security than the straightforward construction. XoTPc is parameterized by c, giving a (t + n − c)-to-n bit PRF. When t < 3n and c = t/3 , XoTPt/3 becomes an (n + 2t/3 )-to-n bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+2t/3 queries. It provides security beyond the block and the tweak length bounds, making two calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. In order to prove the security of XoTPc, we extend Mirror theory to q ≫ 2n, where q is the number of equations. From a practical point of view, our construction can be used to construct TBC-based MAC finalization functions and CTR-type encryption modes with stronger provable security compared to existing schemes

    Multi-key Analysis of Tweakable Even-Mansour with Applications to Minalpher and OPP

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    The tweakable Even-Mansour construction generalizes the conventional Even-Mansour scheme through replacing round keys by strings derived from a master key and a tweak. Besides providing plenty of inherent variability, such a design builds a tweakable block cipher from some lower level primitive. In the present paper, we evaluate the multi-key security of TEM-1, one of the most commonly used one-round tweakable Even-Mansour schemes (formally introduced at CRYPTO 2015), which is constructed from a single n-bit permutation P and a function f(k, t) linear in k from some tweak space to {0, 1} n. Based on giant component theorem in random graph theory, we propose a collision-based multi-key attack on TEM-1 in the known-plaintext setting. Furthermore, inspired by the methodology of Fouque et al. presented at ASIACRYPT 2014, we devise a novel way of detecting collisions and eventually obtain a memory-efficient multi-key attack in the adaptive chosen-plaintext setting. As important applications, we utilize our techniques to analyze the authenticated encryption algorithms Minalpher (a second-round candidate of CAESAR) and OPP (proposed at EUROCRYPT 2016) in the multi-key setting. We describe knownplaintext attacks on Minalpher and OPP without nonce misuse, which enable us to recover almost all O(2n/3) independent masks by making O(2n/3) queries per key and costing O(22n/3) memory overall. After defining appropriate iterated functions and accordingly changing the mode of creating chains, we improve the basic blockwiseadaptive chosen-plaintext attack to make it also applicable for the nonce-respecting setting. While our attacks do not contradict the security proofs of Minalpher and OPP in the classical setting, nor pose an immediate threat to their uses, our results demonstrate their security margins in the multi-user setting should be carefully considered. We emphasize this is the very first third-party analysis on Minalpher and OPP